Who are the most Prolific Hubbers?

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  1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
    Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months ago

    Good morning, lovely Hubbers!

    After returning to writing on HubPages after a break for a few years, I've been thinking about writing goals. Ultimately I'd love to have around 6,000 articles completed on here but for me I know that's probably a dream! At best I can write around 4 or 5 a week due to work, family, and life commitments. That would take me 1,200 weeks equivalent to 23 years! smile

    This led me to wonder, there must be Hubbers out there who have the ability to spend more time dedicated to writing articles on here.

    I am curious to know who the most prolific Hubbers are, and take a nose at their work.

    1. Jan Stepan profile image84
      Jan Stepanposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Over 100 articles is an impressive milestone! Well done!

      I want to believe that 1000 is possible in the long run, but as you say yourself, things come in between.

      But even if I had the opportunity to write on HubPages full-time (does someone here actually do it?), it would probably still take some time for me to reach.

      6000 is a huge, huge goal. But nothing is impossible. smile

      1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
        Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        Ah yes, I am not sure if it's achievable haha! I'll be celebrating when I hit 200 I think - at my writing past rate though that will be in 2031 big_smile

        1. Jan Stepan profile image84
          Jan Stepanposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          You know how they say – it's also a lot about enjoying the process. But I can also get quite fixated and stimulated by stats, and one can consistently improve and develop in that sense. That makes it even harder not to set goals and dream big. big_smile

          Best of luck with 200! I am sure you'll get there sooner or later. I'll be trying to keep up. wink

          1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
            Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

            Thank you Jan, yes stats are great aren't they (and sometimes a little depressing haha)

    2. Joshua Crowder profile image83
      Joshua Crowderposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      I thought about this same goal Pollyanna. How about we start a challenge? I can do 5 a week with quality but sometimes things do get in the way. I also have 800 unpublished articles so I can't use writer's block as an excuse.

      If I'm competing, I might be able to get back into a groove.

      1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
        Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        You know, that's a terrific idea. I always seem to be more productive under a little pressure!

        1. Joshua Crowder profile image83
          Joshua Crowderposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          I'm ready to compete Pollyanna. I just got back from vacation and am ready to go through my unfinished article list.

          I honestly don't think the 6000 is a dream. I think it can be accomplished over a span of 10 years with consistency.

          1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
            Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

            I see you've got three out in the time I've published one! Better get my skates on, I need to catch up! Well done by the way, they're really informative pieces

      2. Solaras profile image83
        Solarasposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        800 unpublished - good golly - get 5 a week finished up for 5 weeks!

        My goal is to reach 100 articles lol.  Writer's block and a proliferation of ads have slowed me down.  Like those nightmares where your feet a made of lead.

        1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
          Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          That's a lot but well done! Personally, if I get an idea I will start a Hub and save it, but I try not to let it get over 20 unpublished Hubs. Then I will FORCE MYSELF to get stuck in to one of the ones I've been procrastinating over haha

          Good luck with your articles!

      3. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
        Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        Well I have got two more under my belt since opening this thread so it's really going well so far, ahem, haha!

        At my rate of writing it's going to take a lot longer than 10 years for me due to the other commitments I have in my life outside of HubPages. As so many people have correctly highlighted - it's really important that any Hub produced contains quality content and is of interest to a reader. So I think I will just keep playing the long game and keep chipping away and creating articles and do the maximum I can each week where time allows.

        I nearly choked on my coffee though when I opened this week's newsletter and saw that my Portmeirion article was featured in there! Such a nice feeling when that happens. I must be doing something right!!

        But yes, still up for the challenge! I love a bit of healthy competition and together as a community we can all encourage each other to do well smile

        1. Jan Stepan profile image84
          Jan Stepanposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          So true, Pollyanna! smile We all can push each other to get better and develop ourselves. Some competition can be good.

  2. Daughter Of Maat profile image91
    Daughter Of Maatposted 12 months ago

    I too have come back after several years, about 6 to be exact. I have 97 articles published, and 100 unpublished ones sitting in the pipeline. I've been with Hubpages since shortly after they started 11 years ago. Not sure I'm a prolific Hubber, but been here awhile.

