What to Do With My Left Foot?
Four on the floor, Five speed blues
Good bye I said to my Honda CRX
A Speedy little vehicle without a doubt
For now, you see, you've become my "ex"
I've grown beyond you, I'm movin' you out
Five Speed manual, on the floor
I like the feeling of being in control
The 16 valve engine purred with a lion's roar
Low to the ground, "wider is better, we all know!
But, I'm trading you in for a bigger car
To move my stuff from here to there
It just can't be helped, the size you are
You can't compete, you can't compare
I've always driven "four on the floor"
But, wonder of wonders; these are no more!
Each time I start the motor
Buckle up and such
I find myself asking
Hey! Where is the clutch??
The ease of navigation in my new ride
The spacious interior; a large inside
Can transport the most hefty load
As I speedily make my way
Down the dusty road
Automatic, with sun roof, Sync and more
Electric seats, electric doors
This chariot glides with hardly a touch
But, Damn! I miss my stick shift so much!
Each time I start the motor
Buckle up and such
I find myself asking
Hey! Where is the clutch??
My left foot has no duty, no role, no part
I fear, this is breaking that poor foot's heart
'Cuz, these days, most cars have automatic transmissions
And for drivers like me, something
Is definitely missing
I stomp on the floor, no pedal is there
I'm pushing and pressen' nothin' but air
I guess this is just one for the books!
And all those other, useless left foots!!