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Duke TIP Summer Programs

Updated on July 8, 2008
Photo: whatsupmel,Flickr
Photo: whatsupmel,Flickr

If your child has been identified as gifted, you may want to look into summer enrichment programs. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a summer camp for the gifted. Duke TIP offers a program in conjunction with its regular school year academic talent search program.

What is the Duke TIP Summer Program ?

Duke TIP's gifted and talented summer program consists of six different programs to suit the wide variety of gifted children's needs. In addition to providing unique challenges to gifted kids with differing interests, the Duke TIP Summer Studies Programs are also divided by admissions criteria. Depending on test scores and other measures, your gifted child may qualify for the Academy for Summer Studies or the Center for Summer Studies.

Summer coursework is fast-paced, rigorous, and taught above grade level. It emphasizes active learning and higher-order thinking skills. These courses are designed to inspire and motivate gifted students, who are often left behind in their traditional classrooms. The staff are experts in their subject area, as well as experienced working with gifted young students. There are no course grades, which encourages intellectual risk-taking in a supportive environment.

Programs include field studies of various science and locations, a pre-law inquiry into the U.S. justice system, and computational sciences. Students in either of the Duke TIP Summer Studies Programs enroll in a three-week course of in-depth study, including almost 40 hours of class instruction. Their time is carefully mapped out to get the most academically, and socially, from the on-site camp experience.

Benefits of Duke TIP Summer Studies

Duke's program is held on college campuses and kids get a preview of the college experience that can be extremely motivating. Not only are gifted children given the opportunity to experience college classroom instruction, they also get to live in the dorms! Outside of classroom hours, students are supervised by highly trained teaching assistants during meals, free time, and social and recreational activities.

Perhaps the best thing about a Duke TIP Summer Studies program is the camaraderie the kids build with like minded others. Because genuine academic motivation is essential, truly motivated students come together to enjoy not only the stimulating environment, but a community of peers he or she may never have been exposed to before.

Who May Attend?

Students who participate in Duke TIP receive a bulletin because Duke TIP already has their Talent Search test scores on file. These are based on SAT and ACT test scores. (Gifted children participating in talent search programs will likely take these college entrance exams early, in the 7th grade.) On the bulletin maling label is printed the word "Academy" or "Center". If you're interested in any of these programs for your gifted child, make sure you get her signed up for Duke TIP.

A Typical Day at a TIP Summer Studies Program

7:45 - 8:45 Breakfast in a campus dining hall

9:00 - Noon Classes

Noon - 1:00 Lunch on campus

1:00 - 4:00 Classes

4:00 - 5:00 Free time

5:00 - 6:00 Dinner on campus

6:00 - 7:00 Study with Teaching Assistants

7:00 - 9:30 Games, sports, crafts, etc.

9:30 - 10:00 Free time

10:45 Room check, lights out

On Friday evenings the study time is replaced with more social time (with the option of attending religious services where available). Students attend class from 9:00 to noon on Saturdays. After lunch, they participate in game tournaments and field-day activities. On Saturday evenings, there is a dance or other options. Sunday mornings are free for sleeping in, doing laundry, attending religious services and socializing. Afternoons and evenings often include off-campus trips.


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