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What are you an expert at?

Writing with Authority

Hubs are the perfect place to share your expertise

With the recent Google Panda updates,  many are speculating that Google cares more than ever about author expertise, and that Google has also gotten better at identifying it. One of the things this means for us as Hubbers is that it's a great time to let our expertise shine. Here are a few tips for writing Hubs that demonstrate authority and show that you're an expert on your subject:

  1. Write on subjects you have personal experience with. If you've never knitted a sweater in your life, you probably don't want to write a how-to Hub on knitting sweaters. However, if you are the vice president of your local knitting club, you are the perfect person to give advice, instruction, and helpful tips to other knitters. Include personal details. What mistakes did you make while knitting your own first sweater? How many years have you been knitting? Do you keep your own sweaters or give them as gifts? If you don't have anything personal to share about a Hub's subject, you may want to consider writing about a different topic.
  2. Write about your professional experience. You may not find your day job glamorous or exciting, but it contains a wealth of information for potential Hubs. Share your advice on how other waitresses can keep from getting sore feet on the job. Offer tips on how to look cute in a Best Buy uniform. Share your favorite software and apps for accountants that make your job easier. Tell new hires what to expect from an average day of catering. You've got so much expert information to offer!
  3. Write about your degree or certification. Do you have any college experience? High school diploma? Vocational training? Other certifications (like a scuba diving certification or CPR training)? These are perfect for writing Hubs that show off your expert opinion. Shoot for Hubs like "What's It Like Being an English Major in College?" or "Is It Hard to Get CPR Certified?" or "What Kinds of Jobs Can I Get Without a High School Diploma?" Don't be afraid to get specific. You may be surprised at how many people want to know what university Greek life was like in the 1980s or the types of personalities one can expect to meet in a PhD program.

Christy Kirwan
Editor & Web Content Manager

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Pro Tips

Am I an expert?

How to Tell If You Are an Authority

Writing about subjects you are an expert on is all well and good, but what if you're not sure whether or not your experience makes you an expert? Here are a few questions to ask yourself to get a better idea. You can also ask a friend or family member how they would rate you based on these questions for a second opinion:

  • Do I have an in-depth knowledge of this subject?
  • Do I often make mistakes when I discuss or explain this subject?
  • Do I have personal experience with this subject?
  • If I were a stranger, would I trust my credentials on this subject?
  • Would I be willing to cite myself as a source in an academic paper?
  • Am I a unique resource on this subject (or do all my facts and information come from the internet)?
  • If I were an editor, would I feature my Hub in a magazine about this subject?

For more tips on writing with authority, check out this great article:

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Christy Kirwan

      Arts and Design
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