    I've been trying to update articles recently and just published a new one. I'm one of those people who works from home so I have plenty of time to work on writing (doesn't mean I actually do it though LOL). Since I published a new article, I will say I have noticed a bit of an uptick in traffic.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      It's hard isn't it, especially when there are dozens of other things that need doing in the day. I have to be really strict with myself, especially with the unfinished ones. I've started getting into a routine now where I write one new one, then finish one old one before starting the next new one! Seems to be going okay so far.

    2. PegCole17 profile image94
      PegCole17posted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Your name seems familiar. Congrats on writing more articles. I've been writing on HubPages since 2009. That's a while.

  3. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 12 months ago

    I'm retired from paid employment and HubPages has become my almost full-time job. I can manage three articles a week because I have to set aside writing for other tasks such as Freecell, Mah-jong, and Bookworm. I'm approaching my one-thousandth article on this platform.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      That's amazing, Rupert! And what a great thing to do in retirement. I work full time, but could see how I would enjoy falling into writing more once I retire. I hope it helps you with an income to enjoy your retirement with too.

    2. Jan Stepan profile image84
      Jan Stepanposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Incredible milestone, Rupert! Hats off to you for such exceptional work. smile

  4. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 12 months ago

    It's better to focus on quality rather than quantity in my opinion. By this, I mean following the HP help guide recommendations, including doing the SEO research.

    Generally speaking, I think the only main advantage of focusing on writing a lot is that you can maybe gain an idea of what works and what doesn't. So it's maybe a good strategy for a beginner but not so much for an intermediate or experienced hubber.

    For sure, churning out a lot of content did used to work in years gone by but I don't think it's a good idea nowadays. That's partly because there's a danger that you'll turn out mainly low-performance stuff, if that's your focus, but also because a bigger proportion of time has to be allocated to maintenance and updating than used to be the case and huge amounts of articles can quickly become unmanageable.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Absolutely! I wouldn't ever want my name on anything if I wasn't satisfied that it was a decent article, worthy of reading. I suppose I've in the past been experimenting with which articles get the most views, even dipping into a product review type article which in all honesty, I cringe about whenever I see it. But it was a worthy experiment and the statistics help me to plan what is worth focusing on besides the usual topics that I enjoy writing about.

      The forums are a great way to learn how to do all of this better, and helps me to steer my efforts in a way that matches the HubPages standards and work through the minefield of how to get views.

  5. theraggededge profile image88
    theraggededgeposted 12 months ago

    Here's one: https://hubpages.com/@alexadry but I've seen others with over 2k articles.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing! That is an amazing amount of articles, and the writer is smashing them out! I see a lot of them are around pets and my best performing article was about a petcare topic. This makes sense considering how many people are animal lovers, no matter what their other interests are.

      1. theraggededge profile image88
        theraggededgeposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        Yes, she's a vet. Quantity and quality. It's a great combination.

        1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
          Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          It really is, so helpful to give such expertise to others in this way.

        2. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
          PaulGoodman67posted 12 months agoin reply to this

          That's a good account! And she's probably doing pretty well because Pethelpful hasn't suffered the same falls as other niches.

          The thing is that it's still possible to do something similar and write a few hubs/week over 15 years and get to 2,000. However, I do wonder where this site will be in just a year or two, never mind longer.

    2. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Wow!! Over 100 million views too!

  6. ravirajan01 profile image95
    ravirajan01posted 12 months ago

    Pollyanna, more than the quantity I think quality articles gets more traffic and of course selection into niche sites.I try to manage 1-2 articles a week but it is not easy to do that along with my day job.But yes ,it at least keeps my creative cells active and kicking so the effort is worth it.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      It is refreshing to be able to be creative after the day job, but I agree, it can be hard to do if a day at work is particularly difficult! I do love writing so as long as it does not start to feel like a chore, I will continue putting pieces together. I find it very relaxing, and hope readers do too.

  7. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 12 months ago

    Pollyanna - The income is secondary to the mental exercise I get from research and writing. I write about what I find interesting rather than chasing the elusive high-paying topics. Even if only a small number of people enjoy what I've written I'm happy. Now, there's a compelling game of Freecell that demands my attention.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Absolutely relatable! Each article is a means to learn more on that topic when researching it. This for me, has to be the most exciting part of producing a piece.

      Enjoy your game smile

  8. Mark Ewbie profile image60
    Mark Ewbieposted 12 months ago

    I set myself a goal of one article every 12 years and have managed to maintain that standard.  The writing is straightforward but it's the words I have trouble with.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Mark! How the devil are you?

