Buffalo Trace Park
A Day Trip to Palmyra, Indiana
While there are plenty of things to do in a large metropolitan area like Louisville, Kentucky, sometimes we just want to get away and have a day of simplicity and nature and peacefulness. Recently, that desire took us to Harrison County, Indiana, and a nice park in Palmyra. The day was filled with so much beauty, and I only wish I had the advanced photography skills to capture it as I was able to see it. Of course, there's nothing quite like being there anyway.
The flower bushes near the concession and pool house by the lake were blooming these amazing pink flowers. I took a lot of different shots of the flowers, but I really like the ones where I can see the texture of the petals and the fine differences in color. I don't know what to label it other than "Big, Beautiful Pink Flower" so I'll let the photo speak for itself.
It's a bird, it's a fish? - Upon arrival to Buffalo Trace Park
As we pulled into the park, I saw a water bird (I think a crane, and I asked others but never got a confirmed answer) just at the edge of the lake, so I asked my husband to pull over quickly and let me try to capture some quick pictures. I walked toward it slowly, trying not to scare it, and all of a sudden it started flapping like it was startled. I was hoping it wasn't from me, but I just started clicking pictures as quickly as I could before it ran out of view. In the midst of the picture taking, I realized it was flapping as it was fishing, and I was very happy to get this picture of the bird with the fish in its mouth.
If you click on the image, it will take you to the Harrison County Parks page for Buffalo Trace Park, or you can just copy and paste the following... http://www.harrisoncoparks.com/BTP.html
From the Docks
With water and clouds and sky...
I loved being the one to stay behind and take pictures of the guys out on the pedal boat. I was able to capture the lake (I love water), the trees, and the perfectly scattered clouds in a summer blue sky. I also liked watching other families getting their own pedal boats and trying to direct them as close to the water fountain as they could in an attempt to cool off a bit.
Pedal Boats
The reason we first headed to Buffalo Trace Park was to see if it was the same park my husband remembered his parents taking him to as a child. He doesn't think it was based on the year of the park's opening, but for old time's sake, he wanted to ride on the pedal boats. My nephew did most of the pedaling since it's a bit difficult for my husband after his hip replacement. Thank the Lord for the youth in our lives and that they love us enough to cater to our needs as we age.
Small Parks - Places I Like in Indiana and Kentucky
I love different, out-of-the-way, small, and sometimes even weird places that are overrun by too many people. I will add books here that I've found in some of the gift shops of the small places and parks where I've visited.
Doe and buck at the petting zoo in Buffalo Trace Park
Day Trips for Families - State Parks or Whatever Fits the Bill
I'll start with letting Amazon pick and see what they come up with.
More Photos from Our Day Trip to Buffalo Trace Park - In Palmyra, Indiana
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