Make Money with Google AdSense on HubPages Part 1 (and Amazon too)
Money from Google comes from ad revenue. When someone clicks on your ad, you earn revenue. Amazon and eBay run affiliate programs, the affiliate program at Amazon is called Amazon Associates.
If you want eBay adverts on your hubs, you need to sign up with HubPages. Go to the earnings page and click on Get Started next to the eBay program.
Google’s minimum payment is $100, Amazon’s minimum payment is $10 if you live in the US, $100 everywhere else and HubPages’ minimum payment is $50. If you don’t reach the minimum payment in one month, the amount rolls over to the next month until you meet the payment threshold.
Amazon associates
To join Amazon Associates scroll to the bottom of an Amazon page. You have to have an email and password, but they can be the same as your regular Amazon account. When you have joined, Amazon adds a bar at the top of your Amazon page with all the Affiliate controls. The video below shows how you can upload a link to a book on your own web page. It also shows how you can add an Amazon link to FaceBook.
The video below shows how you can upload an Amazon link to a book on your own web page. It also shows how you can add an Amazon link to Facebook.
Google Adsense, Amazon and eBay Affiliates
The next video shows you how to put Amazon and eBay capsules in columns on HubPages. With the use of capsules on HubPages, the possibilities are endless. Play around, experiment and see what can be done.
Amazon and eBay Columns on HubPages
Add your URL to Google
When you have written an article, on HubPages or somewhere else, you need to let Google know that your article exists and you can do that with the following URL.
Google will find your article in time, but will find it sooner if you enter the URL on this webpage. The following video shows me uploading one of my articles to the Add Your URL to Google page.
Add URL to Google
Google Adsense
When you’ve written enough hubs, and I suggest around 10, then go to affiliate settings on HubPages or go to this URL and apply for Google Adsense. Google says it takes 2-3 weeks to be approved, but I’ve known it take as short as 2 hours and as long as 6 weeks. If you don’t hear from them immediately, just be patient.
Remember to read the terms and conditions and never click on your own Google ads.