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Let's Visit the Wonders of Dubai

Updated on March 23, 2021
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John Bridges is a published author of history, and politics. His doctorate is in criminal justice. He's a fan of trivia and the Golden Girls

Skyline of Dubai


Dubai is one of the Arab Emirates bordering the hot desert region of Saudi Arabia. The country has invested much of its oil wealth into its infrastructure and diversification projects. For the moment it has become a prime travel destination for the rich and famous. It is also attracting many international businesses especially those focused on developing new technologies. It has become a haven for researchers hoping to collaborate with the brightest of the brightest. It is completely different than the image most people have of a Middle Eastern country.

Despite its small size, it has many technological accomplishments to amaze the modern world. The police force drive Lamborghinis, self-driving vehicles, flying hover-cycles. They even have some android officers on the force. The fire department has firefighters who are equipped with jetpacks. Tourists and citizens have access to autonomous flying taxi’s. This small county embraces technology to its fullest.

Dubai is home to the tallest building in the world; the Burj Khalifa. The building is a half mile tall and has 160 floors. It was originally named the Burj Dubai. Due to a funding shortage, the project was completed with an investment of King Khalifa of Abu Dhabi with the condition it be named after him. The building was featured in Mission Impossible 4 which had Tom Cruise perched on the spire and crawling on the exterior of the observation deck windows. Cruise insisted on doing his own stunts in this movie, or so it has been reported.

Ski Dubai

Skiing in the desert seems like an oxymoron, but it is a reality and popular activity in Dubai due to the world’s largest indoor ski slope. The park is located the Mall of the Emirates, one of the largest malls in the world. There are 5 runs of varying difficulties. It also features tobogganing, snowboarding, a zip line, a dual bobsled run and live penguins.

Guests need not drag appropriate clothing or equipment through the desert heat, as everything is available to rent at the park. The park is the size of 4 football fields. Prices are reasonable which also keeps the park popular and since the capacity is only 1500, tickets often sellout far in advance.

According to the Palm Dubai Hotel website, 2018, the Palm Dubai hotel offers amazing underwater suites. It offers an incomparable underwater living experience via its executive suites.

The underwater hotel suites give a view of The Ambassador Lagoon, the location of one of the largest aquariums in the world. The lagoon runs ten meters deep and is home to the Lost Chambers Aquarium where at least 65,000 marine animals are found. Guests can visit the lagoon free of charge, whenever they are staying at the hotel. Underwater suite guests also get complimentary access to the Aquaventure Waterpark, which is the largest water park in Dubai. The park is home to the world's largest water slide.

Staying at this Dubai underwater hotel also earns guest’s complimentary tickets to the futuristic Dolphin Bay, where they can swim or scuba dive with dolphins.

Dubai's Man-made Islands

According to Jennings, 2015, “In 2001, there was nothing off the coast of Dubai but warm, shallow gulf water. Then Nakheel, a local real estate conglomerate, dredged 3 billion cubic feet of sand from the seafloor and used GPS precision to shape it a 17-fronded palm tree. Seven million tons of mountain rock was piled around the island to form the crescent-shaped breakwater seven miles long, designed to protect the newborn island from waves and storms”. Even the smallest island took a decade to complete.

Construction on Palm Jumeirah, the first and smallest of the three projected Palm Islands, stretched years longer than anticipated, but today its "trunk" is a broad expanse of malls and luxury hotels. The 17 fronds are lined with McMansions—packed closer together than buyers were led to believe, likely due to rising costs on the project. A six-lane undersea tunnel connects the island to the beaches on the crescent, while the Middle East's first monorail runs the length of the island.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has made higher education a priority. He believes peace can be sustained through knowledge, understanding and shared learning. Dubai colleges and universities attracted the highest quality students from around the world. Dubai hosts many major international technology, science and education conferences.

The Palm Dubai-Underwater Suite


Dubai consistently ranks highly for safety and security, quality of education, quality of childcare services, quality of life and quality of health care. For tourists it is a great place to visit. For those choosing to move to Dubai, there are some quirky rules to keep in mind.

Alcohol may be consumed in Dubai, but citizens must obtain a license to drink. Punishment for alcohol related incidents are severe and there is a zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Public displays of affection are also prohibited, and modesty laws require men and women to be covered at least from shoulders to the knees. While women enjoy greater freedom than many other middle eastern countries, they require permission from their husband to buy a car, open a bank account or obtain a credit card.

Citizens enjoy a tax-free income but are required to pay housing costs for an entire year at before moving in. Likewise, school tuition is paid in full annually. If you must take out loans, be certain to pay them back on time. Nearly half of those incarcerated in Dubai are in jail for failure to pay bank loans.

Jennings, Ken. “The Real Story Behind Dubai's Palm Islands.” Condé Nast Traveler, Condé Nast Traveler, 5 Oct. 2015

Palm Dubai Hotel website, 2018

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Dr John Bridges


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