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How I get my Hub Ideas Part 1

Updated on July 10, 2011

They say that some things are 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. Why not throw a little dedication, insulation and refrigeration in too. Being ridiculous, writing ridiculous, smelling ridiculous... well, maybe not - these are things that help me to have ideas to write hubs.

I'll try to be clearer. Look around you, look at objects and see if they have a story. See that rubix cube? Do you have a history playing one? Do you know how to solve it? Hub it. See that RISK game? Do you know how to play it? Have you had fun playing it? Do you know the rules? Have you ever had a tournament? Hub it. See that cat? How long have you had it? What do you know about the species of cat you have? Does having this cat tell you anything about being a pet owner? Do you have advice to give to other pet owners? Does having this cat make you think of leopards, tigers, lions, cougars or tarantulas? Do some research about only one of these things, then hub it.

Okay, stop looking around you now. Instead, look inside you. What is a memory you have of something that happened when you were 11 years old that taught you a lesson? Maybe you played a sport, was in a band, liked to dance or listened to music. Maybe you were a class clown, maybe you played chess, maybe you climbed trees. Pick only one, say what good it did for you in your life now, hub it.

Look inside you again, look a little deeper this time, what is something you are passionate about, or, if you are like me who hasn't a lot of passion, look at a lesser used thought, something that requires a bit of dusting, something that came from a profound conversation. Ask yourself some questions like, who am I? What purpose do I have in this world with respect to specific individual people? Recall past conversations that you may have had late at night with friends that covered astronomically inclined topics - what did you talk about? Was any of it enlightened? Did it spark dreams that are as yet unfulfilled? Break into smaller chunks anything in this paragraph that brings back a memory, see how that chunk may have helped you in your life, now hub it to help others. Look at other chunks from some of the questions you may have had long ago, or questions you still have today - do some research, see if anyone out there has attempted to answer your question, accumulate the results with your own impression, hub it.

Let's turn the page, now, turn to the next section in the newspaper, or any media. What is happening today? What happened yesterday? Read the news, watch the news, listen to the news. Don't write about the specific event, that won't be evergreen. Don't write about the specific person involved, unless your heart is really in it. Instead, find an aspect of a news story that really makes you feel something, be it disgust, deep respect, elation or something else. Now take that feeling from that news article, make the news article a general case that can be applied over and over, and let your feeling come through, show the disgust, respect or elation - then hub it.

Okay, get your nose out of the newspaper, now look at the people around you. Talk to them, or more importantly, listen to them. I mean it and will say it again: listen to them. Listen to the stories that people tell you, listen to the conversations that people have - what are they talking about? What are they interested in? What are they saying? Does any of it mean anything to you? Does any of it sound like advice that one person is giving another? Does any of it sound like a recommendation that one person is giving to another? Does any of it spark an idea about a hub? Does what people are saying make you feel something really strongly? Try to learn to recognize when that happens and take a note of it. Then hub it.

I have a few more paragraphs of ideas to generate hub ideas in part 2 and part 3.


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