Making Money From Google Adsense Traffic - Get Traffic On Amazon Associates
To make money on Hub Pages and earn money from Blogging people need to concentrate on two main areas - Google Adsense and Amazon Associates. Using both these systems will help you to earn from your writing, and use your Blogger Blog to provide free Back links to your Hubs. Some have speculated that Google and Amazon almost a licence to print money revenue? Although it takes time, income can increase from optimising our hubs with searchable keywords and tying the niche of the hub in with what the Amazon ads will display on the Hub also. How many people struggle to earn money online? And can you make money blogging?
Fact: Google Adsense and Amazon ads are available on Hub Pages.
Fact: Google Adsense and Amazon ads are available on
Fact: you can get a free Website on (which includes Google Adsense) and promote anything on it for free and link to anything you like. If you wanted to make money on the internet, why wouldn’t you have a free website like this? Weebly and Wordpress also offers high quality free websites and blogs. Remember the paid-for domains and hosted ones you choose to own can allow Adsense and other ads on them.
Making money with Adsense
I wrote this Hub originally as an answer to a call for help and assistance from friends. It was noted at the time that it would make a good hub, and so here it is. I will show you simple ways to make money – and the cost of putting these tips into effect is nothing. Apart from the cost of having the internet, these ideas let you make money with no money down. At college, at work, or making money at home, it’s all the same. Here you will learn to make money with Adsense.
First of all, let’s assume that you are the following. You have a Hub Pages account, and you have Hub Pages written, and you will write more. Hub Pages lets you put ads from Google Adsense, Amazon Ads, EBay ads, and Hubpages Ads on all your Hub Pages, provided the material you write suits the ads terms. I will deal with Google and Amazon in this hub.
I need to stress that whatever hubs you are writing - that you are writing good quality relevant content that people on Hub Pages genuinely WANT TO READ. The subject of your hubs should be topical and entertaining, evergreen subjects and especially useful in providing information. When you write Hubs that people really respond positively to - they will rate you up and want to read more again.
Let’s get to specifics here and also assume you are interested in earning income from your Hub Pages. So you are willing to add a blog to your output so that it will provide both back links to your hubs and also have Google Adsense and Amazon ads on the Blog, all earning you income while optimizing your presence on the web. Having Amazon products there on your Blog will allow you to have 2 incomes instead of just an Adsense income. Anyone using a Blogger blog is already doing this.
You need to be open to the idea that Social Networking sites like Facebook and Twitter can be a very useful tool for acquiring readers / viewers and directing traffic to a website, blog or Hub Page. (There are over 1.3 Billion users of Facebook in the world right now.) Facebook has a Google Page Rank of 10/10. It's the world's highest ranking Social Networking Website. Facebook has provided new features in Timeline and community or fan pages - so providing yet more Back linking possibilities for your Hub Pages for you. And Facebook is integrated in Apple iPads and mobile devices. This gives you more social reach with prospective ad revenues. Put your Hub presence on Facebook and watch traffic go to hubs. Having the ability to have ads on your pages with your content is great. Seeing those ads across many devices from laptop to mobile devices and mobile Phones is vital to this success.
Besides setting up Adsense on your hub pages - consider setting up a free website on or Wordpress, Blogger or any free website creator platforms. You want to market, promote, refer or perhaps even SELL something, your writing talent, hubs, articles, information, a hobby or interest or business or company. And for free, and with Google Adsense added again, and very configurable Adsense ads provided.
The fact that you can configure the size, shape, colour and location of your Google Adsense ads on sites by the likes of Weebly means that they can earn you maximum income. Hubpages places your ads in the same places. But on your own website or blog, you can move the ads around the pages. Naturally the website should have a good solid Niche, and should be a subject that people search the web for a lot. If it is popular, then you are off to a good start. Tying the function of the website into your Blog or Hub Pages will help even more.
Recipe of a good Hub
To be widely read, your writing and subject has to be good, relevant, topical, catchy, interesting and poignant. Making content evergreen means it is less likely to become stale or out of date. Your Hubs will benefit from appealing to readers from outside the Hub pages community. Look at the illustrations here. the more you have outsiders arriving at your Hubs and checking them out, the more Hub Pages as a community grows. Your high quality Hubs will attract interest from outside Hubs to come in and join the community.
Hubpages has now added a new set of features to hubs and out of date and lackluster writing will tend to become not followed by search engines. In case you haven't noticed, Google and Bing have changed the game of SEO by encrypting their search results, which means about 40% of searches are not provided for by them. So if some of the subjects you write about get no traffic - ask yourself why... and act. If you wonder why Adsense earnings are low, you must check everything in your hubs. Google Adsense won't be effective on poorly written hubs that get few readers or promotion. You have to continue to nurture hubs after they are "born" just like newborn babies.
Google Adsense Keywords tool will allow you to find Keywords that people search for on the internet. These are words that crop up in your Hubs. You are strongly advised to make sure that good quality popular Keywords appear throughout your Hubs - then your hubs will be showing up in Search Engines. Getting them seen by Engines is another item I will deal with here.
