What You Need To Live Comfortably On A Deserted Island
For the purposes of our article we would assume that you have unlimited funds or at the very least a very high amount of funds. The first thing I would suggest is choosing an island in the pacific one of at least several miles wide. Possibly sporting an inactive volcano with a fresh water stream flowing down the side.
Large enough that it could contain mammals for food such as wild boars, and other such creatures as well as attract larger seafaring birds to land. It should be rich in vegetation and fruit bearing trees as well. South Pacific is ideal as it would be free of temperate weather changes and you would not have to endure cold conditions at any point of the year.
A large hut built from strong bamboo and thick grass roofs with the floors raised from the ground about 4 - 5 feet should do. High enough from the ground to keep you away from wild animals, poisonous snakes and other harmful creatures on the ground. You should have windows that open like trap doors on each side but that can be fastened down very securely. This is primarily to protect you from pacific storms.
If you can have your home built away from the beach possibly part way up the incline to the volcano but still allowing you to view the beach. Have your structure connected to a a few solidly planted trees. Being at a higher elevation can ensure your home is not washed away or destroyed by a tsunami.
There are a few things that can make it feel like home. Electricity, Sewage/running water etc.
For electricity here are several options, again supposing we have unlimited funds and that some things we have brought to the island.
1) HYDRO-ELECTRIC TURBINE - At the waterfall coming off the mountain this option will provide the most power to your electrical generators.
2) WIND TURBINE - Place possible a dozen wind turbines (depending on the size of course at a very large size would probably only need one) this can produce the electricity you will need as well.
3) SOLAR POWER - Panels placed on the roof or any area where sunlight is good. This can produce quite a bit of electricity depending on the amount of solar panels you have. I would cover my large roof and possibly a big shed roof. that should suffice.
4) GEOTHERMAL POWER - Depending on the inactivity of the volcano it is possible to drill down into the earths surface far enough to harness geothermal energy and have it fed to your electrical generator. Also if geysers are present in the vicinity this could also be harnassed. But the first three options would probably be the most viable.
In the interest of backup sources I would have a mix of the above, possibly harness the stream, have several wind turbines and solar panels.
For water sewer keep in min as earlier you are at a little higher elevation than the beach. My suggestion is to create a large concrete tank higher up the slope that captures some of the water from the stream. run pipes down from the tank to your home and apply to toilets, sinks, etc. Farther down the slope away from your home you could do one of two things. Either have the waste water pipes run to a swamp (keeping in mind of course that what goes down the drain is natural) or you could set up a large sewage tank where it would empty and slowly allow the sewage to sink into the ground over time.
With the availability of electricity you can have air conditioning, stoves, computers, satellite TV, a satellite phone and if you have a internet satellite connection it would complete your setup. I would also recommend having a back up radio for communication just in case.