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How To Apply For A Visa From Pakistan In 3 Simple Steps

Updated on August 21, 2020

If you need to apply for a tourist, visit, or business visa, you have to complete 3 types of profiles. Before working on this, first, go through the rules and regulations of the country you want to visit.


Go to the embassy website and understand the visa application process. However, not everything written online is crystal clear. It may not be easy for everyone to understand the requirements needed to become qualified for a visa. Unfortunately, this is the reason visas are rejected for Pakistanis.


It is not a difficult process to apply for a visa. It is easy to do, especially if you understand the requirement. However, for novices, even filling out the application form may prove to be a big deal.

Once you have gone over the embassy's website, the next step is to prepare the 3 profiles.

There are 3 important steps for applying for a visa. These 3 steps are 3 profiles:

  1. Personal Profile
  2. Financial Profile
  3. Travel Profile

Personal Profile

This is all the personal information that you must provide to the embassy when applying for a visa. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Computerized/Machine-readable passport, which must be at least 6 months valid when applying for a visa.
  • Your identity card.

  • Passport size pictures. The requirements for the pictures such as size, background color, etc. can be found on the embassy website.

  • Marriage certificate, if you are married.

  • Children’s bay form, if children are traveling with you.

  • Best to have a Family Relationship Certificate from Nadra.

  • Medical Certificate. Check with the embassy if they have provided a list of doctors from whom the certificate can be obtained.

  • Police/Character certificate. Proof that you are a law-abiding citizen.

You would have to provide booking information about the hotel you will be staying in if asked by the embassy. If you are planning to stay with your relatives or friends, you may need to submit their personal information to the embassy (the details can be found on the embassy website), along with a letter of invitation.

Financial Profile

Proof that you will be able to support yourself when living or traveling aboard. If you are applying for a tourist visa, then you must provide proof of ties to your home country. Proof of ties to the home country is usually needed. In this way, the embassy knows that you will come back. For e.g, land, commercial or residential property, or any other source of income.

The financial profile includes but is not limited to:

  • Bank statement of your personal/current account or shared account or company account or savings account. The statements should be 3 months to 1 year, depending on the requirement.

  • Excluding the savings account, the bank statements for the rest of the accounts must be in geometric transactions. For eg, if you are getting a fixed salary, then it is obvious that your account will be credited with a fixed amount every month. If there is any extra amount credited then, you must provide some sort of proof, explaining from where did you get that money.

  • National Tax Number

  • Land, which includes agriculture, commercial, or residential. This serves as proof of ties to your country.

  • Source of income. This includes portfolio, passive, or earned income.

  • Portfolio income is income from investments such as real estate, dividends, royalties, and capital gains

  • Passive income is income from rental property, saving bonds, or income from any business activity in which you are not actively involved and are a sleeping partner.

  • Earned income is the salary which you get every month, a commission earned, or money generated from any small business. For earned income, if you are an employee, you would have to show your job certificate/appointment letter, salary slip, and leave certificate.

  • Account maintenance certificate. Issued by the bank and must be signed and stamped by the bank manager. The name on the certificate must match the name in the bank statement.

  • Business registration certificate.

  • Tax returns.

  • Assets eg vehicle, property, stock exchange, prize bonds, etc. These are supporting documents and must be added.

Travel Profile

Travel profile includes your travel history, places where you have traveled.
Travel history is important, it proves that a person has the means to travel. An impressive travel history will include Shengen, the US, and Canada.

These are the complete, basic steps that one must follow to obtain a visa. They are quite a lot, yes, but if one can complete all the 3 profiles, then there is a high chance of being granted a visa.


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