WAA Youth Rec Sports and Travel Teams in Naperville and Aurora, IL
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WAA is a sports organization serving the youth in and around Aurora and Naperville, Illinois
The Wheatland Athletic Association is a non-profit parent volunteer sports-minded organization which provides youth rec and travel soccer, softball, baseball, and basketball programs to all residents of the Indian Prairie School District 204 community and the surrounding Naperville and Aurora, Illinois areas.
WAA was founded in 1977 to provide T-Ball for 60 children. Today over 15,000 kids participate in recreational programs and travel teams in soccer, softball, baseball, and basketball for children ages 5 - 18. The only Adult program available for WAA is indoor soccer and outdoor soccer.
The Wheatland philosophy is to progressively develop children's skills by offering programs for various age levels. As they develop, the children are taught the value of good sportsmanship and teamwork. Our intent is for the children to have FUN and to learn to enjoy the sport they play. Many of the WAA programs are recreational which provide a non-threatening and a positive experience for the children. Competitive leagues and travel teams are also available for the more skillful and experienced players.
WAA structures rec programs so they are geographically convenient to our residents by establishing teams and scheduling events in close proximity to the Aurora and Naperville neighborhoods and schools. Coaches attend clinics to develop and improve their knowledge and coaching skills. WAA relies on parent involvement which makes all of our sports a lot of fun for the entire family.
WAA offers the following programs each year:
- Recreational and Travel Soccer
- Fall and Spring Recreational Soccer
- Girl's and Boy's Traveling Soccer through Team Chicago
- Recreational Indoor Soccer
- Adult Soccer
- Samba Tots soccer for 18 month old toddlers to pre-school
- Recreational and Travel Basketball
- Recreation Summer Basketball for children in grades K-12
- Recreation Winter Basketball for children in grades K-12
- Competitive Basketball league for boys grades 2 - 8
- Wizards Travel Boys Basketball teams
- Samba Tots basketball for 18 month old toddlers to pre-school
- Recreation and Travel Baseball
- Recreational T-ball for boys and girls in Kindergarden
- Recreation Baseball Leagues for grades 1st thru 7th
- Competitive Minors Baseball for 9 and 10 year olds
- Competitive Majors Baseball for 11 and 12 year olds
- Competitive Ponies Baseball for 13 and 14 year olds
- Ducks Travel Boys Baseball teams
- Samba Tots baseball for 18 month old toddlers to pre-school
- Recreational and Travel Softball
- Recreation Softball Leagues for ages 6 thru 14
- Spikes Travel Girls Softball teams for U10 through U16.
For further information about Wheatland Athletic Association please call 630-978-2855 or check our website www.waasports.org. Our office is located at: 2323 Liberty Street, Aurora, IL 60502.
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What is an athletic association
Is it a substitue for a park district?
An athletic association is usually a non-profit organization that oversees sports competition among a specific group. The association is fulfilling a certain need in the community that is not being fulfilled through other means, such as a park district or other governmental body.
The Wheatland Athletic Association is for the community in and around Naperville and Aurora and has expanded to provide organized sporting activities for kids pre-k thru adult. WAA works with the Naperville Park District of Naperville Illinois and the Fox Valley Park District of Aurora to provide for all athletes living in the surrounding area.
Other famous Athletic Associations
Boston Athletic Association is a running club that organizes the Boston Marathon.
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a voluntary organization through which the nation's colleges and universities govern their athletics programs.
Team Chicago Travel Soccer Club
Travel soccer club serving Naperville, Aurora, Illinois and the surrounding area
The Team Chicago Soccer Club is the traveling soccer program for the Wheatland Athletic Association. Team Chicago is composed of 31 girls and boys traveling soccer teams from U6 to U18. Our travel teams play in the Northern Illinois Soccer League (NISL) and in the Illinois Women's Soccer League (IWSL). Team Chicago teams have had success at the state, regional, and national levels in both indoor and outdoor play.
WAA Recreational Soccer
Rec Soccer in Naperville and Aurora Illinois for Kindergarten, 1st thru 9th grades
Wheatland Athletic Association (WAA) Fall and Spring Recreational Soccer
program fields over 400 teams with over 2,500 participants in their Spring and Fall recreation soccer leagues for each season. The program is made up of boys and girls from kindergarten to 9th grade throughout Naperville, Aurora, and the surrounding area. Registration for the Spring is in January and for the Fall in June. Call the WAA office for more information: 630-978-2855.
Rec teams are formed by school and subdivision. If a player submits his/hers registration form on time (before the deadline) we attempt to place them on a team from their subdivision or school. We will do our best to honor any requests on registration forms however, we do not guarantee them. Requests and team placement are considered based on the date order received. All forms will be date stamped when received. Grades 7th-9th teams may be formed with a balance of grades in mind, thereby making special requests secondary to team formation.
Grades 1st thru 9th play a six-game spring season and an eight-game fall season. Our kindergarten program consists of a six-week schedule in the fall and spring. Soccer pictures are taken during the fall season only.
