Having a photo on hub counts?

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  1. jeyaprakash84 profile image61
    jeyaprakash84posted 13 years ago

    I see most of the hubs are having photographs. It is very tough for me search for a right free photograph. I generally search in Public domains.
    Having a photo has got any significance in page ranking and getting listed in other search engines? Kindly shed some light on this.

    1. CharlesWells profile image61
      CharlesWellsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Create your own image. It is so easy to do.  Go to flamingtext.com and create a logo with your best keyword phrase.  Put it in your paint program and size it to fit your needs.  Check out my latest hub "how to make money on a blog skills" to see how I do it.  I think my next hub is going to be on how to create images.

      Use your Paint program that comes with your Windows package to create an image.  Zoom in an image on your computer screen.  Hit ctrl-print screen buttons together.  Open the Paint program. Hit ctrl-v buttons together.  Your screen shot appears as an image in paint.  Clip and resize it to fit your needs.  Save it and now you have your own image for your Hub Page.

    2. profile image0
      ssaulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Flickr and Istock has great pictures, they have almost anything. Sometimes you get a visit to your articles due to people searching for images. Pictures tell a whole lot, it also helps to spice up your hub and express what your hub is all about!

  2. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Having one or more photos helps the reader's experience, since long stretches of text can be difficult to read online. It makes your hub more visually appealing, and may induce readers to read on. The popularity of your article may influence rankings, although I'm no expert.

    Free images licensed for commercial use are easy to find. You can use Wikimedia Commons, just be sure to give proper accreditation as specified for each photo.

  3. wilderness profile image94
    wildernessposted 13 years ago

    I agree entirely with WE on this one.  I seldom make a hub without a photo or two, even if only marginally connected to the material.

    I breaks up the hub, making it easier to read, just as WE said.

    While I usually use my own photos, I also use Wikimedia Commons when necessary.

  4. gracenotes profile image89
    gracenotesposted 13 years ago

    Public domain photos are OK.  I use them a lot, but you won't always find what you need on Wikimedia Commons or Flickr.

    I had one hub that never made it higher than the fourth page of Google, but it got a lot of traffic.  And I presume it's because it has 5 or 6 of my personal photos which may show up on Google Images.  It certainly had an impressive number of slideshow views.  I can't say it made a lot on Adsense, though.

    I always try to include one or two photos, and some of them are mine.

  5. Janis Goad profile image73
    Janis Goadposted 13 years ago

    I find having photographs makes a big difference in Google hits on my hubs, especially with captions that are worded to include Google keywords from the adsense tool that I might not have been able to include in the text.

    I always use my own photographs or photos that I have from the subject of my article--I usually write about people, and the story of their business.  If you ask, they will usually be glad to send some photographs for the press they get, and you can also exchange backlinks between their site and yours.

    If I am stuck with no photograph, I publish anyway but keep looking for a picture I can take and include later.  Pictures make a big difference.

  6. Midnight Oil profile image82
    Midnight Oilposted 13 years ago

    A photo says a 1,000 words - always add images to your hubs or any webpage for that matter.  The web is a very visual place.  The right picture drawers the reader in.  Also remember that there are a lot of readers out there who struggle with the written word and pictures are their focal point. Dyslexic people are also very visual too.

  7. melpor profile image91
    melporposted 13 years ago

    I always add photos to my hubs. They make the hubs more interesting and sometimes I use them to illustrate a point in the written portion of the hub. Also remember, some searches are associated by images related to a website.

  8. jeyaprakash84 profile image61
    jeyaprakash84posted 13 years ago

    I am very new here and it is really a pleasure to learn from the forum. Thank you very much for your valuable ideas. I understand the importance of a photograph in the Hub. I shall charge my camera batteries..

    The links mentioned are also good. I would make use of them. Thank you.

  9. flighty02 profile image68
    flighty02posted 13 years ago

    I am not sure whether I am allowed to link to it here but you can check out my hub 50+ Sites To Get Free Royalty Free Stock Photos for lots of ideas for photos to add to your hub.

    1. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Linking to your hubs is permitted if it is relevant for, and adds to, the discussion.


      1. jeyaprakash84 profile image61
        jeyaprakash84posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you

  10. Peggy W profile image94
    Peggy Wposted 13 years ago

    I agree with all the others who have already responded in that pictures make a hub visually appealing as well as helping to illustrate a point or the subject matter. I always use photos...in the majority of cases, my own.  If not, there are plenty of free images sources that can be acquired online.  Just always give the source credit for that photo.

    1. jeyaprakash84 profile image61
      jeyaprakash84posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I shall also try to use my photos to the possible extent. My first own photo that I have used on HP is for my profile. Ha ha... Thanks for the comment.


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