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Our Visit To Anne Frank's House

Updated on October 9, 2014
Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam
Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam | Source

Anne Frank's House Was Definitely Worth The Visit

If you are contemplating a visit to Anne Frank's house during a trip to Amsterdam, I would highly recommend it. In the summer of 2009, my family had the opportunity to take a European cruise. We finished in Amsterdam and spent about a day and a half touring there. We managed to pack in a lot in that short time (much more than we planned or thought possible) and one of my absolute favorite visits was to Anne Frank's House.

Just in case you don't know, the Anne Frank House is now a museum which shares the story of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who, during the Second World War, lived in hiding with her family and friends in Amsterdam at the Prinsengracht.

Click here to buy this photographic print of Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam from

"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains." ~~ Anne Frank

Anne Frank House
Anne Frank House

Our Visit To Anne Frank's House

Because we did not know how much we were going to be able to do in one day, we did not make reservations to visit Anne Frank's House. RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED in the guidebooks and the books also say that having made reservations can save you a long wait in line.

We did manage to follow another recommendation that appeared in the guidebooks and that was to ARRIVE LATE IN THE DAY. While we did have to wait in line, the line up was not huge and the wait was not lengthy.

Once inside the building (which actually was a warehouse rather than a home), you proceed in a single line through the tight corridors and you do get to see much of the building including the rooms at the top where the Frank family and their friends lived. It was a moving visit, which was especially important to me, the only female member of our family and the only one who has read the Anne Frank books and seen some of myriad of Anne Frank movies.

Despite the fact that my teenagers (then 15 and 17) did not know a lot about Anne, they did know a bit about the history and there was plenty to keep their interest almost long enough for their mother to read almost everything in sight.

What I had not counted on was the amazing museum facility that has been added to the original building. It allowed much for information to be presented and it is in that space that we were privileged to see Anne's diary.

As Rick Steves' said in Europe Through The Back Door, "Even bah-humbug types, who are dragged in because it's raining and their wives read the diary, find themselves caught up in Anne's story."

The Anne Frank House on Video


Inside Anne Frank's House

A beautiful hardcover book by Hans Westra.

Inside Anne Frank's House: An Illustrated Journey Through Anne's World was published on the 75th anniversary of Anne Frank's birth and it was the first book that was issued in color which celebrated both Anne Frank and her famous house. The pictures are in black and white and share Anne's family and friends, the people who looked after them while they were secreted away and the house and the remaining items from Anne's time.


"This book transports you to Amsterdam to the Anne Frank House which has been a museum since 1960. You take a route through photographs and documents in the same order that viewers who are lucky enough to be able to visit the museum in person. You meet Anne Frank and her family from heart rending pictures beginning with a happy family to a family in hiding to their capture and the post-war lives of those lucky enough to survive. When I bought this book I expected to see photographs of the House but was unprepared to face their overall and cumulative impact. This book is shattering and essential. This book although expensive belongs in the home of everone. It still costs less than a trip to Amsterdam." ~~ R. Rockwell

Buy on

The Complete Story of Anne Frank - Anne Frank House CD

This CD-ROM, designed for adults and young people, will take you on a virtual tour of Anne Frank's life including her family, the House on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam, the Second World War and the family's hiding from the occupying forces. You use your mouse to guide yourself around and through the building. The main characters from Anne's life will be involved including Anne, her father (Otto), her mother (Edith), her sister (Margot) and more. It contains the stories of their lives with unique images and unique information which includes pictures and reports from eyewitnesses.

Anne Frank House CD - The Complete Story of Anne Frank
Anne Frank House CD - The Complete Story of Anne Frank
AMAZON CUSTOMER REVIEW: "I ordered this CD several years ago from the Ann Frank House museum in Amsterdam; it's fantastic. You will not be disappointed. The disk contains a lot, and I mean a lot, of information. And loads and loads of pictures. It is an interactive cd. There is so much stuff on it, you will never be able to find it all. I never did. ~~ David R. Martin The Anne Frank House CD is also available for Mac users by clicking right here.

You can visit the Anne Frank House on your own only and not part of an excursion because the house is too small for groups to visit.

Anne Frank's Amsterdam App

Anne Frank's Amsterdam App
Anne Frank's Amsterdam App

In 2012, the Anne Frank House released an app called Anne’s Amsterdam, for your iOS, Android and WP7 devices. Using this app, you can explore Amsterdam with an eye to the history of World War II. Included are personal stories, film and photographs.

Download your app for free by clicking right here.

© 2010 Treasures By Brenda


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