Kindergarteners will be assigned to one of four sites throughout the district. Each site will have approximately 10 teams with a maximum roster of 10 children and a trainer. The first three weeks, the child will learn soccer skills from the trainer. The final three weeks, the teams will play small-sided games an hour in duration.
Coaches' responsibilities include picking up equipment, rosters, and schedules at the beginning of the season. They then contact each player to let them know what team they are on; when and where practice and games will be. Each coach will attempt to be at all practices and games. Parents are expected to give positive encouragement to all of the players.
Volunteer coaches and assistant coaches are always needed!
Wheatland Wizards Travel Basketball
Travel basketball for boys in the Naperville, Aurora Illinois and surrounding areas
The Wheatland Wizards Travel Boys Basketball is the competitive regional traveling basketball program of the Wheatland Athletic Association which is based in the Naperville / Aurora area. Our club is committed to teaching the skills and fundamentals of basketball, developing character in young athletes and promoting a true love for the game. We offer a year round basketball program that includes highly qualified trainers and coaches.
WAA Recreational and Competitve Basketball
Rec basketball for kindergarten thru 12th grade boys and girls in Naperville, Aurora, Illinois and the surrounding area
WAA Recreational Basketball
Wheatland Athletic Association runs an Indoor Winter Recreational Winter Basketball league for boys and girls in grades K - 12. Registration begins in September and forms are distributed to children in the District 204 schools and some District 308 schools. You may also obtain a registration form online or come into the WAA office.
The primary emphasis of the program is to teach basic skills to all players and enhance the skills of the more experienced players. The program encourages player creativity in the development of both individual and team skills. WAA's goal is to create an atmosphere of fun and good sportsmanship for all players. Emphasis on only winning is not the purpose of our program. No standings are kept. All players participate equally. Coaches and player clinics are offered for both sessions. Our recreation program for grades 9th - 12th will NOT be open to high school team players
WAA Competitve Basketball
The Wheatland Athletic Association competitive basketball program is currently available for boys from 2nd to 8th grade level only. There will be 3 to 4 teams per level depending on grade. Each team will consist of an average of 9 players. The players will be drafted on a tryout process. All competitive teams will be involved in an end of the season tournament.
Wheatland Ducks Travel Baseball Club
Travel baseball program for boys in Naperville, Aurora, Illinois and the surrounding areas
The Wheatland Ducks Travel Baseball Club is one of the premier travel baseball programs in the state of Illinois. Travel teams range in age from 9-14. Boys in the Naperville, Aurora Illinois and the surrounding areas tryout and participate on the Ducks.
The club offers a year-round training program, and a 50-75 game spring/summer schedule, which begins in early April and concludes in late July. A significant part of the schedule includes regional, state, and national tournament play. The Ducks have represented the state of Illinois in Cooperstown, NY; Omaha, NE; and at numerous World Series and National Championship events.
Through the game of baseball, we try to instill in our young players a positive attitude, a sense of self responsibility, discipline and respect, and a strong work ethic. These principles are central as we strive to develop skills, teach solid baseball fundamentals, and prepare our athletes to be the very best they can be - both mentally and physically.
We emphasize having fun on the field, and stress class and sportsmanship in victory and defeat. Ducks travel teams seek out quality players and opponents and strive to become the best by competing with the best.
WAA Recreational and Competitve Baseball
Rec baseball and competitve baseball for kids in Naperville, Aurora, and the surrounding areas
WAA Recreational Baseball
WAA Recreational Baseball Leagues for grades 1st thru 7th
"A" Baseball is an introductory program for 2nd grade. Emphasis is on fundamentals of the game as players are shown the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Players pitch a maximum of 7 pitches to a batter, then coach comes in for 1 pitch if player is still at bat. Soft baseballs are used. There are strikeouts but no walks. 50' bases and 35' pitching distance. For further details on the baseball rules, please click on the link above. Teams are organized in Aurora Illinois and Naperville by neighborhoods whenever possible. Special requests to play with friends are considered, but not guaranteed.
"AA" Baseball is for 3rd grade. No tryouts are required. Emphasis is on fundamentals of the game as players are instructed on the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Players pitch the entire game. Regulation little league baseballs are introduced at this level. There are strikeouts and walks. 60' bases and 40' pitching distance. For further details on the baseball rules, please click on the link above. Teams are organized in Naperville and Aurora by neighborhoods whenever possible. Special requests to play with friends are considered, but not guaranteed.
"AAA" Baseball is a recreational program divided into two groups. One is for 4th-5th grades and one for 6th-7th grades. No tryouts are required. Emphasis is on fundamentals of the game as players are instructed on the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Any players that tried out for the competitive leagues, but do not make the draft, will be placed into one of these groups. A refund will be given for the cost difference from competitive to recreational prices. Players pitch the entire game, stealing is allowed. Regulation little league balls are used. 60' bases and 44' pitching distance. Teams are organized in Naperville and Aurora by neighborhoods whenever possible. Special requests to play with friends are considered whenever possible, but not guaranteed.
