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Common New Years Resolutions

Updated on December 6, 2011

History of New Year

The 1st of January each year is New Year's Day in most countries in Western Europe. The month of January was named after the Roman God Janus. He was said to have had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backwards. New Years Day falls on different dates for some countries and cultures, for example:

Chinese New Year falls between 20th January and 20th February each year.

Hindu New Year is usually on 13th or 14th April each year depending on whether or not it is a leap year.

For most of us, the New Year represents a time for remembering the year just passed and the start of a New Year. It is a time for celebration and many cities throughout the world mark the occasion when the clock strikes midnight by fireworks, parties and gatherings.


New Year Resolutions

Many people make a resolution, which is usually to make a positive change to their lives. The most common resolutions are:

  • to lose weight
  • to quit smoking
  • to cut down on alcohol consumption
  • to take more exercise/get fit
  • to find a better job
  • to get out of debt
  • to reduce stress
  • to save money
  • to learn a new skill/take up a new hobby
  • to be more organised

Make your resolution a success

It's never too early to start planning your new year resolution. Planning ahead rather than waiting until New Year's Eve (Hogmanay in Scotland) is one of the key elements to success.

The first thing to do once you have decided on your resolution is to set a specific goal. It's no use saying that you want to lose weight or find a new job. Your goal must be realistic in order for you to achieve it. Write down and set a start date, end date and detail your aims. Many resolutions fail because the goals set are not achievable, and fall flat.

How to write out your New Year Resolution

It isn't enough to say that you will find a better job by the middle of the year as this cannot be guaranteed as it is outwith your control. Instead, you could say that you will update your C.V. and apply for 2 new jobs every week, register with a few employment agencies and do a local job search on the computer once or twice a week. If you create a specific plan outlining how you intend to achieve your goal, then you will feel more motivated to carry it through. Losing weight happens to be one of my resolutions for this coming year, and this is how I have written it out:-

Start Date - 2nd January 2012

End Date - 30th April 2012


To have lost at least 14lbs by the end of April 2012

How am I going to achieve this:

  • Cut out sugar in coffee and replace with sweeteners
  • Use low fat spread instead of butter
  • Join the local Zumba class after work each Thursday evening
  • Substitute fresh fruit for chocolate
  • Generally eat more healthily
  • Buy a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps every day.
  • Weigh myself once a week and record my weight in order to keep track of my progress

If you have made your New Year Resolution, what is it?

See results

Keep yourself motivated

A resolution is a promise to yourself, so it's no use trying to make a change that you know you will never keep up. Keeping yourself motivated is a big part of whether or not you stay committed to the challenge set.

  • Give yourself credit for each step you take, however small. Changes cannot be implemented in one day, so be proud of yourself while on your journey.
  • Keep your end goal in sight and don't give in.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Once you have achieved one or more of the steps to a new you, you will feel more encouraged to continue.
  • Determination breeds motivation, so having a positive attitude is essential in attaining your goal.

Happy New Year

All that's left for me to say is that I wish you all a very Happy New Year and good luck with your New Year Resolutions. Be successful.


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