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Money Making With No Capital

Updated on April 8, 2019

”Creating an Interactive eBook App for Kids”

The parents’ job is quite challenging. As a full time mom, I have learned how to balance taking care of my toddler while doing my other activities. Some of my hobbies and past time activities includes writing, making things like bags, accessories, cooking, surfing internet, and recently, creating graphics for my eBook. I find myself getting hooked on writing books and creating graphics for eBooks as it is interesting and useful in variety of ways.


Generating income is one of my goals in pursuing this area. Creating novels, documentaries, or any types of books online is not as easy as we think. That is why it requires perseverance and devotion to come up with a more interesting, appealing, and quality finished product for the market. However, our efforts do not end from creating one and expecting an outright profit in return, but we must also consider the real competition that we have to cope with in the process. How could we make our eBook more sellable? Are we hitting the right market? How do we promote our products? Who are the competition? What are their product’s strengths? These are just some of the questions that are vital to your marketing plan or strategy.


A full time mom can also establish a career at home, you just have to find the skills which you are good at and from there you can start building your own empire. If you do not have any knowledge about the project you are prospecting, then an online source would be a great source to explore and research. Another advantage is that you can have more time with your kids and can keep up the house at anytime. However, the downside will be less income at the beginning of the operation or exposure of your eBook unless you put up a substantial amount of funds for your advertising and have ample connections that could support you to climb up the ladder fast. Whatever the method of advertising you apply, just keep it in mind that there is no such thing as overnight fortune other than winning a lottery.


Another favorable opportunity working at home is that you will have no boss that frequently monitors you. You can invariably work by yourself with minor pressure and make decisions at your convenience. When I was working as a manager in one of the fast food chains here in the US, I recall once, proposing a suggestion to resolve some issues at the store. Unfortunately as a manager, my suggestion was not needed but instead got a sarcastic remark that such system they have had was an “idiot proof” plan and has already been proven and tested for a long time (If so, why are the same issues still common?). Furthermore, it is vital for a leader, a boss, or a chief to practice being radical in every decision and working independently was not an exemption. In my personal perspective from what I have learned from a business degree, a method that has been grasp for a longer time will be doomed for failure. Do your homework by doing research enable to keep up with the ever changing and fast competition in the market. Indeed, you own your time working at home yet, hard work and initiative are still the utmost fundamentals of success.


To reiterate, the start is quite tough with almost any form of enterprise and many conflicting issues that could possibly emerge will at some point, you will feel discouraged in developing your project before its launching. I have been in the same spot while creating an Interactive eBook App. Since I do not have the monetary resources to contract my work to a graphic artist, I decided to create it myself. High-end graphic tools such as Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Illustrator, and others are some of the great graphic tools to use but in my case, purchasing any of those materials is quite expensive. Therefore, I did a little research about open source materials that is free like Inkscape for graphics,Audacity for the narration, and Cocos2D for programming. My husband and I just created one for kids just recently now available on iTunes App Store entitled Potty Training Story. Seeing our own piece of work in the market is a greatly satisfying experience.

Sample Graphics

Title Page
Title Page


Descriptions and Images

I did not have any background experience in graphic design but I was able to create a masterpiece. It took me a week to do the graphics, forty-five minutes to an hour to formulate the concept of the story, and another week for my husband to develop the animation (while working full time job outside). But of course, it will only take less than a week if you will make it as your focus. Some of my graphic works are found below:

Descriptions of Potty Training Story

“Potty training story” is a story about a child’s potty training experience and her mother’s efforts in teaching her potty adventures. Potty training story is also a real adventure experienced by most children during their toddler age. It is a fun and interactive story that can be used by mothers and fathers for their toddler’s potty training adventures. With this new computer age, most children are highly influenced by our modern technology such as televisions, computers, phones, and other gadgets. Potty training story is an exciting eBook for a toddlers learning development. Both children and parents can enjoy this eBook.



Advertising or promoting the eBook represents a significant part of your success. For an independent neophyte developer like my husband and myself, product exposure is quite tough in the process considering the tight budget or no budget allocated for expensive advertisements. Our eBook is exclusively available on iTunes App Store for now. Some advertising tools I used are namely Twitter, Face Book, Blog, LinkedIn, and invest a bit of money on Website’s monthly fees (more or less $10/month) but it is optional . Another free source I have been using for my ads is You Tube. I came up with three versions of my eBooks’ video ads on You Tube. The first video is before the launching, the second is the product teaser, and third is the overview or summary of the video that includes enumerating the goal or purpose of the eBook and its features.

Tools used for making the video:

  • Windows Media Player
  • Garage Band (music background)
  • Audacity (narration)
  • Inkscape (graphics)

Target Market:

My eBook App is targeted to toddlers’ ages two years and above. However, Apple Company is rating 4+ for all the apps. This eBook App can be downloaded exclusively on iPhone, iPad, and iPod users worldwide.

Creating an interactive eBook for the App Store may require a lot of work, but with the free open source tools available online and the potential income you can earn would be a fulfilling reason to devote your time and effort to this venture.

Potty Training Story Ads

Potty Training Story Teaser


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