Why isn't Google ad sense working for me?

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  1. dontaytte profile image72
    dontaytteposted 11 years ago

    Why isn't Google ad sense working for me?

    How in the world do I use Google ad sense. I've been doing this for three months and all that have made is .01 but I'm getting more money from everywhere else. Do I need to do something special, put the ads on the pages my self or what.

  2. Doodlehead profile image48
    Doodleheadposted 11 years ago

    I wrote one hub in September 2011 and 12 more hubs starting in May of 2012.  To date I have not got even close to a dollar from Adsense.   I am putting right along on Hubpages, but Adsense is nonsense for me.

  3. LindaSmith1 profile image61
    LindaSmith1posted 11 years ago

    Forget about making big bucks with Adsense.

  4. profile image0
    Domenick Dicceposted 11 years ago

    AdSense does not really pay off unless somebody clicks on the ad being displayed.

    Different ads pay different amounts based on how much the company paid to have their ad placed. For example, online education ads have a higher search rate and advertisers have to pay more to have their ads displayed but Star Wars Lego is low and companies to do not have to pay as much.  You get a percentage of what the company paid if the ad is clicked.

    I have made money through clicks but it is rare and inconsistent. You need to generate a large number of page views per day before your odds go up.

    The internet is a numbers game.  The  more people you get the better chance somebody will click on an advertisement link. 

    I have noticed HubPages and Google Adsense do not match well.

  5. john000 profile image93
    john000posted 11 years ago

    Some of the comments indicating that you need to understand you have little control over the ads from Google may be true.
    If you think about it, placement of ads from Adsense is a contest. Not only is the type of placement a contest (you really can't predict what kind of ad is placed unless you eliminate all categories of ads but 1!), but I have a feeling the crawler continues to look for different things based on a rapidly modified algorithm. Perhaps the crawler reports back and the algorithm does the "dirty work" - I am not a swell-enough computer dude to really understand.
    What  you are frustrated by is something I think most Hubbers are experiencing. I seem to average about 4 cents a day, if that. Periodically, I get a click and then I jump to, perhaps, anywhere from 6 cents to $1.50. But I figure that happens once a month at the best. I think the key is not to dislike Adsense (because there are a lot of people making big bucks from it - that's why it is so popular), but understand it for what it is. Then you can make money from that "epiphany".

    Google wants to maximize its profits. That's fair - it's a business! As they get bigger (it seems they never stop getting bigger) they put more conditions on where and what they attach to your articles as far as ads.

    You can continue to have Adsense be one of your advertising choices in settings, or you can simply go with the HubPages Program. I feel confident you will make more money, but I am not sure what that increase would be. On the other hand, if you have articles all over the place (that have an Adsense connection), you could stick with it in hopes that the variety of your work/websites, etc will affect the algorithm in some miraculous way. Those of us who write must accept a degree of "blindness." Some of the people here are really good with computers and they may have insights stronger than mine, but that is how I have to look at it.
       I hang with Adsense and the HubProgram and watch the stats at Adsense in hopes that I can understand Adsense better.  Reading your comment is familiar and guidance is difficult to give. But one thing is for sure, unless someone clicks on an ad, you are looking at compensation from RPM dependent on views. That is always going to limit income. You are not alone.
    When someone comments on how to make money writing for Google, you can bet I too will be reading and paying close attention. Until then, I accept that Adsense is the whale and will struggle on. Hope this helps.

    1. dontaytte profile image72
      dontaytteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks. In my mind I know all of these things, but can not admit it to myself


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