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Breast Feeding and Oreo Cookies - Psychology of the origins of Tabu subjects created by delusional quasi puritans.

Updated on April 17, 2014

Demoniac Delusions

We all live in a delusional world to some extent or another.

Some of us more so than others.

But when the "more so" are our leaders we are headed to a very dark and scary place in history.

This is a look into our REAL world of demoniac delusions.

delude: To mislead the mind, or judgment of (deceive or trick the mind)

delusion: An abnormal mental state characterized by the occurrence of psychotic delusions: something that is falsely believed and propagated (spread). A persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self, or persons, or objects outside the self.

Delusions can be indelibly imprinted on the mind by overwhelming it with false, deceptive, ludicrous, misleading, continuing bombardment over many years until the brain, the mind, logic, and the normal functions of the brain are corrupted and cast into such a disorderly state that there is little hope of deprogramming without demonstrable destruction of thought.

Idiocy of the past

Things to avoid deemed evil by our ancient past - AND today by some
Things to avoid deemed evil by our ancient past - AND today by some | Source
Oreo cookies
Oreo cookies | Source
mother feeding her baby - it is a beautiful thing.
mother feeding her baby - it is a beautiful thing.

Enter today's world of warped moral ineptitude

Enter the current political/religious attempts at our further indoctrination.

What does all this have to do with breast feeding and Oreo cookies?

The title is just one aspect of the culmination of the delusionary process.

This article was spawned from viewing a segment on the news last evening.

It was regarding an ad for Oreo cookies.

In this segment it aired a picture from the commercial of a baby breast feeding while holding an Oreo cookie in its hand. (see video below - that is IF this site will allow something this obscene on it).

This ad generated a barrage of protest and outrage from around the nation by "conservative" "religious" dolts (idiots to be exact).

When did a mother feeding her baby become obscene?

When did a woman's breasts become obscene?

What in HELL is wrong with people today?

Obscene? or Natural Beauty?

Odd how the same Human behavior is considered too obscene for public view
Odd how the same Human behavior is considered too obscene for public view | Source

The ''natural order'' of things

Every person, and animal, born on this planet has breasts.

Females larger than males for the express purpose of storing milk to feed the young.

How obscene is this?

Your "gods" created this process so how is that obscene?

Someone please explain this to me!!

How do people process the concept of "filth" in their disgustingly "small" minds?

These "conservative values" are way more disgustingly disturbing than the natural process of birth, feeding, and body parts we ALL possess as a birth right.

Do we drink milk from animals because our own anatomy and natural body functions are obscene?.

Or dirty?

Or sinful?

What kind of warped mentality do we possess as a species?

Societal Brain Sickness

Let's look at a few more delusions that mankind has readily embraced over the years.

This Brain Sickness resulting from a long period of forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic, political, social, or religious beliefs, of sanity and logical attitudes, in order to accept contrasting regimental ideas through persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship.

Tell me again, about the logic behind all this rhetoric.

  • Banning nature's "plants" as being somehow "evil" because they possess healing/soothing properties versus drug companies "creating" man made pills for exploitation and profit. (Marijuana, opium, etc.. versus man made "legal" hallucinogenics)
  • Banning pornography (adult), sex (between consenting adults), contraception (even the rhythm method); while the population explodes at such an alarming rate that this planet will not be able to sustain us all, in the next few generations.
  • Exploiting and raping nature (removing enormous amounts of oil, coal, and gas from within the earth - leaving humongous pockets of empty space that will eventually collapse in on itself, causing earth quakes, tsunamis, sink holes and poisoning our natural water supplies, all in the name of huge personal profits.
  • Genetically altering and destroying natural food supplies that can never be recovered, without one single thought of the unseen dangers and consequences to our genetic makeup; or the possibility of creating a genetic "shifting" in future generations that will bring about a whole new race of mutants. (All for the precious monetary profits of a few)
  • Humanity creating this division of worshiping objects, in the pursuit of monetary gain via unbridled greed, and the worship of serendipitous fairy tale non-existent imaginary entities of wrath that we so willingly and unwittingly worship out of fear.
  • Political dolts who voice their stupidity to the world by stating publicly that college education should not be encouraged because they (colleges) only indoctrinate students into being "liberals".
  • A political and religious advocacy for "praying away" birth anomalies instead of viewing it as (God's/Mother Nature's) way of controlling a runaway and unsustainable population explosion.
  • By the Political and religious promotion of hatred and intolerance for things they are not capable of understanding in the abstract views of nature and morality; beyond their own mental limitations obtained through their personal religious brainwashing that they received.
  • Excerpted from: True story:

    "Congress may actually fail to renew the Violence Against Women Act because right-wing politicians are concerned that it protects too many people. Really? Senator Grassley (R-IA) told reporters that he opposed the legislation because it "creates so many new programs for under served populations." (I am not sure how that is to be read: "un-deserved" or "under served"? - either way is misogynistic and hateful)

    The re-authorization bill pending before Congress right now includes expanded provisions that protect victims of abuse across the GLBT community, undocumented aliens, and Native American communities. Reporting of domestic violence has increased by more than 51% since the Violence Against Women Act was passed in 1994.

    The GOP controlled House of Representative will undoubtedly vote it down as they do any legislation that helps the average American citizen.

    Yet domestic violence still kills 3 women each and every day. Let's be clear: Victims of violence and abuse deserve protection--regardless of their ethnicity, immigration status or sexual orientation.

    Congress is getting away with this shameful attempt to water down the Violence Against Women Act because hardly anyone is talking about it and most of their constituents don't know this is happening.

    But the media is starting to pick up on this story and if we speak out together loudly we can make it crystal clear: Voters are not going to stand for politicians who play politics with women's lives.

    We all must join with allies across the progressive movement to wage a major campaign and make sure they hear from hundreds of thousands of outraged voters."

Absolutely unfathomable to any sensible minded adult.

But behold the wonders of protecting innocent minds from seeing the obscene horrors of a mother feeding her child.

by d.william 04/26/2012

Oreo cookie commercial 2012 an 18 second beautiful experience

Picture from banned oreo cookie video commercial

Talk about an idiot. That indoctrination is the same one he went throught as a child into his radical religion

© 2012 d.william


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