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LEGO Indiana Jones Xbox 360 Cheats

Updated on February 20, 2013

LEGO Indiana Jones Xbox

All great games come in an Xbox version, so it comes to say that LEGO Indiana Jones can be found for Xbox 360. Given that, those Xbox gamers will probably be in need of some cheats for the game.

LEGO Indiana Jones was released in the US on June 3rd by LucasArt. The game has been rated pretty high as well. IGN rates it 8.0 for all consoles except PSP, which was rated a 7.7; X-Play rates the game a 4 out of 5.

Below are the cheats for Xbox 360, for LEGO Indiana Jones... I'll keep this as up-to-date as I can.

If you're looking for achievements, you can check those out here.

Item Codes

Enter the following passwords in the Math Classroom at the Barnett College.

VIKED7 : Artifact Detector

VNF59Q : Beep Beep

VIES2R : Character Treasure

VKRNS9 : Disarm Enemies

4ID1N6 : Disguises

V83SLO : Fast Build

378RS6 : Fast Dig

FJ59WS : Fast Fix

B1GW1F : Fertilizer

33GM7 : JIce Rink

VUT673 : Parcel Detector

WWQ1SA : Poo Treasure

MDLP69 : Regenerate Hearts

3X44AA : Secret Characters

3HE85H : Silhouettes

VN3R7S : Super Scream

0P1TA5 : Super Slap

H86LA2 : Treasure Magnet

VI3PS8 : Treasure 10x

VM4TS9 : Treasure 2x

VLWEN3 : Treasure 4x

V84RYS : Treasure 6x

A72E1M : Treasure 8x

3M29TJ : Kazim (desert)

NRH23J : Kazim (Venice)

2NK479 : Laoche

NFK5N2 : Maharaja

13NS01 : Major Toht

FJUR31 : Mola Ram

2NKT72 : Pankot assassin

VN28RH : Pankot guard

KD48TN : Punjabi dignitary

4682E1 : Punjabi village elder

VJ37WJ : Sherpa brawler

ND762W : Sherpa gunner

0E3ENW : Slave child

VM683E : Thuggee

CNH4RY : Thuggee Chatterlal

T2R3F9 : Thuggee priest

VBS7GW : Thuggee slavedriver

VK93R7 : Willie DJ

MEN4IP : Willie pajamas

3NSLT8 : Wuhan

Character Codes

Enter the following passwords in the Math Classroom at the Barnett College.

04EM94 : Barranca

CHN3YU : Belloq (desert)

TDR197 : Belloq (jungle)

VEO29L : Belloq (priest)

8246RB : Boxer

VJ5TI9 : British officer

DJ5I2W : British troop

B73EUA : British troop commander

VJ3TT3 : Captain Katanga

ENW936 : Chatterlal

3NK48T : Chucin

2K9RKS : Colonel Dietrich

8EAL4H : Colonel Vogel

C7EJ21 : Dancing girl

12N68W : Desert digger

2MK45O : Desert enemy officer

N48SF0 : Desert masked bandit

3RF6YJ : Desert monkey man

4NSU7Q : Desert soldier

1MK4RT : Desert swordsman

3NFTU8 : Donovan

JSNRT9 : Dr. Schneider (desert)

VMJ5US : Dr. Schneider (officer)

S93Y5R : Enemy Bazookaman

MK83R7 : Enemy bazookaman (different from above)

VJ48W3 : Enemy butler

1MF94R : Enemy communications officer

VJ7R51 : Enemy guard

YR47WM : Enemy guard (Nepal)

572E61 : Enemy officer

B84ELP : Enemy pilot

V75YSP : Fedora

0GIN24 : First mate

NE6THI : Grail knight

H0V1SS : Hovitos tribesman

VJ85OS : Indiana Jones (officer)

4J8S4M : Indiana Jones disguised

24PF34 : Jungle guide

WMO46L : Kaokan


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