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  1. ianleverette47 profile image69
    ianleverette47posted 12 years ago

    I posted this in the wrong place a few minutes ago.
    Should have posted it here in the LOST forum.

    Hi Everyone and welcome to the summer Heat!
    HubPages is apparently on Facebook now. I know I read somewhere that the contest entries would be posted on Facebook or maybe I didn't read this.
    But is there a URL or page that people can go to in order to view and vote for these CONTEST Articles?

    1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
      theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just bumping this up so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.  I have yet to actually find the link you need....all I can find is the actual information on the contest.  Hopefully another Hubber can chime in here.....

  2. Just Ask Susan profile image89
    Just Ask Susanposted 12 years ago
    1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
      theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I did see this one but isn't there a link he can use to vote or view the hubs in the contest? Forgive me...I never participate so I could be totally imagining this. smile Or..like you said, perhaps they won't post anything further until after the holiday weekend?

      1. Just Ask Susan profile image89
        Just Ask Susanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am not really sure if the contest has even started yet. Have been checking the forums and usually there will be a tab at the top of the page that will say contest.

  3. Just Ask Susan profile image89
    Just Ask Susanposted 12 years ago

    Here is link where it was posted on the forums but as of today I have not seen anything new about the contest. Could be because of the 4th of July holiday.

  4. Danette Watt profile image81
    Danette Wattposted 12 years ago

    I've been looking too and still don't see anything about the contest. And DARN if I didn't just post a hub about collecting Panamanian art and totally forgot to hold it back until I could add the contest logo. Rats!

    But I thought someone said it would be starting on the 4th. I think there are a lot of confused people and very little response from the staff. Guess we'll find out Tues when everyone gets back to work.

    1. Just Ask Susan profile image89
      Just Ask Susanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hopefully smile

  5. Danette Watt profile image81
    Danette Wattposted 12 years ago

    ok, i just saw something on FB and here is the link to the contest logo with contest directions and when it started.

    First time to submit an entry: July 4th at 12:00pm
    Entry deadlines: Daily at 12:00pm from July 5th to August 2nd


  6. ianleverette47 profile image69
    ianleverette47posted 12 years ago

    Ridiculous!-- Really!

    There is so much confusion about this contest that it is absolutely pathetic. After our Canadian Holiday on July 1st, I thought about posting my Hub and made sure the tag had "Contest" in it, but I gave it a few more days just to be safe. I knew, like most, that the entry time was in July and I've had this prepared and waiting now for weeks.
    This morning (4th of July), I read something about daily prizes and thought I had better get to publishing this thing now so at least I have a chance of a daily draw.
    Most of us were totally confused and hardly anyone knew how to find a URL or page about this July contest. I heard that it would be on Facebook but couldn't find much about it. I went ahead and published this after making sure I submitted my own, original photo and went over the spelling and grammar many times. The published product went up about Noon Eastern time.
    I later looked at a Forum post about submissions had to be made at Noon on July 4th. Many of us never saw that. Clearly, the ads for this thing were not good by any standard. One would think that all Hubbers would have been contacted by email (simple enough), but that wasn't the case --- so, Mass confusion.
    I was livid after having spent hours on this thing and days preparing to enter. This was important to me to get this story out there and then --- Then I read this afternoon, after someone finally got the correct Rule page URL, that entries had to be submitted at NOON -- Pacific Time! What the hell is that?
    I'm Eastern time - in the normal part of North America!
    I submitted at about Noon -Eastern time - and for that --I am penalized!!! I say -- Bull Crap!
    Because of all this confusion, I say that every single article Published on July 4th, having the tag "Contest" should be permitted entry due to this communication breakdown, not just by me but by at least 50% of the Hub community.
    I spent the last month doing research for an upcoming Hub on Adsense Earnings and of course my score dropped for not publishing anything. So many were complaining about their low Adsense earnings that I thought I would look into it. I can tell you that I have 3 Amazon Sales over the past 4 weeks and $150.00 in Adsense earnings. I only had $3.74 in seven weeks with Hubpage articles. I expect to make $200-$400 a month from Adsense now that I know what has to be done.
    Getting back to this July contest --- the people who run Hubpages should be fair about this. Read all the Forum stuff about this contest and you'll agree with what I'm saying. Many of us spent a lot of time on this contest thing and I'd like to see everyone who submitted today, to be included. I don't care if it's Noon Russian - Serb or Italian time. I'm on Canadian time and if I wasted that time by submitting five minutes early, then I quit! --Yeah -- I am a sore loser --especially when I think I'm right!

  7. IzzyM profile image86
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    You know, Ian, you have had your rant and you may well be right!

    But your ranting made me go look at your hubs.
    I read If a Dog Could Talk and loved it, especially as it contains my favorite dog video of the moment.

    But hey folks...read this... http://hubpages.com/hub/Arizona-To-Hell

    This is fantastic!! This guy should be in print!

    yeah, yeah no comment from me, I am rubbish at commenting. Just rated up, y'know, usual stuff.

  8. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 12 years ago

    if you put the word "contest" as a tag in your hub, then maybe you can access all the hub entries, when you click on that tag in your hub.

  9. profile image0
    Giselle Maineposted 12 years ago

    Thanks Danette Watt! I'm so glad to have that info... it's certainly strange that we have all had such a hard time finding it. Thanks for sharing with us. I shared your link on the other forum thread about this same contest, so hopefully those people are also up-to-date now.  And Ian, I completely agree with you, you make a good point, I wish they would allow what you are proposing (from a fairness point of view, I mean - it doesn't affect me either way 'cos I haven't entered yet).

  10. Tiffany Regan profile image68
    Tiffany Reganposted 12 years ago

    This has been a frustrating process. I still have not found the "co ntest page" where the entries are posted. I've only seen the rules page.

  11. Danette Watt profile image81
    Danette Wattposted 12 years ago

    This is the page where entries are posted.

    This is where the logo and rules are located.

    hope this helps.


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