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The Theoretical Possibility of Artificially Induced Earthquakes

Updated on September 12, 2014
The complex number plot of a kicked pendulum. solid lines represent cyclic non chaotic patterns whereas the "dust" represents chaos. May natural phenomena behave like kicked pendulums,
The complex number plot of a kicked pendulum. solid lines represent cyclic non chaotic patterns whereas the "dust" represents chaos. May natural phenomena behave like kicked pendulums,

We have already created artificial earthquakes!

The natural inclination is to say that making an artificial earthquake is outside of human reach. But is it? There are those who think that earthquakes are being artificially created for a new kind of terror war. There is one clear instance where an earthquake was triggered as a result of an underground atomic explosion. For the moment, we will put this aside and examine the idea concerning the possibility of manufacturing an earthquake on demand. We shall first look at the principle of amplification by using resonance.

The structure of the dynamic earth is in large responsible for earthquakes. In the simple case, the earth is structured like the layers of an onion. But as the earth is dynamic, it is anything but an onion like structure. Instead, it is lumpy, more like a potato with changing currents going on inside. In addition, the core rotates a tiny bit faster than the crust. All of this tells us that there are complex eddy patterns that stress the crust in a combined and unequal way. The crust itself is a lot less fluid than the underlying semi-molten and molten regions. The crust is divided into several large plates and these in turn are cracked along myriad fault lines within each major plate. In turn, the earth undergoes a variety of external stresses including the moon, the sun, the tides, weather on the surface and changes of ice and water distribution. Add to this the occasional impact and the increasing influence of humanity.

With advances in understanding nature over the last several decades, we have appreciate the roles of resonance and dissonance. Some clear examples serve, such as the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge in late 1940 and the fact that as soldier march across a bridge, they must break their common cadence so as not to cause a bridge collapse. The story of the Tacoma Narrows bridge is that the bridge opened in July of 1940 and about four months later when the winds whipped up, they set up a resonant swing in the main span. The bridge span continued to be pumped by wind gusts until it reached the point where it could not sustain further input and essentially tore itself apart in collapse. A film was made of the event for engineers to study so that future bridge spans could be designed not to be so susceptible to wind gust resonant pumping. The idea of resonant pumping is a simple idea that is best understood with a child on a swing who pumps with their legs in time to the natural frequency of the swing length. Alternately, the child can be pushed by a helping parent or sibling to the same end with the same basic driving principle. The swing can also be slowed and stopped by pumping in either a dissonant manner or in opposite phase to the building frequency. It turns out that the earth has natural frequencies as well and Seismologists have learned to read them and learn about the structure of the earth. One basic frequency pf the earth is 7.43 hertz or about 1/7th of a second. According to the theory, if the earth is tapped at this frequency long enough, it can be set to vibrate in an identical frequency. Harmonic tapping will work too; somewhat akin to pushing a child on a swing every second return as opposed to every return. Nikola Tesla was aware of this and allegedly conducted earthquake experiments before being stopped by the police. Whether or not he did this is contentious, but the fact remains that the physics is sound and there is such a thing as harmonic tremors.

The kicked pendulum serves as a complex model for amplification due to resonance. In many ways, the earth (or any other planet) can be compared to a kicked pendulum. Chaos theory deals with the concept of a kicked pendulum moving completely around its fulcrum to describe a circle somewhat like a planetary orbit. A pendulum can be kicked in three basic manners. The beat of the kick can match the cycle of the pendulum, or be a little faster or a little slower than the natural cycle of the pendulum with interesting results for the pendulum so kicked. For all pendulums not describing a circular arc, a mismatched kick can cause the pendulum to move in either an elliptical or a chaotic path. Orbits differ insofar as the sun acts as the fulcrum for the planets behaving like pendulums describing complex elliptical paths. In this case, the kicking can elongate orbits cyclically or chaotically. The other planets serve as the kicking influence in this complex case. One orbit will tend to circularize while the other becoming more elliptical and vice versa over time. One orbit may behave in a chaotic fashion in its elongation cycle. The other may wobble cyclically in elongation between being more or less elliptical over time. Within the inner solar system, Venus has a nearly circular orbit in this epoch, while the . Earth's orbit has an eccentricity of 0.03 making it more elliptical. This eccentricity can grow to 0.06 over time. The increase of eccentricity in Earth's orbit is what is behind the long cycles of weather on Earth. Indications suggest that it is the Earth's orbit that elongates in a chaotic, quasi-periodic fashion. These cycles were worked out by the Russian astrophysicist, Milankovich. But what exactly has the kicked pendulum idea to do with earthquakes. Recall that the earth undergoes complex stresses that cause it to undulate and wobble in a chaotic fashion. As the crust is rigid, this complex real time dynamic flexing will rupture the crust at points and times where energy is focused most intensely. Crustal blocks are massive and unbelievably heavy. When they build up enough stress and pass the tipping point, an earthquake will occur at the weakest location. The trick is to know which points are sensitive at which times and that will allow us to predict earthquakes or to trigger them. Yes; it is literally a two edged sword!

The structure of interrelation of planetary orbits plays a critical role in earthquake phenomenon. If for instance, any two orbits have an exact discrete harmonic interrelation to one another, this will prove of fatal consequence to one or both involved planets. Over the course of time, both will prove to act like masses that influence each other in the kicked pendulum arrangement. This harmonic pulse will alter orbits and also set up planetary earthquakes. Astronomers have found star pairs and triplets that do just this thing to one another, thus suggesting a similar fate for planets locked in orbital resonance. Fortunately for us, this is not true in the solar system, except in the phase locking case of Venus and the Earth that is perilously close to resonance. The other case is the relationship between Saturn, Chiron and Uranus. It is also known that the position of the moon can trigger earthquakes.

