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Art: A Cosmically Imbued Sacred Sensual Sexual Impulse

Updated on October 17, 2010

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Cosmic Healing
Cosmic Healing

MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Tapping Into the Sacred Sensual Sexual Artistic Nature

To expose that which we will not speak of openly delivers into our lives the liberating force of authentic self-expression barred from all expectation and disappointment.

MAN is an artist. Man must create. He lives to express. He breathes life into his work and through this work he is sustained.

Man may not recognize the enormous innate artistic talent, along with the other sensual flowering gifts he possesses, but nonetheless, he is endowed to an overflowing pulsating measure. “Your cup runneth over…”

 He may, in fact, live his entire life under the false assumption that he has no artistic talent by any stretch of the imagination.

He may reply: “You’ve got it all wrong.there's no way I’m an artist. I can’t even draw a round circle.” {Most people can't without assistance.} Furthermore implying, he has no musical ability whatsoever.

Wrong!!! These erroneous ideas are false. Inaccurate assumptions have possibly invaded his mind {instilled through faulty teaching, unenlightened reasoning and uninformed conditioning} Or, he, at the vulnerable age period between 9 though 12 years old, a most critical and crucial stage of life, was temporarily abruptly cut away from his gifts due to extenuating factors beyond his control.

Usually having something to do with sexual induction, the hidden key, here is to reconnect to that artistic self which was interfered with or obstructed for a season.

The hard lessons offered, experienced and indelibly learned [during this most sensitive and influential time] proved to be invaluable along the path, Pain and shame are closely related. But, while he was on the ‘other journey’ of such , no doubt, he ceased all artistic activity. His life was overshadowed by situations, circumstances, and events that were certainly painful, frustrating and tremendously disappointing.

Possibly, emotionally debilitating, these experiences created a long-suffering problem. IT seemed as if, he would never be able to realize his most cherish dreams; so, he buried them. Along with his enthusiasm, hope, belief, trust, faith, it would take years before he was able to reconstruct the cosmic pattern held within.

The once unspeakable problem, however turns out to be a blessing in disgusie. Due to the fact that the zest for life may dwindle but the divine spark which ignites the flame never ever goes out. You continue to be what you are no matter what you go through.

In fact, what you go through only intensifies your talent! "Hurt Me One More Time, Please!" A sacred opportunity to study, relate, combine and appreciate the specific elements of your personal journey as you apply them in a truly artistic manner.


The premise of Cosmic Therapy through Esoteric Psychological ART is to present the untarnished concept that EVERYONE, no matter age, education, intelligence, size, background, training (formal or none), culture, race and recognized ability is in fact an artist, as true and pure any artist who has ever lived or been acknowledged.

Though he may not be aware of it, man is imbued with enormous undiscovered, unrealized, undelivered artistic talent.

Every breathing mortal desires only one thing while he’s alive: to connect. He longs to communicate feelings, ideas, thoughts, music, stories, visions, and individualistic expressions. If he has been prevented from sharing these innate talents and gifts, a vital part of that discarded artistic self has died.

 He and his indelible talents have lain dormant so long, he has almost forgotten he possesses them in any manner.

But, as it is written, Lazarus came forth ONLY after having already started to rot. Have you begun to rot? You, along with your special artistic ability and talent can be resurrected. Instead of living a second hand dispassionate life, you can and will unveil and activate these individual powers of magnificence. You already do.

The pure sacred sexual impulse generates your every move.

No one has the right, authority, or enough in-sighted brilliance to infer to you that you have no artistic talent. That ignorant statement is a lie. Man is created and immersed in an ever on-going artistic story. He always has been.

You are never without being actively involved in art. I submit by careful, committed and applied study of the MODE of Cosmic Therapy found singularly in you, through, and about your environment, weaved immeasurably throughout your intimate relationships and carefully diffused in business arrangements; you will be able to locate the obscure repressed artist within.

Even though you may be too shy to admit it, or too embarrassed to say, you earnestly yearn for the opportunity to unlock your ‘Vault of Artistic Treasure’ just to see what is lurking there.

No need to remain frozen in a mumified state. "Lazarus, Come Forth!"

Man wants to correlate his individual existence into something of lasting and purposeful definition. Man desires to experience life passionately and through this personal experience of living, elicit from himself something of value. Artists want to know what’s down under.

ART, in all of its myriad forms, remains the single impetus by definition. ART will not apologize to the Artist. It demands a love, passion and obsession so utterly pure that one gist of gain, value or praise expected from it deforms and cripples the talent.

“To whom much is given much is required.” Man, the Artist, assigns untold obligation upon himself and requires such a state of unification ‘in and of’ himself that nothing short of a divine contractual commitment will suffice. Otherwise, he and his work would simply fade away.

Artists make people feel. It matters not what that experience consists of as long as it moves him in a direction beyond where he presently resides. The signs and symbols pervade us. We need not go in search of beauty far from our feet. Pulsating, vibrating, gyrating energy surrounds us in everything we can see, feel, hear, touch, and smell.

True Artists know. They intuit the life altering energy permeating every step encountered as they walk upon the ground. They relish in the organic experience associated with the sacred energy waiting to be revealed, recognized, harnessed, channeled and detonated into celebrated joyful artist splendor.

The truth is: We, as Artists, exist to produce because we recognize and receive that which is beyond our mortal comprehension. We know that the force that flows through our brushes, chisels, pens, palette knives, hammers, and other means of Artistic expression do not completely reside within us.

We starkly verbalize its appearance and abruptly acknowledge the receipt of its expression of celestial origin. We receive so that we may share in its ecstasy and unfathomable bliss. We exist to find, bond, discover and express all that we can of that which saturates us.

The grave will ensnare us all. But, not before we make our mark upon the canvas of life. ART transcends life. ART speaks when the tongues of those who so desire to reveal the ugly truth is cut off and out.

Real. Raw. Raunchy. Release.
Real. Raw. Raunchy. Release.

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