Hubs Unfeatured for Lack of Traffic now Featured?

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  1. agilitymach profile image92
    agilitymachposted 10 years ago

    I had two book review hubs go unfeatured for lack of traffic about two weeks ago.  I wasn't angry.  It's a fact.  They don't get traffic.  I let them sit there because I didn't have time to think about what to do with them.

    Without me editing or touching them, they are now "featured."

    Is anyone else seeing hubs that were unfeatured due to low traffic featured again?  I'm back to 100 percent featured hubs. smile

    1. Cardisa profile image88
      Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I had two of mine that were unfeatured for a couple weeks. I was too lazy to do anything about them then I realized they are now featured and even getting a few views.

      1. agilitymach profile image92
        agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Ah.  So I'm not alone. smile

  2. brakel2 profile image73
    brakel2posted 10 years ago

    Yes. One unfeatured hub mysteriously became featured again.  Others have mentioned this occasionally.

    1. agilitymach profile image92
      agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm.  Maybe they'll go back to being unfeatured again soon.

  3. jeffreymaskel profile image66
    jeffreymaskelposted 10 years ago

    Very interesting.  I wonder if they are reviving some unfeatured hubs for a second chance.

  4. P Priyadarshana profile image79
    P Priyadarshanaposted 10 years ago

    Congratulations on that! Yes, I too realized this happens. Actually that keeps happening. Quality depends on what we do, and traffic we can't handle. You can try to make those hubs more social through social media, forums, etc. making sure that they will last that way...

    1. jeffreymaskel profile image66
      jeffreymaskelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. Social media has done well for me so far.  Although I have a long way to go. Just a newbie here.

    2. agilitymach profile image92
      agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I have a very large social media presence, but it's for my niche - which is dog agility - not book reviews. smile  I won't post my book review articles on social media, other than Pinterest, because my "fans" have liked my FB fan page for agility information - not book reviews.

      You are right though.  Social media is the best place to get traffic.  For these hubs, I just don't care whether they are featured or not.  I only wanted to know if others are seeing their hubs that were unfeatured for traffic refeatured too.

      Thanks though!!!  If I were looking for traffic for those hubs, this would be a great tip.

  5. SANJAY LAKHANPAL profile image83
    SANJAY LAKHANPALposted 10 years ago

    Yes, few of my hubs too have been unfeatured for the same reason.

    1. jeffreymaskel profile image66
      jeffreymaskelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think agilitymach is more interested in the fact that they when from unfeatured to featured all of the sudden without any edits.  Seems a little strange.  But maybe it will help some hubs pushed by the wayside.

      1. agilitymach profile image92
        agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  6. P Priyadarshana profile image79
    P Priyadarshanaposted 10 years ago

    Only thing I can imagine is the traffic. If agilitymach can analyze the analytic report, it may provide us some useful information behind this secret featuring event....

    1. jeffreymaskel profile image66
      jeffreymaskelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ah very goo point.

    2. agilitymach profile image92
      agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm.  When I have time, I will do that. smile

      1. jeffreymaskel profile image66
        jeffreymaskelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I will watch this post.  I'd be very interested to see your results.

  7. agilitymach profile image92
    agilitymachposted 10 years ago

    One problem is I cannot remember which two of my five book reviews was unfeatured for traffic.  I know the "Elfstones of Shannara" was.  This shows only a very slight increase in traffic of 2 hits in the last 24 hours and 3 hits in the last week.  One of these hits was me checking out the stats to attempt to see why it had been refeatured.  One of the other hits was a Google hit.  A drop in the virtual bucket.

    I cannot remember which of my other book reviews was unfeatured due to lack of traffic, but I think it was "Mistborn: The Well of Ascension."  This shows one hit today and two hits this week.  The stats do now show where the hits came from.

    I'm not at all sure a hit or two could cause a hub to get refeatured.  I'm not sure what the reason is...

    1. P Priyadarshana profile image79
      P Priyadarshanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What if there were NO HIT prior and so even one hit counts? How was the page rank for those hubs? With the related keywords? If you had high serps and even one hit can make a change I guess. Cause if the keywords have a smaller search capacity, making even one organic hit count, that can make a difference right? by the way, how was the traffic before? Before they got unfeatured? was it all Nil? This has made me curious....

      1. agilitymach profile image92
        agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The traffic was nil before going unfeatured for traffic.  I have no idea what the page rank was on these hubs, however the hit came when they were not featured, I believe. Therefore, their being re-featured would have nothing to do with a "Google" hit.  They were, after all, unfeatured.  I'm a bit tired, so I hope that makes sense. smile

        1. P Priyadarshana profile image79
          P Priyadarshanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Let's just hope things would work out the same for all always. If we get organic hits after getting unfeatured - there are few hubs of mine I would like to see getting unfeatured too.. LOL. Anyways, keep an eye on those hubs agilitymach. If the same happens someday, it will make you understand what caused it. If you do that, let us all know of the secret behind. Now let's let the mystery reveal itself....

  8. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 10 years ago

    I wonder if these are cases of:

    The filter taketh away...

    And a moderator giveth back.

    1. agilitymach profile image92
      agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That could be the truth of it.

    2. jeffreymaskel profile image66
      jeffreymaskelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah.  The more I think about it you hit the nail on the head.   I bet that's what probably happened.

      1. agilitymach profile image92
        agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The only thing that really makes me wonder about that is that these two hubs are two of my worst hubs.  I mean, I can see why they are unfeatured.  I could see them unfeatured for quality - not just lack of traffic, so why would a moderator refeature them?  I'm glad - but just wondering.

        1. jeffreymaskel profile image66
          jeffreymaskelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I see your point. It would make sense if they were just mediocre hubs. But if they are some of your worst...?  Get in there and edit those baby up so they don't fall back off! smile

          1. agilitymach profile image92
            agilitymachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            LOL!!  Yes sir!!


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