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Updated on June 28, 2011


I joined Hubpages about 21 months ago. At first, I didn’t come to hubpages to make money; I just came to explore my passion, which was writing of course, so I wasted around eleven months with no income on my hubs. I started off with any topic that I felt like discussing, I didn’t know the rule, neither did I know that I could make money with Adsense by publishing articles as hubs on hubpages, so I wasted almost six months. As the saying goes, at the end of every dark tunnel, there is a light, so I finally made money with AdSense in 9 months using one hub, is it not awesome?


For the first four months or so, I hardly knew my mission on hubpages as far as making money online is concerned, like I said earlier; I just came to share my opinion to the rest of the world through writing. After some time, I started reading different hubs that were published by different writers, thanks to the hubpages ‘hubtivity’ tab or capsule. With constant reading of other hubbers’ write ups through the ‘hubtivity’ page, my eyes began to open wide, so I started building interest on making money on the internet through what I was ignorantly doing, writing hubs. So if you have not joined already, you can click here to join the fastest but easy to catch making money online train.

I made few mistakes at the onset, and some of those mistakes probably turned into an advantage for me. A lot of reputable hubbers here would bear witness to what I am talking about, just wait a minute. But my mistakes might have brought me more adsense revenue, don’t conclude yet.

I made it with AdSense

you can make more money on hubpages



Before I mention the few mistakes that I did, I would like to warn you first not to try them, because they might work against you either, but there is no harm in trying, at least, many inventions came to being by trial and error, so you can try the mistakes if you so wish.

My mistake number one: too eager to go popular. At first, I didn’t care about popularity; I just stumbled upon hubpages through Google search engine, so I decided to share my opinion to the world through it. You may ask how come I became interested in being popular if that was not my initial goal. The answer to that question is another mistake that I made, which was an outcome of misunderstanding of the true meaning of the word, SEO: Search Engine Optimization.

After reading some few hubs on Search Engine Optimization, I misunderstood them, so I wanted to drive traffic to my hubs by all means, the outcome was unnecessary forum posts or what some reputable hubbers would call ranting. I became a nuisance on the forum; posting one controversial topic to another. In the process, I offended several people, so they started posting topics on the forum to describe my foolish attitude on hubpages, one of them came from the hubber, Blondepoet. Finally, I learnt my lesson, but it really helped me though.

Many of the hubbers became pissed off with me that they wanted to know who this bloody guy was, so they were either visiting my page or clicking on some of my low traffic hubs, thereby helping to increase my hub traffic and page ranking. Be warned; traffic from hubbers contribute less to your Google Search Engine Ranking and I probably they did get me web traffic.

This very mistake made me more eager to learn, so that I can earn money like some of the hubbers who wrote about their success in making money on hub pages. From time to time, I posted help me posts on the “Need Question Ask Here” tab on hubpages forum, and hubbers responded with loads of informative answers, which really helped me a lot to maximize AdSense revenue. You too can make a proper use of the forum it helps a lot.

i made it through adsense and ebook

My Success with AdSense and Ebook sales

Unlike most successful hubbers here on hub pages that made money using the several making money online tools; Google AdSense, Ebay and Amazon affiliate programs, kontera etc, I made mine solely from Google pay per click program called, Adsenseand more from selling eBook which I learnt here too. The reason for my failure to make money with Ebay and Amazon can be traced back to my country of origin, which was not allowed to open a paypal account for a reason that is beyond my understanding. Thanks to Google for not banning us from using AdSense too.

In the process of trying to increase my AdSense revenue, I discovered a lot of tricks which really

Helped me, and are still helping me, which I would love to share with you, for the benefit of those wishing

to earn more with AdSense. Some of these tricks, I call them, Adsense tips, and they can be summarized in five distinct headings:

Google AdSense Tips

(1.) pick up a keyword or phrase, research it using Google Adwords keyword estimator tool, to know if it is a

high CPC keyword or phrase, if it passes your test of high CPC and search engine result, proceed to the next step.

(2.) Start writing your hub, but make sure the hub’s title contains the researched

Keyword, and in the first paragraph of your hub, then blend a revised form of the keyword throughout the hub.

(3.) Do not add too many pictures, links, ads (amazon, ebay, etc) on the hub

(4.) Do your SEO magic

(5.) Work on your ads CTR to increase it above 5%

To view a more comprehensive detail of how to achieve all these and to learn other wonderful tricks like writing articles with high paying keywords that triggers high CPC ads to maximize your AdSense revenue within a short time, check here.

My success with AdSense owes tribute to hubpages alone, and the tribute also goes to one hub, How to know if a man truly loves you, this hub generated around 95% of my AdSense Earnings as at the time of writing this hub. So I would rather say that one hub made me €150 in less than 10 months as a beginner back then.

That same hub triggered me to write my first ever eBook, which was published on It was titled: Secret Exposure for Single Ladies This very eBook made me more money than I expected, and as I am writing this hub, a publisher is working to put it into a hardcover book that will be sold not just in my country alone, but in most countries of the world by 2011.

If you check on the picture above, you will see a screen shot of my eBook’s About the Author page.

A Screen Shot of My AdSense Account Report

Points to take home

If you are still wondering the secrets of how I made €150+ on AdSenseusing on hub on hubpages alone, and how I made $1000+ on eBook published on, relax, I shall tell you one after the other, if I have not earlier mentioned some of the vital points.

I must cease this opportunity to let you know that maximizing AdSense revenue with hubpages or with any other article publishing platform, involves writing good and original content articles with high paying CPC keywords or phrase, this is number one point. Writing what people are desperate to read about or what people are searching for on search engines, this is a very crucial point if you wish to succeed in making money online through Google AdSense. I would also suggest that you write on topics you are good at discussing, though many other expert hubbers may disagree to this, but I promise you won’t regret if you make proper use of your SEO techniques, social bookmarking and Google keyword research tool.

Finally, if you want to build organic backlinks and traffic to your hubs, do not ignore readers’ comments, this is very vital. Some of your readers may from time to time post questions in the form of comments on your hubs, try as much as you can to respond to their comments as soon as possible, it will keep them coming back to solve their problems, which is the purpose you wrote the hub if I am guessing right.

I have used this very technique to build a strong name for my hubs, especially the one I mentioned earlier which owe tribute to my €150+ AdSense earnings. Click here to take a look at the hub and please read the comment capsule to see what I am talking about. This very hub has served as an advisory center or solution house for ladies seeking help in their relationships.

Finally, you can’t make money with hubpages by just writing hubs and abandoning them, you need to water them like a gardener waters the plants in his garden, until they are mature enough to survive on their own, though you will keep watering them, but at a reduced rate. What do I mean by this? You need to carry out some internet advertising to get more visitors to read your hubs there are a lot of free ways to achieve this: social bookmarking, word of mouth, networking, google advertising, decent forum posting, etc.

You also need to visit other people’s hubs, articles, blogs, drop them good and encouraging comments, participate in forums relating to your hub topic, you can create a lot of traffic by dropping your hub url in such forums, but don’t abuse the forum rules, read their terms before posting anything. Make more friends on facebook for the sake of networking, share your hubs link on your facebook wall or status and also on your friends’ wall, if you have not yet opened a facebook account, try and get one.

To learn more about getting more targeted internet traffic to your site, check this article, you will be glad to discover some secrets you hardly knew in the past.

One of the things that I love about hub pagesand AdSenseis the fact that they give you an equal opportunity to make money online no matter the country you come from; first world or fourth world country, you have equal opportunities to make $1000+ per month if you work hard towards that goal. Thank you to hub pages and Google Adsense, I love you guys!

Want to break AdSense Record? What this video.


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