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Ten Tips On Losing Weight

Updated on November 16, 2011



Weight Loss

At any given time during the year it seems like people are trying to lose weight for a number of reasons. The reasons to lose weight range from health concerns to wanting to look more attractive. Research shows that one pound is equal to about 3,500 calories. In order for weight loss to occur one has to cut back calories or burn up more calories than consumed daily. This formula sounds easy to follow on the surface to most of us. Simply cut back on your food and the pounds drop off, but there is more to losing weight than just cutting calories for most. Check out the following tips.

1. Weigh Yourself. That's right. Take your weight before deciding to go on a diet officially. You can't reach a new destination unless you know where you started. Write down your beginning weight and take your measurements at the chest, waist, hips, thighs. How do you feel about your weight and measurements? Are you more than a few pounds overweight? And do you truly need to lose weight?

2. Plan Your Diet. Plan to eat more nutritional foods while reducing the amount of calories consumed daily. Ask your doctor for information on healthy diet plans or do some research to find a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

3. Go Slow. Many like to take the pounds off quick. Health professionals recommend taking off no more than a pound per week if you are determined to keep the weight off after the diet. Weigh that is lost too fast has a tendency to creep right back.

4. Measure Food. Of course, measuring every little bit of food that you consume seems like a chore, but it should pay great rewards by helping you control or lose weight. Purchase a food measuring scale or diet scale to accurately measure your food and stay in control of food portions.  

5. Stop Counting Calories. Sounds counter productive, but counting calories is very frustrating to some people. This frustration leads to abandoning the diet plan or perhaps overeating. Often, it is better to just control the food portions. Cut back on fatty foods and snacks instead of counting every calorie consumed.

6. Reduce Alcohol. That Bloody Mary or glass of red wine goes straight to your waist. Alcohol makes the body hold on to fat deposits and redistributes it around the waist. Some  people who just stop drinking alcohol without going on a complete diet find that their weight drops and their waist get much slimmer.

7. Don't Skip Meals. Have you noticed that you skip meals in order to cut calories and find that you are literally starving by mid day? Well, this could end up making some go into a binge eating frenzy that results in consuming a day’s worth of calories in one meal. Try to eat three regular meals a day. This will cut down on binge eating.

8. Avoid Fat. Fatty foods contain more calories. And they also lead to added weight and health problems. The American Heart Association recommends that Americans cut their fat consumption to 30 percent of calories consumed from fat per day in order to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

9. Add Fiber. Nutritionist recommend adding more fruits, vegetables, and beans to the diet. This step keeps the bowels active and encourages weight loss.

10. Exercise. Have you ever noticed that thin people seem to be the most active? They can't stay still in one place for long. Activity and exercise burn calories and increases the metabolism. The metabolism continues to burn more calories even after you stop exercising. Try walking, light jogging, or weight lifting to speed up the metabolism and burn more calories.


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