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Your Financial Freedom

Updated on March 16, 2009

Your Financial Freedom

Your Financial Freedom

       The most important and crucial thing that can happen to any individual in life is to have financial freedom. This freedom enables you to do the things that your heart desires to do without much restrictions and worries.                

         For instance, you may desire to help some poor folks within your neighborhood, community, state, country or any other place, as the case may be, but when you look at the financial involvement, which you may not be able to cater for. This situation may cause you to be shying away from this desire of yours. And it will make it look like you are not concerned about your neighbors or those that are destitute around you, but deep inside your heart, their conditions are truly troubling you, but the fact remains, that you are helpless (because you do not have the finance to help them).

         This is not limited to only philanthropic works, but to every aspect of our life. Financial constraints limit us so much in a way that we cannot even drive our dream car, live our dream home or even decide our personal life styles. And this is why industrial revolution, engineering revolution, science revolution, educational revolution and the rest of them sprung up. All these was due to man’s quest for a more fulfilling life and livelihood yet no lasting solution has been offered to this human unfair economy and wealth distribution.

           I call it ‘unfair economy and wealth distribution’ because; some people are in control of so much wealth that up to five poor nations of the world has no access to. This means that these individuals are ten times wealthier than some poor nations of the world today, where as some people if not billions, are living under $2 per two persons in a day, with no access to most life basic amenities like; clean water, shelter, clothing, security and even food. Are you surprised of this situation? That is the truth, and it will always remain the truth, no matter what philanthropists do. Therefore, the best option for one to chose is to fix oneself in the streams and trends of businesses and jobs that can position one into having a financial freedom like these men and women.

           Before we can move ahead, I want you to study carefully, the life histories of these men: Woodrow Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, George Eastman, Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas A. Edison, Col. Robert A. Dollar, Wilbur Wright, Arthur Brisbane, Sir Albert Einstein and Nelson Mandela.

             Having studied carefully, the lives of these men, you should be able to identify one thing that they share in common. To many authors, they might call this, ‘passion’, some might call it ambition, but in this article, I refer it as ‘dream’. They shared this dream of becoming famous, rich, popular, and influential and the rest of them, and truly they achieved it because they backed it with other principles that govern dream, which include; hard work, consistence, perseverance, insight, and a good mental attitude. Without these principles, you may have a dream, and won’t be able to achieve that dream. Therefore, what is your dream?

            Dreams are common phenomena of human life, and our lives ceases to exist the day we stop dreaming, be it big or small, dream is dream. Are you dreaming of becoming the next United Nation’s Secretary General or the next president of your country, that I tell you today, is completely normal and encouraging, but ask yourself, what are the principles governing my dreams? Am I ready to work for my dream? How prepared is my mind and instincts ready to work for this dream? I bet you, if you have answered these questions correctly, you are on your way to bringing that dream to a reality, good luck!

            Again, I must point out clearly here that, these principles, are not learned or taught in school, therefore education has nothing to do with it, being a professor, a doctorate or masters degree holder, does not assure you these principles, they are far beyond education. Therefore, having these educational qualifications does not in any way guarantee you a lifetime of riches and financial freedom that we are discussion today. It is a free to air principle that can be easily acquired by any person who desires to acquire them, its just a matter of dream, instincts and good mental attitude.

               Sometimes in our lives, failures seem to be the stumbling block to our achieving our dreams. But I tell you today, if you are definite about your dreams, and you really desire to make them realities, dig a bit more, don’t give up yet like the Gold Digger from Maryland U.S.A. who gave up his struggles to make riches through digging for gold. Just some inches away from the gold ore, he gave up, and sold it to someone who put just a






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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