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Three Nights In the City of Rome

Updated on April 30, 2020
Tiarna Georghiou profile image

Tiarna loves to travel and explore new places all over the world. She writes about her travels on her website.

The Colosseum !
The Colosseum !

The city of Rome, Italy is rich with culture, history and beauty. I was lucky enough to spend four days in the incredible city and was constantly in awe of the sights that surrounded me. Rome was unlike anywhere else I have ever visited! While in Rome, I lived out my Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday dreams and tried to fully immerse myself in the incredible culture surrounding me.

I travelled most places by the city metro! It was extremely quick and super easy to use. However, the trains were so crowded, so do not expect to have any personal space! Also be aware of pick pocketers, as on my first day in Rome a lady unzipped my backpack on the metro! Luckily I had nothing important in it as I had all of my valuables in a pouch under my shirt, but it was still scary!

The Vatican!
The Vatican!

Vatican City

My first full day in Rome was spent exploring Vatican City. I did a four hour guided walking tour of the Vatican museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica. I definitely recommend having a tour guide, as I learnt so many things, and got a better understanding of all of the incredible things I was seeing. The Vatican was nothing short of spectacular! The entire walls and roof were covered in the most incredible artwork, and there were rooms with spectacular sculptures and tapestries.

The Sistine Chapel which is covered in Michael Angelo‘s paintings was surreal to experience. Michael Angelo took 4 years to paint the Chapel, and by the end he was almost blind from all of the paint dripping in his eyes! No photography is allowed and you must be silent while in the chapel which made my time there even more special. Vatican square is so beautiful. There were so many stunning views of St. Peter’s Basilica, and the charming streets were lovely to explore! Castel Sant’Angelo and the famous Bridge of Angels is also a close walk from Vatican City. The views from Castel Sant’Angelo were beautiful, and there is a lovely cafe at the top.

The Vatican!
The Vatican!
View from Castel Sant'Angelo
View from Castel Sant'Angelo

Trevi Fountain and Exploring the City

We did a walking tour of Rome which started from the Spagna Metro Station. Piazza Di Spagna is an extremely beautiful area, with lots of shops and cafes. It is home to the famous Spanish Steps and other famous Roman sights. The Spanish Steps is a beautiful photo spot with lovely views of the Piazza. From the Spanish Steps we walked to the Trevi Fountain. My excitement built as we got closer to the fountain and I could hear the rushing water! The Trevi Fountain is one of the highlights of my holiday in Rome. Despite the crowds of people swarming the fountain, It was absolutely stunning. I couldn't take my eyes off the magical structure! There is many gelato stores near the fountain which is wonderful.

My friend and I went to the nearest Gelato shop and asked for a small. The man 'couldn't' speak much english, so we told him the flavour we wanted and he gave us a HUGE cup of Gelato each with whipped cream and wafers and my friend and I just looked at each other and shrugged. The man proceeded to tell us that each gelato would be 6 euro each, which is equivalent to $10 AUD! It was absolutely delicious though! I definitely recommend visiting the fountain at night time as well. It is less crowded and looks absolutely stunning all lit up. We also walked to the Pantheon which is a marvellous former Roman Temple, and we spent some time at the stunning Piazza Navona. Piazza Navona was very picturesque; beautiful cafes and fountains surround you and I felt like I was in a dream!

We also spent some time exploring Campo de' Fiori which was nearby. There were markets there and lots of little shops and cafes to look at. It was a beautiful area to stop at for lunch, and I really felt the Italian culture shining through in the time I spent there.

Trevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain
Piazza Navona
Piazza Navona

The Colosseum and The Roman Forum

You can't visit Rome without a visit to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum! The Roman Forum was absolutely incredible to explore. I loved learning about all of the history surrounding the area, and what every building was used for etc. It is so hard to believe that people lived there over 2000 years ago.It was amazing to see how the people lived, and it was so much fun to imagine what life would have looked like back then. You are also able to see where Julius Caesar died which was fascinating. Palatine Hill is a great viewing point of the Roman Forum. You can also see the Colosseum in the distance! It was amazing to see the area from above. Admission to Palatine Hill is included in the ticket to visit the Roman Forum and the Colosseum.

The Colosseum was of course an awe-inspiring place to see. Over two thousand years ago, executions took place and gladiators and animals used to fight and die in the amphitheatre for people's entertainment. Our guide told us so many interesting facts and stories about the Colosseum and I learnt so many mind-blowing things while visiting! It was amazing to go to the Colosseum after seeing pictures of it my entire life. It did not fail to impress.

The Roman Forum
The Roman Forum

Other Highlights!

The other highlights of my time in Rome include a visit to the Catacombs of St. Callixtus which were absolutely fascinating. It was the underground ancient burial place of Christians, and you can walk through the dark tunnels and see all of the crypts, statues and carvings. It was a bit creepy down there!! But I learnt a lot and I definitely recommend visiting. Did you know that there are 20km of catacombs under Rome?! Amazing!

We also visited Pompeii and Herculaneum from Rome, which was a bit of a drive but an incredible place to go. They are cities that were completely buried in a Mt. Vesuvius eruption in 79CE. The cities have seen been excavated and you can see the remains of skeletons, artefacts, mosaics and even beds! Such an interesting place to see!

Piazza Navona
Piazza Navona

Rome is such an incredible city. And I cannot wait to go back someday and see what else Rome has to offer. I definitely recommend seeing all of the places I mentioned, as I loved them all. The city has a type of magic that affects everyone who visits, and I know that the city of Rome will stay with me for a very long time.

”Italy has changed. But Rome is Rome.” - Robert De Niro.

A video of my adventures in Italy!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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