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What I Love About Southern Georgia

Updated on October 30, 2020

Georgia History Dated "1732" When It Was Founded.

Just a little about the history of Georgia. The pre-Columbian meaning before European contact was of native American Indian. There were four such era's; Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian. The last were known as pyramid mound builders. Some of the sites still exist one being in Macon, GA --Ocmulgee National Monument. At the time of the European Colonization there were three main Indian cultures. They were the Cherokee and Muskogean speaking Creek and the Yamasee Indians occupying the Georgia region. A lot of the American Indian tribes were wiped out by diseases brought here by the Europeans. That is the thought of why they disappeared.

From 1735 to 1750 the policy for slavery was banned in Georgia for public policy. But, as greed usually does take over, the ban was lifted in 1749. The slave population grew from a 500 to over 18,000. The thinking was that the African people had the knowledge and the ability to transform the land into agricultural growing. They knew how to build dams, banks and irrigation systems. So, the Europeans took full advantage of the African peoples. Plus, the African people could tolerate the weather conditions in the area. Rice was a large staple food source, so that is what the plantations grew mostly.

There is a ton of history information on the Internet a lot of which is not so good. Much more than I want to put here. Like most of man's history there is a lot of ugly usually having to do with the political offices. Just giving a little for the purpose of this hub . I want to show the beauty of this southern state, so that is what I will concentrate on for the rest of the hub.

Old Georgia Courthouse

I included this picture to show the large trees in the landscape which is typical of most of Georgia.
I included this picture to show the large trees in the landscape which is typical of most of Georgia. | Source
Showing more of the beautiful trees in Georgia
Showing more of the beautiful trees in Georgia | Source
This small lake is very pretty. People come here to walk and fish.
This small lake is very pretty. People come here to walk and fish. | Source

Old Georgia buildings.

I like the way that Georgia utilizes their old buildings. They refurbish them, and the ones I've seen have been well cared for. The bank that I use had kept the old building and just refurbished it. You can see the quality in the workmanship in these old buildings. The court house here is one of such buildings. I included this picture to show the beautiful trees also kept in the upkeep of this old building and landscape.

The lake pictures show how Georgia, at least the areas that I know of, like to keep land natural for the animals that live in the area. There should be plenty of good air around with all the huge trees. Driving down a highway you will see tree groves that the state encourages, and will even pay a person to plant trees on their property. Then when the trees mature the person can sell the trees, and then replant again. I thought that was such a good thing for the state to provide. Maybe other states provide this service too I don't know maybe someone can comment here and let us know.

What do you think of Lakeland, GA?

Do you think that a visit to Lakeland, GA will be on your next vacation list?

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A town of murals in Georgia.

In the small town I live in a prominent lady who lives here brought in an artist to paint murals on the buildings. The artist painted portraits of the people who lived and worked in the town. Even giving a description of who the person was, and what they did for a living. Every year the town holds a tour that a person can take to view the murals and the historical importance.

There is a site called "Milltown Murals" Lakeland, Georgia's Historic Mural City. The site tells about Lakeland's history, and all the people who have made Lakeland to be the little beautiful city that it is. The story is that Lila was approached by the Garden Club to make Lanier County a more beautiful place. It was then launched, and they succeeded even winning awards with the project. The whole story is on the website.

I love living here in in this pretty little town. Still needs work, but is a growing community. The people are exceptionally nice and kind. This I noticed right away when we moved here that even the ones who work in the fast food restaurants are always kind and helpful. Most of the kids are really respectful too. Ready to help out if you need some help. Just to help too not even expecting anything in return. Wow, how often do you find that with this fast paced society, and people just trying to take care of themselves.

Go, and take a look at this site it is very simple and cute.

Milltown Murals in Georgia

These pictures are my own and may not be used without my permission.
These pictures are my own and may not be used without my permission. | Source
These pictures are my own and may not be used without my permission.
These pictures are my own and may not be used without my permission. | Source

Pictures of things that are at the market.

These pictures are my own and cannot be used without my permission.
These pictures are my own and cannot be used without my permission. | Source
These pictures are my own and cannot be used without my permission.
These pictures are my own and cannot be used without my permission. | Source
These pictures are my own and cannot be used without my permission.
These pictures are my own and cannot be used without my permission. | Source

Lakeland's Open Air Market

Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can see people on an empty lot located on one of the mainstreets. You can even find me there most weekends. This coming weekend is Labor day weekend and also the towns "Flatlanders Festival" will be going on. So, of course we will all be there. It is always a busy, and fun time for everyone. I will be taking my art and sitting with Nate who brings wonderful fruits and vegetables to sell. I might even bring some cookies.

There are flea market vendors that come there, and a plethora of different types of things. One brings jewelry, another brings odds and ends furniture. Some will bring clothes too.

One of the other hubber's wanted me to have someone take pictures of me while I was painting, but haven't gotten someone to take the picture yet. Maybe soon I will add that to this hub. I take my paints and I paint on things while I'm there. I am also going to have a paint on a dish. Where I will have the dish and paints, and someone can paint something on the dish for $10, and take the dish with them. I will tell them how to cure the dish so that the design will stay on for years even being able to wash the dish with warm soapy water.

But, the main attraction will be at the old school that they moved onto a piece of property that was made into a sort of community building. Another refurbished old building. This located in another part of town. There will be artists of all kinds, and other vendors with their goods.

Milltown Mural's is a unique attraction.

When your in the area why not stop in and check out the murals. They are quite old too, but the paint doesn't even seem faded. As of late I have found that Lila, in her 90's, brings the artist back to touch up the murals. Valdosta, GA is near by too, and a lot of other busy small towns. I think that you can stay very busy while visiting us.

You can even relax while your here. A chance to wind down from all the city hub that you might be used to.

Like I always say just have fun with what you do, and stay relaxed, your heart will thank you as well as your loved ones. :~)

One last photo of the roadside that runs along side Big River.

This is my photo and my not be used without my permission.
This is my photo and my not be used without my permission. | Source

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