Three Items to Take

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  1. patful profile image60
    patfulposted 14 years ago

    A tornado is coming. Your house will be hit. What three things (other than family members) do you grab first to take with you?

    1. starme77 profile image76
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      My lap Top My Cigs and my Whisky smile

  2. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    Actually I went through that about 6 years ago at night. I dropped to the floor until it passed scared half to death. I'd probably do the same again. LOL But if I have time and don't panic I would take my camera, hat and robe on my way to the wine cellar.

    1. Carmen Borthwick profile image59
      Carmen Borthwickposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Haha, what are you gonna take a picture of in the wine cellar? Hopefully its stocked and yes a robe would be good and where would you be without a hat?

  3. Real Estate Lady profile image59
    Real Estate Ladyposted 14 years ago

    My 3 dogs. . .do they count as one item or three?

    If I got to choose two more I'd definitely grab my laptop and my purse.

    Ya know what? Even if the dogs counted for 3 I would cheat and find a way to take my laptop. As a writer, it's my entire life!

    What a fun question.

  4. Real Estate Lady profile image59
    Real Estate Ladyposted 14 years ago

    My 3 dogs. . .do they count as one item or three?

    If I got to choose two more I'd definitely grab my laptop and my purse.

    Ya know what? Even if the dogs counted for 3 I would cheat and find a way to take my laptop. As a writer, it's my entire life!

    What a fun question.

  5. profile image0
    A Texanposted 14 years ago

    My cigarettes!

    My pistol!

    and my season tickets to the Texas Longhorns Football games!

    1. archdaw profile image60
      archdawposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would take my cigars too!!!!

  6. archdaw profile image60
    archdawposted 14 years ago

    Never been in one only saw one on The Wizard of Oz, but judging by that if I had time I would take my Important paper suitcase, my favorite leather jacket and my car keys.  These are the theings that I took when my house caught on fire(along with my children ofcourse.)

  7. profile image0
    cosetteposted 14 years ago

    my bunny.

    my treasure box with my son's baby stuff and journals in it.

    my laptop.

  8. maggs224 profile image79
    maggs224posted 14 years ago

    Our dog my laptop and photos the rest is stuff that can be replaced.

  9. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    Would have to be my 3 dogs -- unless they count as 1. In that case it would be photos and computer. Totally not original...

  10. LondonGirl profile image81
    LondonGirlposted 14 years ago

    I'd be astonished if it did, London not being home to many tornados.

    If it did, however, I'd take (1) my file with our passports, driving licences and so forth in it, (2) my handbag, as having some cash and credit cards would be rather useful if our flat vanished in a tornado, and (3) a large bottle of water.

    My back-up hard disk, for both personal family stuff, incl. photos, and work documents, is at a different address anyway, so I wouldn't need to bother with that.

  11. HandmadeChristmas profile image60
    HandmadeChristmasposted 14 years ago

    For me it would have to be the photo albums of when my sons were young.
    The memories are locked in my mind but it is so good to look back on those happy times!

  12. JulietduPreez profile image68
    JulietduPreezposted 14 years ago


  13. RedSonja94 profile image60
    RedSonja94posted 14 years ago

    I would have to say my photos, my purse and my computer.  Those are the only things I can't readily replace and I have a ton of pics on my hard drive.

  14. The Rope profile image60
    The Ropeposted 14 years ago

    I've been in tornados, hurricanes and fires.  In a torando, I have to agree with "ralwus" - i'd stick.  Hurricanes and fires have longer lead times and I've fled both.  I loaded up my computer, my cat, the significant other, medical supplies, clothes, food and pillows.  Then anything else I could fit in the car that meant something.  I hope I never have to repeat these experiences, they were miserable.

  15. Valerie F profile image60
    Valerie Fposted 14 years ago

    That reminds me. Got to stock up on the 72 hour kits.

    One thing I love about living in Mormon country- it's not very difficult to do that.

  16. privateye2500 profile image39
    privateye2500posted 14 years ago

    vehicle keys - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Photos/physical memories you can't replace.

    All backups of all computer data or all the equipment if there is time.

    Then again - you don't say how much time we have which is critical to the answers except for the keys.


    sECOND PART - SOME PPL ARE SAYING THEY ARE STAYING in THE HOUSE DURING THE TORNADO - WHICH WAS NOT PART OF THE ANSWER, (sorry caps lock) you are saying *take with you* - which denotes Leaving.

    1. The Rope profile image60
      The Ropeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Vehicle keys!  smilesmilesmile  Love it!

  17. elisabethkcmo profile image79
    elisabethkcmoposted 14 years ago

    photo album
    my purse

  18. elisabethkcmo profile image79
    elisabethkcmoposted 14 years ago


  19. profile image0
    B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years ago

    Id die, I have more than 3 animals and I couldnt pick or choose..just hope they get scared and follow to the basement


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