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Packing Checklist for a City Vacation

Updated on February 6, 2013
Heading to a big city on your next vacation? Follow a packing checklist to make sure you take everything you'll need.
Heading to a big city on your next vacation? Follow a packing checklist to make sure you take everything you'll need. | Source

What to Take on Your City Vacation

It's easy to push off packing for a vacation until the last minute, but then you end up throwing everything helter-skelter into your suitcase and inevitably either pack more than you need, or leave behind something important. Preparing to go on vacation will be less stressful if you plan ahead, and part of that planning is deciding what to pack.

Of course, what you pack depends on what kind of vacation you plan on taking--traveling to a resort in Hawaii will require a different set of items than traveling to a mountain ski lodge in Colorado or spending a week in a big city.

If your next vacation is in a city, packing will be a breeze with this checklist.

Are you packed for your vacation? A checklist helps you organize, so that you don't leave anything behind.
Are you packed for your vacation? A checklist helps you organize, so that you don't leave anything behind. | Source

Clothing Checklist for Your City Vacation

Packing clothing for a vacation can be daunting--you want to strike that perfect level between comfort and style, making sure you look great in pictures without spending a day being too cold, too hot, or too constricted by a certain outfit. Before you start packing, look up the city to which you will be traveling and see the range of temperatures and the type of weather you'll experience.

Hot Weather

  • Shorts or skirts
  • T-shirts or loose blouses in natural fabrics
  • Sunglasses
  • A hat, if you burn easily
  • Sundresses, if you are a woman
  • Appropriate undergarments
  • Socks, if you plan to wear tennis shoes
  • Walking shoes or sandals
  • If you're planning a night out on the town, a nice dress and heels for a woman; or a pair of slacks, shirt, and tie for a man.

Cold Weather

  • Sweaters
  • Jeans or cords
  • Socks
  • Walking shoes
  • A jacket
  • If you're planning a night out on the town, a nice dress and heels for a woman; or a pair of slacks, shirt, and tie for a man.

When choosing clothing for your trip to the city, also consider the types of places you'll be visiting. If you're traveling to Rome, it will be hot--but you'll likely be visiting religious monuments, and you won't be allowed in with short shorts, bare shoulders, or spaghetti straps. If you're traveling somewhere that's notorious for being dirty, you won't want to be wearing flip-flops. Do some research into the sights you'll be seeing, and tweak your wardrobe accordingly.

Tips for Packing a Suitcase

Packing all of your personal care items can help you avoid stress on vacation. Follow a list to make sure you've packed everything.
Packing all of your personal care items can help you avoid stress on vacation. Follow a list to make sure you've packed everything. | Source

Make Sure It's in Your Suitcase: Personal Care Checklist

There's little that's more irritating than arriving at your hotel on that first day of your vacation, and realizing you've behind your toothbrush, or your deodorant, or something difficult to replace, such as medication. When you're in a new city, you're not sure where the nearest drug store is, and you don't want to waste precious sight-seeing time finding one!

To avoid that scenario, be sure to follow the checklist below:

  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Mini mouthwash
  • Floss
  • Facewash
  • Moisturizer
  • SPF
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Hair product
  • Razor
  • Shaving cream
  • Makeup
  • Medication (prescriptions and items like aspirin, Tums, etc.)
  • Lotion

Remember that airline security will still enforce the 3 ounce rule, so be sure to put your personal products in your checked bag, or risk them being thrown away.

Miscellaneous Items for a City Vacation

Depending on your destination, be sure to pack these items as well:

  • Passport or visa
  • Moneybelt
  • Hair tools (hair dryer, straightener, etc.)
  • For long flights, a neck pillow
  • A Kindle, Nook, or book for entertainment while traveling
  • Phone charger
  • Nail clippers
  • List of emergency numbers
  • Guide book

Enjoying Your City Vacation

Once you've packed appropriately, you can prepare to enjoy your city vacation with no worries! A city vacation gives an entirely different experience than one in the countryside, on a mountain, or at a beach--you may not get in as much relaxation, but you're sure to see some great museums, learn some history, and soak in some culture. If all the hustle and bustle involved in a city getaway sounds daunting, consider some tips on how to enjoy a restful vacation.

Top American Vacation Cities

Chicago, IL:
Chicago, IL, USA

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New York City, New York:
New York, NY, USA

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San Francisco, California:
San Francisco, CA, USA

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Las Vegas, Nevada:
Las Vegas, NV, USA

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Orlando, Florida:
Orlando, FL, USA

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