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Bring It: P90X Day 71

Updated on December 13, 2011

P90X is a killer workout... it is extreme at it's finest. Tony Horton is the mastermind behind this extreme workout, based off the concept of muscle confusion. The P90X system is based off of three phases. Each phase consists of pushing it hard and tearing those muscles down for three weeks, followed by one week of recovery. Don't be fooled though - the recovery week is just as intense as the other workouts. This combination is lethal. It can and will change your body if you are willing to bring it. This means you must make the commitment to push play everyday and push your hardest.

This is my own personal journey of the P90X DVD series. If you would like to start from the beginning of this series, please click here. If you want to read about my previous day with P90X, click here.

Feel free to leave your comments below. Together we can help motivate and inspire each other so we can start off the new year with a fresh outlook on life. Thanks for supporting me in my mission to become healthier.

P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. Are you ready to get some results?
P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. Are you ready to get some results? | Source

What a gloomy day...

Who seriously stays productive on a dreary day like today. This would have been the perfect day to cuddle up to a book or watch a movie!
Who seriously stays productive on a dreary day like today. This would have been the perfect day to cuddle up to a book or watch a movie! | Source

Bring It

Even though it was a rainy and dreary day out here in Southern California, I started the day off with good intentions. I got my equipment set up to do my P90X Chest and Back workout and pushed play. I really wanted to push myself through this workout because I knew this was the last time I would be seeing it until I stat the whole series over again.

That is right. I am now in Week 11 of P90X. Week 12 will still have some pretty intense workouts, but then I am onto the final recovery. Boy has it been a ride so far.

Yet, today as I finished my workout, I sat down at my computer with good intentions to get my hub published early. You see, with the holidays right around the corner, my plate is full. I have a lot of holiday shopping to get done, Christmas baking, and a house that has been lacking from my attention. To top it off, my oldest daughter has several projects due that have been taking up my time. Needless to say, I wanted to get my work done because I knew I was going to be distracted later.

That didn't happen. I did my normal checks on the internet... responding to comments, checking my Facebook account, etc... and that is when it happened. I was attacked. Not once, not twice, but several times. My computer was sick and needing attention. I had gotten a virus.

Thankfully, I have a good friend that knows what to do in these instances. Knowing how easily I freak out with a lack of a computer (more so my laptop because we still do have a desktop computer that I rarely even use!), he rushed over to my rescue. He worked fast and got my laptop under control. However, it still needed to scan... and that it did... for several hours.

So, while I should have pounded out that hub immediately, insteady I put my attention to the housework. I scrubbed floors and dusted and did all that housewife stuff to get the house in tip-top shape. So needless to say, while I may not have been productive on the computer; I was productive on the homefront. You can tell by the fumes of Pine Sol radiating from the house!

So that brings me to now... finally... even though it is past 10 p.m. here, sitting down to reveal my results for the week!

Success is a feeling...

While measuring success we like to see concrete numbers, but overall, we have to look at the big picture!
While measuring success we like to see concrete numbers, but overall, we have to look at the big picture! | Source

Hitting the Big One Zero!

I may have only lost two-tenths of a pound, but at least I finally can say I lost a full ten pounds!
I may have only lost two-tenths of a pound, but at least I finally can say I lost a full ten pounds!

The results are in....

Frankly, I have been feeling fluffy all weekend. It is a good possibility that the fast food and chinese didn't really help that since the increased sodium always makes me retain water weight. So when it came to weighing-in today, I was not really hopefully that I would see any results. I could feel it and I knew this before I even stepped on the scale.

But hey, just because the results aren't in the numbers doens't mean they weren't elsewhere.

For this week:

  • Pounds lost: 0.2 Total pounds lost: 10
  • Inches lost: 0.5 Total inches lost: 12.5

Everything else pretty much stayed the same. I was actually pretty happy to see that I lost an additional half inch... and the two-tenths of a pound... ok, even I can laugh at that. But, at least my body finally lost that big 1-0!

So the results are nothing even close to spectacular for the week. I am blaming the chinese food craving I had on Saturday. But, that only means I will push harder this week so when Monday comes around again, I can have a little more bragging rights!

Want More...

Don't miss out on the 12 Days of Fitness featured on Day 72 by clicking here.


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