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2010 Celebrity Dead Pool

Updated on December 30, 2010
Mighty Mom profile image

Mighty Mom is a keen observer of life. She shares her personal experiences and opinions in helpful and often amusing ways.

Farrah Fawcett was upstaged by Michael Jackson, who died the same day.
Farrah Fawcett was upstaged by Michael Jackson, who died the same day.

The 2010 Celebrity Dead Pool Contest

It is time to announce the new Dead Pool Contest. Our friend and fellow Hubber rockinjoe started this tradition in 2009. I shall continue it this year, at the behest of another dear friend and fellow Hubber extraordinaire ralwus. For the record, ralwus wrote this hub, including the hilarious FAQs,then turned it over to me to post.

So what, you may well be asking, is the Celebrity Dead Pool (CDP for short). it is similar to many office pools, sans money wagers. However, if you wish to bet money, you may deposit it directly into my Google Adsense account. I also accept PayPal.

Similar to the Oscars, Golden Globes, Nobel Prize or the Triple Crown, the Celebrity Dead Pool tests your predictive ability. B ased on whatever criteria you wish, pick the 10 world famous people (or pets) who will die in 2010. It's that simple!

Our first order of business is to announce the winners of last year's contest.

Em Writes and Christoph Reilly tied for second place with 5 points each.

helenthegreat, MightyMom (me) and CC Riter tied for top honors with 10 points each.

Correct 2009 predictions included: Michael Jackson, Billy Mays, Farrah Fawcett and Ted Kennedy. That leaves quite a few of last year's picks still hanging around and available for 2010 lists.

2010 Celebrity Dead Pool Winners!

I am excited to announce the winners of the 2010 Celebrity Dead Pool:

girly_girl09 correctly predicted Senator Robert Byrd (92) 2.5 pts

livewithrichard correctly predicted Dennis Hopper (74) and Patrick Swayze (57) 5+5=10 pts.

alekhouse predicted Lena Horne (92) and Art Linkletter (97) 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 pts.

the rope correctly predicted Mitch Miller (99) and Peter Graves (83) 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 pts.

50 caliber correctly predicted Barbara Billingsley (94) 2.5 pts.

So unless someone really young (under 50) or many celebs die between now and midnight tomorrow night (December 31, 2010)...

LIVEWITHRICHARD is our CDPC 2010 Grand Prize Winner!

The Rules for 2010 Dead Pool

1. No local celebrities, as it would be too difficult for the judges to verify. (Mayors, local TV personalities, ex-spouses, living spouses, annoying furniture/car salesmen, nosy neighbors or their pets, and certainly no mother-in-laws, unless of course they are famous).

2. Politicians on the state level or above are ok. If you're not sure if your chosen politician belongs on this list, check out the Politics Forum. If someone is being "discussed" in the Forum, the answer is very probably "yes."

3. Same goes for religious leaders, although it seems that most religious leaders discussed in the Religion Forum are already dead.

4. Exception to #3: The Pope is off limits. Ralwus is too superstitious to allow him. As a Catholic, I would have to agree. Especially after having predicted both Billy Mays and Farrah Fawcett last year. That's too much Vatican karma for moi.

5.No minors. By this we mean under 18 years of age, not "D list" celebrities. Dying young is tragic enough.

6. No Hubbers are allowed to be on this year’s list , even in jest. Christoph Reilly, if you're reading this, I hope you're relieved!

7. No Hub Pages team members, including (and I would say ESPECIALLY!) the founders.

Summary of eligibility: Any person who is famous -- for anything, from anywhere in the world, and over 18 years of age--  as long as they are globally recognized.

 Guinness Record holders are allowed as well, such as the tallest person. Charles Manson is eligible (notoriety counts).

How to Enter

1. Use the comments box to enter your ten (10) celebrities. You can list ewer than 10, but maximum 10 celebrity picks per entry.

2. Witty comments as to the manner of the celebrity's demise are optional, but of course make for more enjoyable reading.

3. You can update your list as often as you like, up to the contest deadline, which is February 28, 2010. After that, the 2010 Pool is closed and no more entries will be allowed.

Scoring :

A person up to the age of 49 at time of death = 10 points

A person 50 years of age up to 80 years at time of death = 5 points

A person over the age of 80 years of age at time of death = 2.5 points

Celebrity Pets or other famous animals = 1 point each

Famous cartoon or fantasy characters = .5 point each


Do my chosen celebrities need die in the order I have chosen? No.

May I assassinate my celebrities? No! It is illegal. You may face prosecution and will be disqualified and banned from any future Dead Pool Contests.

My celebrity is on life support/in coma, brain dead, does that count? No! A Veterinarian, Doctor or Medical Examiner/Coroner must have certified any celebrity that is said to be dead. They must be verifiably dead to be eligible for points.

May I choose Hubbers for my list? No! we already told you that. Why are you so interested in offing your fellow Hubbers?

Do I have to predict how my celebrity will die? No. You may do so, but it will not add any points to your score. It may even make some people shy away from you. Then again, it may earn you some new fans!

May I list a celebrity that is already on someone else’s list? Certainly.

What can I win? Bragging rights as top Voodoo Priest/Priestess and the opportunity to run the 2011 CDP.

What if all my choices win? Many others and I will run away from you and you will be banned from future Pools.

Remember, the deadline is February 28, 2010 to get your list entered.

You may make additional entries enter/update as often as you wish up to the deadline.

Sample Entry from our own Ralwus

Here is my list for the 2010 Dead Pool.

Please use this format to make it easier on the judges and please date your entry as well.

Walrus's Predictions Made January 1, 2010

1) Bill O’Rielly (Fox News Icon)

2) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Leader of Iran)

3) Hugo Chavez (Dictator of Venezuela)

4) Fidel Castro (Former Dictator of Cuba)

5) Lauren Bacall (Famous Movie Actress)

6) Johnny Depp (Movie Actor)

7) Charlie Daniels (Country Music Icon)

8) Keith Richards (Rolling Stones Icon)

9) Barney Franks (Controversial Senator)

10) Jimmy Carter (Nobel Prize winning Former President of USA)

11) Willie Nelson (Activist Country Singer musician and Actor)

12) Gene Hackman (Movie Actor)

Now let the game begin. ©add your name

CDP -- Thumbs Up or Down?

How do you feel about the Annual CDP?

See results

Migthy Mom CDP Predictions 1/9/10

1. Rush Limbaugh -- despite the "best medical care America can provide"

2. Dick Cheney -- but he's transferred his soul (or lack thereof) to Sarah Palin

3. Nancy Reagan -- bye, Mommy, Ronny's waiting

4.Betty Ford -- born in 1918. She's had a good long run, God bless her and her rehab center!

5. Elizabeth Taylor -- white diamonds are forever, but Liz is on borrowed time

6. Andy Rooney -- and there won't be anything funny about it

7. Lou Reed -- he's looking very Keith Richard-esque these days

8. Charlie Sheen -- and he won't be wearing Hanes, either

9.Cloris Leachmen -- don't know why she just popped into my head

10.Lindsay Lohan -- some people just don't get it.she's one.

Remember: Please use this format and please date your entry as well.

Celebrity Death Countdown

1/11/10 Art Clokey, creator of Gumby, dead at 88.
1/11/10 Art Clokey, creator of Gumby, dead at 88.

June Cleaver Finally Takes Off her Apron


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