The connection of HAARP and the aurora in conjunction is no accident. The location was carefully chosen for the type of experiments involved.
The connection of HAARP and the aurora in conjunction is no accident. The location was carefully chosen for the type of experiments involved. | Source

Tesla did research into earthquakes and electrical phenomena like earth light discharges. He was even able to control this to a great degree and this laid the foundation to his Wardenclyffe project. In the case of Wardenclyffe, Tesla's idea was to pump the earth for its natural electrical potential that in nature randomly discharges during times of stress such as time of imminent rupture during earthquakes and volcanic activity. Perhaps, by tapping this, stress could be relieved and we might be able to control and lessen earthquake activity. But, the opposite is also true, that earthquakes can be magnified and even triggered. The choice of triggers has been the atomic bomb. There may well be other triggering devices as well bearing in mind what we know about pumping frequencies. Some would ask; why cause earthquakes rather than stop them? The answer lies in the profits of war. Let us now look at some historic examples.

A five megaton H-bomb device called Project Cannican was fired underground on Nov. 6th, 1971 in Alaska on Amchitka Island, of the Aleutians, closest to the then existing USSR. This island chain is located on what is a tectonic plate boundary known as part of the ring of fire. The shot was filmed and shows the ground in movement typical of an earthquake. The earthquake in this case was around seven on the Richter scale and generated a small tsunami that washed up on the shores of Hawaii and all along the western coast of north America from Alaska down to California. The tsunami did little damage, but the detonation of an H-bomb of such a size underground on a major fault proves that artificially triggering and earthquake is possible.

Most earthquakes are caused by the build up of stress and the sudden movement of the Earth's tectonic plates. It is now know that human activity can produce earthquakes. There are four main activities that contribute to this particular earthquake phenomenon The buildup and storage of large amounts of water behind a dam such as the Three Gorges Dam in China, underground atomic tests, drilling and injecting liquid into bore wells, and by coal and oil mining and drilling. Perhaps the best known example is the May 2008 earthquake in China's Sichuan Province. This earthquake resulted in over 69,000 fatalities and is listed as the 19th most deadly earthquake in recorded history. The culprit is believed to be the Zipingpu Dam 503 meters (1,650 feet) from the fault. The newly added pressure of dammed water possibly increased the power of the earthquake and accelerated the rate of movement for the fault. It is also possible that the newly accumulating water served somewhat as a lubricant. The largest Australian earthquake in history is also claimed to have been induced by humanity, through extensive coal mining. Newcastle in Australia was built over a large underground region of coal mining. The earthquake was reportedly due to a fault that was reactivated due to the millions of tonnes of rock removed and redistributed in the mining process. Many of these were the result of prior ignorance, but since then, we can no longer make that claim.

It has been found that injection of waste fluids into the ground caused a long succession of tremors in the US south west where wastes were being buried. This caused the equivalent of an earthquake storm with a human caused tremors that proved to be extremely disconcerting to residents all over the region. Add to the mix is the newly developed method for extracting natural gas from the bedrock called “fracking”. Based on other past experiences, plus the release of cyanide and foul gas, there is considerable protest over fracking (1).

We also know that the earth has a geomagnetic field, but this is becoming increasingly chaotic due to its reversal and changes going on deep in the earth. There are a large number of facts that we now know concerning the properties of this planetary magnetic field that are too numerous to discus here. The important thing here is that there are patents in the books that allow humanity to exploit the magnetic field in a number of ways. Some of these findings are based on the discoveries of Tesla. Devices were constructed along the ideas of Tesla and tried out on the geomagnetosphere and the ionosphere. Today there exists the H.A.A.R.P. (High frequency Active Aurora Resonance Program), but this was based on earlier models like G.W.E.N and D.A.R.P.A. The location of H.A.A.R.P. Is interesting insofar is it is positioned where solar and deep space radiation impinges on the atmosphere to cause the aurora thus connecting it to the most conductive part of the geomagnetosphere. Public relations tell us that the device, again placed close to the former Soviet Republic that no longer exists, is used for extra low frequency radio transmission for submarines and for localized ionospheric heating and expansion for the deflecting of ICBMs. Alternative views suggest that H.A.A.R.P. can be used for mass mind control to earthquake warfare. Standing on the outside, it is hard to say exactly what is used for and whether or not that recently noticed electrical fluctuations associated close to earthquake activity is a HAARP effect or a newly discovered phenomena that we can use to predict earthquakes. From the position of sensitive dependence, it is entirely possible to generate earthquakes with a powerful enough electrical discharge funnelled through the earth's magnetic field lines. One way to do this is through an Electromagnetic Pulse device.

Can humanity artificially induce earthquakes? The answer now appears to be yes and this can be affected in a number of way, especially with the firing of nuclear weapons near existing faults. In addition, new faults can be created by cracking the crust with a powerful enough underground detonation. Now that we know that such things are possible, we need to ask why trigger and earthquake? The answer is simple enough, the profits of war!

1. Note: Fracking is the shortened term for artificially fracturing the bedrock to release natural gas contained therein. This is effected by pumping in material to fracture the bedrock which then released trapped gas, which is pumped out. It turns out that a large percentage of the US and Canada can be fracked for gas reserves and this practice is now well underway.

Minimal dynamic resonant pumping can produce huge catastrophic results


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