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Williamstown Beach: Where My Heart Takes Me

Updated on July 8, 2021
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Lawyer, Consultant & Politician: Expert in Overseas Education & Immigration Matters, Traveller & Blog writer

I took the title of this article from someone’s blog on Melbourne Experiences. Once again, my memories got refreshed, and I decided to share my impressions here. I visited Williamstown beach a few years back, but still, I feel it's a tale of yesterday. During my stay in Melbourne, it was my favourite place to spend time whenever I felt to relax my soul and mind. I have seen different moods of nature there, like colour-changing horizons, different shapes of clouds, and thundering waves. Quoting someone, I will say, The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea'.

View at Williamstown Beach at sun set time
View at Williamstown Beach at sun set time | Source

Williamstown beach is located where Yarra River enters Hobsons Bay and Port Phillip in the southwest of Melbourne. This beach was originally developed as an industrial port to serve the needs of those days, but now it is one of the beautiful beaches around Melbourne with scenic beauty.

Railway Station @ Williamstown
Railway Station @ Williamstown | Source
Night view of Railway Station @ Williamstown
Night view of Railway Station @ Williamstown | Source

Whether you live near or far from the ocean, river, or any lake, hearing the name of the beach makes you full of enthusiasm, and many things come to your mind. I heard one popular saying, ‘If you're lucky enough to be at the beach...then you're lucky enough’ Life and nature are always together on the beach. No matter how upset and down you feel, visiting the beach can make you full of life once again. In every drop of water and every blow of breeze, there is a story of life. All this is true for Williamstown beach as well.

Pleasant weather, clean water, and soft sand make this beach a nice place to spend time. In few words, I will say that this beach is a fantastic place to be there and, if you like, for immersing yourself in water with someone you really love. It will give you a wonderful life experience that you will never forget. A feeling of calmness invades your soul, and over time, it goes firmer and deeper in memories.

As a nature lover, here you will get all to make your visit a really memorable moment. Beach is around 550 m long, surrounded by water from three sides. The eastern shoreline consists of foreshore reserves dotted with piers, gardens, and remnants of Williamstown's maritime history.

If you are not interested in going out and swimming, there is a bar facing the beach, where you can sit and enjoy the sea view. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants as well, where you can enjoy coffee and other things. Ice cream and meal shops will make your trip really enjoyable. The Williamstown Swimming and Surf Life Saving Club, formed in 1922, is located at the western end next to the Baths.

Different Shades of Scenic Beauty @ Williamstown Beach

Pier @ Williamstown: You can feel ocean with open arms, taking full breath
Pier @ Williamstown: You can feel ocean with open arms, taking full breath | Source
You can plan long evening walks here
You can plan long evening walks here | Source
Feel bare foot walk. Sand is soft and cool
Feel bare foot walk. Sand is soft and cool | Source

During summers this place remains full of people of all ages enjoying swimming, relaxing in the sun on the sandy beach whereas during winter days people come here for a walk and enjoy calm and peace to relax their minds. During summer days you can see people there doing different fun activities. You can plan a picnic with your family and kids. You will find people making sandcastles, playing volleyball, collecting seashells, taking picture shots, relaxing on beach chairs, and making beach tents. Going for a picnic at Williamstown will make another day in paradise.

Summer days are full of fun activites
Summer days are full of fun activites
The Southgate stop and Yarra River Shuttle Ferry.
The Southgate stop and Yarra River Shuttle Ferry. | Source

Williamstown is a 30-minute train journey from Flinders Street Station, the last station on the Williamstown line. Railways station there has two platforms opening on opposite sides, and the beach is just a 5-minute walking distance away from the station.

I read somewhere that you can also reach Williamstown if you catch a ferry from Melbourne. I feel it would be a great journey passing through downtown Melbourne and Yarra River, finally changing to a broad shipping yard. Ferries from Melbourne's Southgate Arts & Leisure Precinct take approximately 1 hour.

I wish to have a ferry ride on my next trip to Melbourne. Be sure to make Williamstown beach your first place to visit when you are in Melbourne. I will end this article by saying that Williamstown beach has everything to refresh your mind, body, and spirit. Keep visiting this awesome place whenever you get time.

Map of Williamstown Beach (See yellow part)

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Jaspal Singh


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