High 5

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  1. Lwelch profile image82
    Lwelchposted 11 years ago

    The challenge is to post five good things that you are grateful for once every day.  If bad things happened you must post them in terms of the good that came out of them.

    I will start:

    1. After driving an hour to fieldwork today I got there to find out the power was off.  I was so happy though that it wasn't closed!  The power went back on around 9:20 and it meant that I drove an hour to fieldwork with good reason.  I also won't have to make it up.  YEA!

    2. I am home.  Home is so nice after 3 hours driving to fieldwork and back and to college and back.  Thank you for a safe, warm, dry home.

    3. My physics test is done.

    4. My last second COBRA payment means that express scripts actually kept my account connected for the month!  amazing!

    5. I found my computer memory last night.  if my laptop has to go in for warranty repairs (it has been being very squirrelly) I don't have to worry about loosing the memory that i bought for it as an upgrade.

  2. austinhealy profile image71
    austinhealyposted 11 years ago

    1 -Well, let's start with a quite positive beginning : I woke up alive ! How more positive than that does it get
    2 - I had breakfast with friends and didn't eat like a pig. They did, though !
    3 -Went to the library, got some books, music, movies, eyeballed a couple of good looking women, etc...It's all good !
    4 - Had to do at least one good deed today so I helped a friend replace some electric gizmo that went bad. Used all the bad words I know in 3 different languages but eventually succeeded. She cooked me dinner
    5 - Looks like with all that, I forgot to work today, so tomorrow will be double shift, but that's another day

    1. Lwelch profile image82
      Lwelchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Having a meal fairy cook for you is always wonderful!

      Thanks for joining in.  I have found that committing to this near daily can really change your life outlook.  I hope it brings joy to you!

  3. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 11 years ago

    1. woke up to Raven whining and barking...she's so cute!
    2. took Raven to work with me...she whined, barked and nipped at my feet and slept and allowed me to get some work done...she's really cute!
    3. my staff would drop by my office and wake Raven up....more whining, barking and nipping...but....she's..........really, really cute!
    4. went to the beach with Raven in the morning and afternoon and after work...we walked and walked and then she nipped at my feet...she's such a happy girl!
    5. booked a flight...my flight is tomorrow....i'll miss Raven..but she'll hang with the big dogs while i'm gone and maybe even hang out with some horses...until i'm back....she'll be happy, happy, happy!...

    1. Lwelch profile image82
      Lwelchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Raven is a dog I am guessing?  That is cool Raven can join at work!

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        yes....there are 2 dogs that come to work now!....Rupert shows up a few times a week too!...Raven is doing well there so far...i'll see how it goes over the next few weeks workwise...cuz i need to be able to work and so far i've been able to set a work routine with her.....staff luv having the dogs around....feels good for everyone...just sets the mood for us all...happy, happy, happy!

  4. Lwelch profile image82
    Lwelchposted 11 years ago

    High 5 for today:

    1. The fog was sooooooo much better driving to work today
    2. I got an A on my physics tests - take that teacher who tests us on things we never learned in class!
    3. For a first try, my guided reading group went very well.
    4. I don't mind driving 1 hour to work in the morning.  I wish I were home earlier in the evenings, but if I weren't working and going to school on top of fieldwork I would be home earlier.  This may help me find work later.
    5. I get to go to bed soon as I quite being online.  I don't HAVE to have stuff done for tomorrow like I did last night.

  5. Globetrekkermel profile image64
    Globetrekkermelposted 11 years ago

    1.Got to work earlier than usual.I am chronically late to work even if i am just working part time.
    2.Got an email from a good monk friend from France who arranged a dinner date for me  with his friend who lives in the Philippines where he currently lives with his family. Leaving for Manila and Kuala Lumpur in a few weeks.
    3. Rosa our housekeeper volunteered to look after my mom while I go to work and she made a nice burrito for dinner.
    4 .Pedro our gardener planted all the flowers plants I bought ,also fixed the broken chair in the patio.
    5. I feel peaceful  contented  and blissful after a short meditation.When you are peaceful and content ,everything always falls into place.


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