On Ravens
I am hardly so indecisive about what I want to say regarding a topic. I even thought about not writing anything on ravens but then, I told Mr. Spirit Whisperer I would and I keep my promises.
I am not sure why ravens have a bad reputation with some people. I think someone mentioned that they feed on dead things. So do we. Vultures, eagles, wolves … many of our animal cousins feed on carcasses. If your stomach can handle it, why not? It’s just survival.
One can think what they want of them. "The truth is rarely pure and never simple" or "Netti, Netti" (lol). I do think people should give them a chance and leave the stereotypes behind. These birds can teach and they can guide. Seeing them around is a good omen for me and for everyone else too (in my opinion).
I brought home a raven when I was about six or seven years old. In Romania they were everywhere, in the city too. Here in Toronto I don’t see them often. But ya, my parents gave me the weirdest look ever. My father mentioned something about them being dangerous. I have no clue what he was talking about. The bird was beautiful and it was hurt (that’s why I brought it home, although I was not quite sure how I was going to fix the one wing which was hanging downwards – obviously not functioning properly ) so, I picked it up and it didn’t struggle at all. I remember bringing it home, giving it water and wondering what I could feed it … The raven did not stay around the house for long because I convinced my father to take it to a veterinary the same afternoon; in a box of course, he was not going to hold it ...
Ravens and I have always been friends. I love these birds. The pure black is … I have no words: I love it. I even like their “craw-craw” – it’s awesome! I always smile when I see them and I saw them every day when I was on the road in Alberta and British Columbia. They were in good spirit and healthy – I am thankful for that. I always greed them and talk to them. I just love ravens (and crows as well)! That's all.