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
        Mark Ewbieposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        Hi you.  I'm good thanks.  Had a three cent click on Adsense a few days back so that lifted my spirits.

        1. lobobrandon profile image91
          lobobrandonposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          Ooh, quite cool. Just popped in for similar reasons haha. Nice to see you around.

    2. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      Hey Mark Ewbie! Good to see you.

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
        Mark Ewbieposted 12 months agoin reply to this

        Hey Jan! I had been watching the forums for a little while.  Wondered if some of my failing pieces from my own site might be worth loading on HP.  How to do something in the garden or with a pet - that sort of thing.  Maybe put your pet in the garden.  Not burying it obviously, that would be sad.  Unless it wasn't a favorite.

        Revisiting the forums was a reminder of the How To and SEO games I failed at a long time ago.  And am still trying and largely failing. 

        In seriousness, I miss the old days at HP.  It was a great learning experience and fun too.  So I might pop something up sometime as an experiment.

        1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
          PaulGoodman67posted 12 months agoin reply to this

          It would be great to have you back, Mark!

          I thought you were selling merch at Redbubble nowadays.

          1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
            Mark Ewbieposted 12 months agoin reply to this

            Hi Paul.  Been reading your forum posts to get a feel for things here.  Thanks for the info.

            Still merching at RB and elsewhere.  Sales did OK up till and during Covid, but have stalled the last 12 months or so.  People spending what free money they have on 'experiences' rather than online retail.

            My mixed content, mostly ego, website has never done anything, it covers the hosting fees.  Recent Adsense and Analytics changes for GDPR and other stuff don't offer much optimism.  Online generally is struggling.

            I am considering moving a few selective pages to HP if there is a sensible fit for one of the network sites, if that is the right terminology.  Pages that get virtually no views on my site might slot into HP and pick up some views and a little income.  The ads on HP are awful but they aren't much worse than Auto Adsense and it becomes HPs problem, not mine.

            There is nothing to lose except a little effort. And we online writers know all about that.

            1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
              PaulGoodman67posted 12 months agoin reply to this

              Adsense is pretty awful.

              HP ads also seem to be done by Google nowadays. They pay better than Adsense, though, even if they're unsightly.

              Unfortunately, I think that you may find that HP is struggling too. Editors have been doing a lot of work over the past two years but most of the niches still have poor authority, as far as Google is concerned.

              I think you need a degree in veterinary sciences to do well here nowadays, as PetHelpful seems to be one of the few niches that's actually doing okay.

              1. Solaras profile image83
                Solarasposted 12 months agoin reply to this

                Actually, after the recent algo update, my less fluffy and more health related articles had blue arrows on them, all of them.

        2. janshares profile image94
          jansharesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

          Try it out, Mark. There's not much to lose here. We are all in the same boat trying to stay afloat. I miss the old days, too. You summed it up well, "a great learning experience and fun, too." See you around.

  9. Carb Diva profile image99
    Carb Divaposted 12 months ago

    As PaulGoodman stated, it's better to strive for a few quality evegreen articles that are worthy of a niche site than dozens of so-so articles that are just words without substance. I've been here 12 years, have about 670 published articles (all featured), and 1,250,000 views. My niche is cooking/food history.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      That is a fantastic achievement! I'm on just over 500,000 views now and have been here for 9 years, but I have been lacking in writing regularly. Something I need to get stuck into. Congratulations!

  10. Venkatachari M profile image84
    Venkatachari Mposted 12 months ago

    6000 articles is an impossible goal unless you are thinking of some general goal without producing some worthy stuff. I would say a target of 500 rich articles is a nice goal.

  11. Anilsumo profile image60
    Anilsumoposted 12 months ago

    I have just started, give me your valuable suggestions. How can I reach the goal of 1000 articles?

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 12 months agoin reply to this


      You can start by reading all the material in the Learning Center (click Help, top right).

      Don't publish promotional articles that will get you banned.

      Clean up the errors in your bio and expand it to tell your reader more about yourself.

  12. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 12 months ago

    Anilsumo - There is no short-cut. It requires dedication and a love for the craft. You also have to set aside any fantasies about writing making you wealthy.

    1. Pollyanna Jones profile image97
      Pollyanna Jonesposted 12 months agoin reply to this

      This is great advice! Good writing will make you a bit of an income but it takes an awful lot of work to have it create the equivalent income of a full time job. Write from the heart!


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