Places I Want To Visit Before I Die
Mount Rushmore
Places I Want To Visit
I don’t get to travel much. Living on a teacher’s salary with an ailing husband doesn’t leave much money for luxuries such as traveling. But there are a few places I will visit before I die. I will start in Kansas – I will visit all of the wacky tourist traps we have here that I still haven’t seen – the biggest ball of twine, for instance. Then I will spread out from there – I’ve lived in many of the states in the southwest and have visited places I only used to dream about while there. So first I would travel north – through Nebraska and into South Dakota. I want to see a sight that everyone else in my family has seen, but I have yet to visit – Mount Rushmore.
First Stop - Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Mount Rushmore is a sight that every American should see at some point in their lives. It is within a day’s driving distance from me – if I begin my day early and end it late. I want to see the faces of four of our most favorite presidents – Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt – carved into the side of a mountain. I want to see the symbolism that each president represents – Washington, the birth of our country – Jefferson, the expansion of it – Lincoln, the preservation of it – and Roosevelt, the development of our country. I want to see the flags that surround the monument and see the visitors from around the world. I want to have my picture taken with those famous faces staring at me from the background.
My Imaginary Journey
Onward To Yellowstone National Park
On my imaginary trip, after I left Mount Rushmore, I would travel on to Yellowstone National Park. I would go through North Dakota and into Montana just to be able to say that I had traveled through those states, as well. I would begin my journey at the Northeast entrance in Cooke City, Montana and head west toward Mammoth Hot Springs. I want to see the ever-changing terraces of the springs. From there, I would head south and west to the West entrance. I want to just sneak into Idaho so that I can say that I have been there, too. Then I would head back east towards Old Faithful. I have heard so much about this awesome geyser that I want to see it in person for myself. After checking out some hiking trails, some wildlife and some of the lakes, I would head towards the South entrance and leave through Jackson, Wyoming – meeting the requirement for yet another state!
North To Alaska
Since I will already be in this part of the country, I will continue my make-believe drive to Alaska. By driving, I have the benefit of traveling through more states that I can cross off my list! As I leave Wyoming, I will head west toward Idaho (maybe I don’t have to sneak in during my Yellowstone trip?), then on to Oregon and North to Bellingham, Washington where my trip to Alaska will begin. I’ll take the Marine Highway Route, which will take me through British Columbia, Canada along the coast and into Alaska. Once in Alaska, I will visit the capital city of Juneau, as well as some of my favorite places I have heard about from television or books. Places like Ketchikan to see the totem poles, Fairbanks to see some gold-mining history, Prudhoe Bay through the infamous Haul Road, and any other place I may see along the way. I want to stop and watch the whales, go salmon fishing, take a flight on a small plane and just sit in the wilderness and see the wildlife. I want to meet the wonderful people of Alaska, and perhaps even buy a home there somewhere.
Ireland From Above
Then On To New York City
After my trip to Alaska, I will head back into the states. I will go back through Washington State, travel back through Canada, through North Dakota and Minnesota and into New York City. I want to see Broadway, Times Square and the Empire State Building. I want to go to Ground Zero and honor those killed in the awful attack on 9/11. I want to walk through Manhattan and the Bronx and Brooklyn. I want to be a part of the hustle and bustle that is New York City.
Next Stop, Washington, D.C.
After New York City it will be time to visit Washington, D.C. I want to visit the Vietnam War Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Memorial. I want to sit and watch the Reflection Pool and walk around the White House. I want to see the Capitol Building and see where the laws for our country are made. I want to see every monument and museum that is a part of this great city. Then it will be time to hop on an airplane for the next few places I want to see.
To The Land Down Under - Sydney, Australia
Ever since I was little, I have wanted to see Sydney, Australia. I guess that’s not exactly true. I have wanted to see any part of Australia. It started when my dad was still alive and he would talk about how he wanted to go and live in the Outback. He wanted to live where no one lived close to him and where he could raise his kids to live the way he wanted – from the land. After he passed away, I always said that I would go there for him. And someday, I will. I want to see everything there is to see in this island country.
Then to Venice, Italy
After a lengthy stay in Australia, I want to go check out the canals of Venice. I want to see the wonderful architecture of the buildings and the bridges and see the people. I want to relax on a gondola as I travel through the city.
Last Stops - Ireland and Scotland
My ancestors came from Ireland and Scotland, so of course I want to visit both of those places. Ireland would be first. Any place in Ireland. Any of the big cities or small towns or just the middle of nowhere. I want to go into a pub or anywhere and talk to the people. I want to see the lush, green countryside and the hills and everything in between.
I also want to see Scotland, for the same reasons I want to see Ireland. Again, any place will do. It doesn’t have to be any special place, just putting my feet onto any soil in Scotland. My husband’s family comes from Scotland and he has heard stories that he wants to check out. Places he wants to see, people he wants to see and talk to.
Well, that’s my imaginary journey to all of the places I want to visit before I die. I’m glad you followed along with me, and I hope you enjoyed the trip!