What percentage of your hubs are found as a result of searches? The answer is the more the better. You can never have too many links to your hubs from outside Hub Pages itself. However, don't have too many as your hubs or you will be panalised by Google. Making hubs easy to find has many rewards. The secret to Hub success is good relevant topics, good content written well, and linking.
This is important, but find a profitable niche to write about. Tie your Adsense ads to this niche, and in time it will earn for you. What topics are there? Try Finance, health, education, saving money, investment, narrow target channels in certain entertainment areas, social media, technology, online training... the list is so long.
What follows here below in the diagram is a simple system that I have used to create backlinks and get visitors and traffic to my Hubs. Some people call this a funnel, others use different names. The funnel should take and direct traffic from outside of Hub Pages back into your hub pages and send them to the relevant hubs. Music related hubs can have music articles written in a web page article, and could even have a music player that can play the music in question to readers and listeners. Or maybe videos for instructional hubs on subjects like Amazon Ads or Adsense or whatever your pet subject is. It becomes a focal point that eventually sends people to that hub or hub group. Group your hubs in Hub Pages and make sure they are keyword-findable, so searchers can zero in on them. learn how to monetize your content, so it earns for you.
The above diagram, while detailed, is by no means complete. I left out RSS feeds, memberships, banners, different kinds of links, and more ways to boost traffic to a blog and website that contains Google Adsense ads. I use this system to direct traffic from my Facebook pages, my blogger blog, twitter, Pinterest (and more) all in a funnel to my hub pages, where I post hubs but which keeps my hub constant, brings new traffic from outside of hub pages into the hub pages universe, and straight to my hubs. And the good news is - you can improve on this if you want to. You can never have enough links to your Hubs. Links = Traffic = readers = income + high ratings.
But that is only part of it. All traffic looks better to Google Search Engines and Bots (which search and index the net) if it looks “organic” or natural.
Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook serve a valuable free use as generators of people or readers / customers - who for whatever reason, will congregate and eventually follow my many laid out links here to the hubs I write. Hubpages has provided buttons for these popular social media for you. These have had a big affect on bringing new traffic to Hubs Pages. As you add more pages and promote and announce your Hubs on them and add their links, you get more people checking them out. Everyone on Twitter is trying to sell someone something. be careful of your Adsense earnings and make sure not to over-promote pages with Adsense ads on them.
Here are 2 more things you need to know, which will boost things for you a lot.
Find this
website submission service which is totally free, (though there is a pro
version you can op for if you like) and submit
all your sites and blogs to it, you can submit 5 at a time as I found out. It will submit your url on to 350
different search engines – this includes the Top Ones. The free version of
Submit Express works very nice indeed! Cheeky Girl has used it many times and I always get excellent results.
So what about Youtube? Youtube is free to join up to and it takes little effort to create videos to help get your message, story, article, product, point or Hub across. Clickbank is a separate area which is like Amazon, in that it allows you to sell items and make a commission on their eventual sale. You don’t have to make or produce the goods, just sell them for others through Clickbank. It is another money maker and it takes time and patience. But these are real ways to make money over time. (I have dealt with Clickbank separately in another hub.) Amazon works in a similar fashion, and is available to all hubbers here, and it's selection of things to advertise is enormous.
There are sites such as “SheToldMe” and “Delicious” which are further Google-adsense compatible ways of making income and backlinking to your hubs. Another free way to freely promote yourself is to set up a Digg account (free) and include your best or all hubs. Also promote your other sites / blogs. The same thing can be done by freely registering a StumbleUpon account (also free) and this can be used by you to stumble your own sites and hubs, and they will be read by even more people, thus pumping up your stats. Article Directories are another way to promote your writing, and there are many on the web to choose from.
I have found Blogger and Wordpress to be a very effective platform for my own personal websites and blogs, and for the value of the Google Adsense it offers, which is highly configurable. There are other website providers also.
Using Amazon capsules to create ads on your hub pages is another good way to generate income. By setting up an Amazon Associates or Affiliates account (for free), you can use this to set up and have adverts on a Blogger Blog. You might be surprised by the choice of items available, there are many. And you can choose where you want them to appear. Amazon is one of the best ways to make money on the net that I know of. Anyone can do this freely.
When you activate Amazon Associate accounts in Blogger, you can even have suggestions made to you as to what products might suit the blog you write! They will usually appear on the right side border where other ads appear, depending on what layout you have. Now people who blog with this platform can earn income from Amazon ads shown there. The more you blog, the more you can potentially earn. It’s up to you. And this compliments Hub Pages earnings nicely.
I hope this has been of some use to people setting out to earn cash from Hubs and the ads that appear on them. I will return to Adsense again in a future hub. Good luck with your hubs in Hub Pages.
Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012 Cheeky Girl. All rights reserved.
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