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Network Site Spotlight: HobbyLark

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, autumn has begun to cool the air and paint the deciduous foliage with rich, warm shades of auburn and carnelian. With fall upon us and winter approaching from a healthy distance, it's the perfect time to dig into our favorite hobbies with renewed vigor. 

Some of us might gravitate toward indoor hobbies like building scale models, playing tabletop games, or reading comic books, while others might prefer to venture into the crisp outdoor air to enjoy pastimes like birding, metal detecting, or kite flying. Whatever your passion might be, fall is the perfect time to document it and share it with others.

HobbyLark is a place where hobbyists of all varieties can come together to read, write, learn, and explore mutual interests.

Dungeon master? Share some of your world-building strategies with other tabletop RPG enthusiasts. Birder? Document the species you see regularly in your city and create a guide for locals. Manga reader? Review the latest titles or create a list of the best manga that blend supernatural with sci-fi. In between hobbies? Head to HobbyLark and find the inspiration for your next obsession. 

If you're new to the site, here are a few fun articles to get you started: 

Don't forget to document your own hobbies and share your tips, insights, and strategies with the HobbyLark community. 

Pro Tips

How Long Should Your Article's Title Be?

An accurate, descriptive title can help readers find your article via search engines like Google, so it's important that your title accurately reflects your article's content and includes any important keywords readers might use in a search engine query about your topic.

That being said, titles that are too long are often truncated (cut off partway through) on Google's search result pages, so it's important to keep character count in mind. Google doesn't have a hard and fast character limit for titles, but as a general rule, it's a good idea to limit yourself to about 60 characters. 

While this tool can't perfectly predict where and how Google might cut off your title, it does provide a useful way to check whether your full title tag is likely to be visible in search results. Just paste your working title in, press enter, and take a look at the preview.  

Fresh Faces of HubPages

Rebecca Barnatt-Smith, From London, 6 Fans, 7 Hubs, Joined 4 months ago

Rebecca Barnatt-Smith

Rebecca is a London-based freelance writer with a passion for health and technology. Check out their articles about preventing digital eye strain in children and the application of virtual reality in healthcare on WeHaveKids and TurboFuture, respectively. 

The views and opinions expressed in this section
do not necessarily reflect those of HubPages.

  HubPages Fun Fact: Orthodontic braces were invented in the early 1800s.

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