Dear Mister AntiChrist
This is me, feeling crucified by Mister AntiKrist!
Dear Mister Arkwriter,
This message is an answer to your article Is Barack Hussein Obama the Antichrist of the End Time?
Let me start with a quote of yours:
"For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist." (2 Jn. 7)
I really do think you are a Great Deceiver. So should I say:
Dear Mister AntiKrist
Never mind the Google Ads here and let's listen to your Words of Wisdom:
"Is there such a person as the Antichrist in the End Time? Some have named Osama bin Laden in the past. He is now in hiding. Others have named Saddam Hussein. He is dead and buried. By the way, Obama rhymes with "Osama" and "Hussein" is the last name of the "Baghdad Butcher". They are both Muslims and types of the Antichrist. Many have named Barack Hussein Obama as the present day Antichrist! He was born a Muslim to a Muslim father and was raised as a Muslim by his step-father in Indonesia. He lied when he denied that he had ever been a Muslim."
Okay. So far, so good. Let's examine some other AntiChrist Candidates now. Let's take you for example, Mister Arkwriter - aka Minister Paul Wong. Your first name "Paul" rhymes with "Foul", like in
"Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air"
This being lines 11 and 12 spoken by the Three Witches in Act I, part i from "Macbeth", the cursed play written by William Shakespeare.
Many have named "Macbeth" as the AntiChrist, maybe because you both - you and Mr. Macbeth, I mean - are only distributing & promoting Lies, Fear and Hate... and are thus True Types of the AntiChrist.
I've lost my belief in your God, because of AntiChrist Types like you, Mister Antikrist. I've lost my belief because of these False Prophets like you, because of this Preachers & Teachers of Evil Holy Wars.
Jesus Christ tells us a story about Love. You're telling a story about Hate.
So I say to you as you say to Barack Hussein Obama:
You are the AntiChrist, Mr. Arkwriter! Your last name rhymes with "Wrong" and goes with "Kong", who is the King of a Jungle Without Jesus. He is all dead and gone now, this King Kong of a Jungle Without Jesus... but you have taken his place!
No, you won't deceive me, Mr. Wong!
"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666." (Rev. 13:18)
Well, I've made some calculations too...
The Number of the Name of the AntiChrist is 666, okay, that's fine with me.
And AntiChrist, that's 10 letters - but only in English and because of the CH. "Krist" (Kristos) = 5 letters. So, "AntiKrist" = 9 letters.
Now I ask you, how much letters are there in the Penname of Your Own Choice, Mister "A-R-K-W-R-I-T-E-R"?
Nine (9) letters, that's for sure! I've counted them all!
9 plus 9 makes 18, as is demonstrated in the video, naming Barack Hussein Obama as the AntiChrist.
And 18/3 = 6. Or: 6 + 6 + 6. Or: 666, the Number of the Beast!
Now take your Pseudonym "Arkwriter", Mister AntiKrist. A-R-K-W-R-I-T-E-R, that makes an equation with your real name, being A-N-T-I-K-R-I-S-T.
9 = 9! Count them up, and here you've got again your Number of the Beast, Mister AntiKrist, being 18/3 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 666!!!
Is this Holy Bullshit?
Yes, I think it is.
But, you see, Mister AntiKrist... I've only used your own words, your own learnings, your own absurd & ridiculous Method to Detect the One & Only Real AntiKrist.
And what's the result of my experiments with your teachings, Mister Arkwriter?
Well, Congratulations... The One & Only True AntiKrist is you, who are spreading the Evil Words of Hate & Fear, instead of a Message of Love & Hope, as brought to us by Barack Hussein Obama.
Sincerely (but not really Yours Truly)
Patrick Bernauw,
aka the Lost Dutchman
Post Scriptum
Maybe you have noticed there are 7 letters (a Holy Number) in my first name and 7 letters (again a Holy Number) in my last name. 7 + 7 makes 14... Hoorrrrraaaayyy! No AntiChrist here!
AntiChrist and
About the "Osama Obama Shotgun Pool, Maine", I wanted to ask you Mister AntiKrist: How Sick Can You Get?
- The "Osama Obama Shotgun Pool"...
is the name of a sign a store-owner in Standish, Maine, is alleged to have put in his window, encouraging customers to place bets on an assassination date for president-elect Barack Obama. If this is Christianity, I don't want to be a Christian!