It's a Big Snow Day Again
Schools close due to extreme weather conditions!
Yes it is snowing, and yet again today more schools will close for some reason or another. For some it will be that the heating has failed, for others it is due to it not being safe for teachers or pupils to travel in and then there will be the few that say the school grounds are not appropriate and too slippery. Most will use these reasons with no regards for the parents and their children.
So why is it that in this day and age schools seem to close at the slightest bit of snow and bad weather? In my area we only have a couple of inches at the most in some places.
Is it really that teachers can not get in because the councils have not gritted roads appropriately (that’s another story) or is it that perhaps their child’s school has closed for some reason and they have to stay home to care for them? If this is the case then perhaps if more schools stayed open then more teachers would turn up for work!
Perhaps the heating has failed, and it is extremely cold in the schools. I am sure however that in the 1950’s it was also extremely cold in the schools, but they just wore extra layers to keep warm. Obviously the new generation of teachers, parents and pupils are not able to cope with this strategy.
Perhaps the pathways are a little bit slippery and therefore someone may slip and fall over. however I am sure that when I went to school, some few years ago now, they chucked grit on the paths to avoid this problem. Perhaps the schools are worried that too many people would sue them for broken bones and such injuries caused by slipping on the icy paths. Perhaps if again staff, parents and pupils wore appropriate footwear and not fashion accessories they wouldn’t slip and slide so much!
As a child in primary school I don’t recall my school ever closing for the snow, we used to have great fun out on the field building igloos and snowmen, seeing how far we could slide on the ice. All of the 7 teachers, assistant staff and cooks seemed to make it into our small village with little trouble. Admittedly 2 of them lived in the village, but our headmaster lived some 10 miles away and still he made it in via minor B roads.
I wonder perhaps if people have forgotten how to use their feet. It seems that these days if it is unsafe to drive then it is unsafe to leave the house. My mother tells me that when she was at school in the 1950’s they would walk some 3 miles in the snow to get their, not just one child but the whole road would walk together.
Perhaps it would pay us as a society to go back in time and stop relying on technology (gritter lorries and the like) so much and use our own commonsense, perhaps if people stopped blaming others for their own mishaps and incompetence schools and other places might just open more often during the bad weather.
Get your walking boot on and have a Happy Snow Day.