WAA Competitve Baseball
The Minors is a competitive baseball program for boys 9 and 10 years of age in Naperville, Aurora, and the surrounding area. A player must be within the age range on or before May 1, 2008 to tryout for this division. Highly competitive 8 year olds may try out for the Competitive Minors. Players are selected to teams using a tryout and draft process. Although the league is competitive, an emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of the game as players are instructed on the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Games are 6 innings long, players pitch the entire game and regulation baseballs are used. 60' bases and 44' pitching distance.
Majors Baseball is a selective, competitive baseball program for boys 11 to 12 years of age in the Naperville, Aurora Illinois and surrounding areas. A player must be within the age range on or before May 1, 2008 to tryout for this division. Highly competitive 10 year olds may try out for the Competitive Majors. The league currently consists of 8 teams, and each team has a roster of 13. There is a mid-season All-Star game and a championship tournament at the conclusion of the season in which all eight teams participate. Many of our teams are sponsored by local businesses. Although the league is competitive, an emphasis is still placed on fundamentals of the game as players are instructed on the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and good sportsmanship. Games are 7 innings long and players pitch for the entire 7 innings. An inning is over once 3 outs are made. Scores and standings are kept. 70' bases and 48' pitching distance.
Ponies is a competitive baseball program for players 13 and 14 years of age in the Naperville, Aurora, and surrounding area. A player must be within the age range on or before May 1, 2009 to tryout for this division. Each Pony team has a roster of 13 and will play approximately 24 games. 8 games will be played with the Aurora Pony Baseball League!! There is a mid-season All-Star game and a championship tournament at the conclusion of the season in which all eight teams participate. Many of our teams are sponsored by local businesses. Although the league is competitive, an emphasis is still placed on the fundamentals of the game as players are instructed on the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship.
Wheatland Spikes Travel Softball
Travel softball for girls from 1st grade to 12th grade in the Naperville, Aurora Illinois and surrounding areas
The Wheatland Spikes is a competitive Girls Fast Pitch Travel Softball program in the Naperville, Aurora Illinois, and surrounding area for players 7 - 18 years of age. Travel teams compete in the spring and summer and train indoors through the winter. We play between a 35 & 60 game schedule. Part of the schedule will include tournament play. The Spikes field travel teams at the 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 18U age levels.
We emphasize having fun on the field and stress class and sportsmanship in victory and defeat. We seek out quality players and opponents and strive to become the best we can be. Our vision is to become one of the premier softball programs in the Naperville and Aurora area and in Illinois over the next several years.
Through the game of softball, travel teams will instill in our players a positive attitude, a sense of self-responsibility, discipline, respect and a strong work ethic. These principles are central as we strive to develop skills, teach solid softball fundamentals, and prepare our athletes to be the best they can be - both mentally and physically.
WAA Recreational Softball
Rec softball for 1st thru 8th grade girls in the Naperville, Aurora Illinois, and surrounding areas
WAA Recreational Softball
WAA Recreational Softball Leagues for grades 1st thru 8th
1st & 2nd Grade softball is an introductory softball program. It is a natural transition from T-Ball. Emphasis will be on fundamentals of the game as players are shown the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Games are 6 innings long and players are rotated in and out every inning as well as shifted to different positions in the field. Coaches will pitch to their own team for the entire game. An inning is over once 4 runs are scored or 3 outs are made. The score will be kept, but standings will not be maintained. Rec teams are organized in Naperville and Aurora Illinois by neighborhoods whenever possible.
3rd & 4th Grade softball is an introductory softball program. Emphasis will be on fundamentals of the game as players are shown the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Games are 6 innings long and players are placed in a continuous batting order and positions are rotated every two innings. Players and coaches share pitching responsibilities according to the rules. An inning is over once 4 runs are scored or 3 outs are made. The score will be kept, but standings will not be maintained. Teams are organized in Naperville and Aurora by neighborhoods whenever possible.
5th & 6th Grade softball is a recreation fast pitch softball program. Emphasis will be on continuing to learn the fundamentals of the game, but more standard softball rules are introduced. Games are 6 innings long and players are placed in a continuous batting order and positions are rotated every two innings. An inning is over once 4 runs are scored or 3 outs are made. The score will be kept, but standings will not be maintained. Girls pitch most or all of the game. Rec teams are organized in Naperville and Aurora Illinois by neighborhoods whenever possible.
7th & 8th Grade softball is a recreation fast pitch softball program. Emphasis will be on the fundamentals of the game while preparing them to play at a higher level. Most standard softball rules are used. Games are 6 innings long and players are placed in a continuous batting order and positions are rotated every two innings. An inning is over once 4 runs are scored or 3 outs are made. The score will be kept, but standings will not be maintained. Rec teams are organized in Naperville and Aurora Illinois by neighborhoods whenever possible.