I've been here for seven months and...

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  1. jtyler profile image61
    jtylerposted 12 years ago

    I started working with Adsense since May 10th, I believe.  I've gotten 1,836 AdSense views since May 10th.  I also work on Bukisa and have my own website, which contribute (hubpages gets the main traffic, however).

    Is this good?

    I started really getting traffic during June.  I was up to a point where I got 191 views a day.  Then, July rolled around, and now I'm lucky if I get 30 a day.

    Has this happened to anyone else?  What happened?

    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do yourself a favor and sign yourself up for a subdomain. You'll find details in the learning center which is linked at the bottom of this page.

      1. jtyler profile image61
        jtylerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I'm working on that.  I'm having problems with it.  Me and hubpages are working it out.

      2. profile image0
        adeaugustusposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Please how do i sign up for the subdomain?

  2. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 12 years ago

    Good advice from Izzy.

    Beyond that, many many hubbers have written hubs on their early experience with HubPages, trying to give a newbie some idea of what to expect.  Look around - you'll find lots of them and it might give you a better idea of what to expect.

  3. jtyler profile image61
    jtylerposted 12 years ago

    I've switched to the subdomain.  Also, none of the articles I've seen have really helped with this specific question.  Could someone reccomend one or simply tell me what they think of my stats?


    1. IzzyM profile image88
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think for a newbie you are doing all right smile

      It takes time for hubs to index and time for them to become popular, but I see that although you are an excellent writer you have not yet learned how to write online. There is a huge difference between writing on paper and writing online.
      I've based the above opinion, by the way, on just one hub. I may be way off base.

      I looked at your Earth and Venus hub. I know you didn't ask for a critique so I'm not trying to do that, rather point you in a more fruitful direction.
      When I saw the title, I thought I was going to learn something about Earth and Venus, everything to do with the solar system fascinates me. Instead I found an article about global warming!

      You have to title your articles accurately in order to attract readers. I also saw no mention of the words Earth or Venus in the body of the text, but I admit I only scan read. Then again, surfers scan read.

      Google must be barely picking that hub up because they will wonder how to place it too. Their bots will be scrabbling around wondering what the hub is about, because you haven't told them.

      You have no summary either, which doesn't help. Under edit, top right, add summary. Use your keywords in your summary in a brief description of what your hub is about. This is what searchers will see in the search engines.

      I had to learn the hard way too. We are taught when writing not to overuse the main noun or adjective we are writing about. So we substitute other words.

      But when writing online you need to keep re-using your main words (which are keywords) in order for the bots to see them. It is a balancing act trying to use sufficient for the spiders without overusing the words.

      [If you are looking for a red coat, this article on red coats could lead you to the perfect red coat - overuse!]

      Check or change your titles. Don't worry about the urls being different. Your titles are super-important. Your title should tell the reader what the hub is about.

      Write a unique summary for each and every hub. Make sure you use your keywords throughout the hub. Maybe once in every text capsule, or every second text capsule, and in your headers.

      Just those simple changes should see your traffic rise considerably (but you're not doing badly at all just now).

  4. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 12 years ago

    Izzy and Wilderness are right.  I wrote a hub with links to advice articles by Sunforged, Mark, Wrylit etc. who are all experienced hubbers and have good articles on writing on HP and how to promote and maximize your views.

  5. jtyler profile image61
    jtylerposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for the replies.  I titled the hub Earth and Venus because I wanted to send across the point that we need to change our ways before Earth becomes a second Venus.  I did mention that in the end, which is why you may have missed it.

    I'll take into consideration the online writing, but I don't want to do that too much.  I believe that if I write as I would on paper, I might build a better reputation.  It's a possibility.

    If I'm correct, Google likes it when other websites link back to me, right?  I'm thinking about parntern-ing up with someone.  It isn't anyone on Hubpages; it's from somewhere else.


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