Is the concept of Santa Claus totally outdated in our society?

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  1. Wayne Brown profile image80
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    Is the concept of Santa Claus totally outdated in our society?

    Is this a good concept for young children to belief in a fantasy character only to find out in later years it was all a hoax? How do you feel and why?

  2. Wayne Orvisburg profile image61
    Wayne Orvisburgposted 13 years ago

    No. I think Santa is a wonderful belief that still thrives as much as it ever has.

  3. profile image0
    Jeykishanposted 13 years ago

    MMMMMMMMMMMM.....Good question Sir! But let me say this. Actually Santa Claus representing the Christmas. It's good to see Santa during the season. But the HERO of the Christmas is JESUS CHRIST and not Santa. What I'm saying is Santa is not totally outdated but we could not see Christ in the Christmas. It's not a big deal if Santa outdated. But the deal is about Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. offshoreit profile image60
      offshoreitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think santa is still familiar with us and kids and hope it will be in future.

  4. Vicki.Pierce profile image69
    Vicki.Pierceposted 13 years ago

    I believe that Santa is a good thing.  It is not truly a hoax.  I believe there is a little bit of "Santa" in all of us.  It is the spirit of giving.

    At the same time I think it is important to remind our children that "Jesus is the reason for Season."

  5. sureye profile image60
    sureyeposted 13 years ago

    I think Santa is bigger than ever and quite frankly I think it is repulsive. Santa isn't much about giving unconditionally anymore. To kids nowadays it's about how many presents are under the tree and what they "want." It's very repulsive. I see my stepkids' faces after they finish opening their gifts at our house and they always say "that's it?" and i cannot blame them. I must blame their mom. the gifts at her house are flowing out of the windows, doors and any opening. And Jesus is never brought up to them and not told to them that HE is the ONLY reason. Not Santa, or that repulsive elf that "watches you to tell santa just how precious you've been." That teaches them to only be good when someone is watching. And that if they behave there will always be something in return.
    I believe that Santa and his elf on the shelf crud is ridiculous.
    Now, to say that, i want to say this: If Santa supported the idea of Christ and what He has done for us like it was before, then heck yes bring the fat jolly man on! But it isn't about that anymore. It's only about gifts and receiving. What ever happened to giving selflessly without expecting anything in return???

  6. Lori Allison profile image60
    Lori Allisonposted 13 years ago

    The other day at work (daycare center) one of the caregivers said to the kids "It is too loud in here and it’s too messy. Remember Santa is watching if you’re good or bad so clean up and be quiet." I was disgusted!
    (Religion Pending) YES, Jesus’ birth is the reason for ‘Christ’mas (hence the name). He was born to forgive us from sins such as greed for example (irony!) The gifts started because of the wise men who offered what they had to show their gratitude to God for his son. I’m pretty sure they didn’t get a LONG LIST of what Jesus wanted for his birthday…
    Santa on the other hand was because a man in Europe (many variations) realized that the poor children had nothing to play with. He HANDMADE toys and gave ONE to each child to show that they mattered and that they were cared about despite their wealth.
    Have we learned nothing from Dr. Seuss? ?”... It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more. ...”
    The concept of Santa is not outdated but blown-out-of-proportion in society. Even with consumerism being what it is, children should be more excited about being with family and friends. Personally if children understand Santa’s story, and Jesus’ Story ONE SPECIAL gift should be “From Santa” and the rest should be from Mom and Dad (caregiver) because this will build gratitude and appreciation towards the parents and bonding on Christmas morning more with family.

  7. Chernikal profile image72
    Chernikalposted 6 years ago

    This is not a good concept to teach young children about Santa Clause. First, it is a lie. It is not a good thing to teach any children a lie. Second, Santa is a tactic of Satan to get his children to worship him. If you take the n out of Santa and place it at the end of the word, the word turns into Satan (Santa, Satan). Many children refer to him as ''Saint Nicolas", which Nicolas is a Greek word for Nimrod. The Bible condemns this practice in Revelation 2:6 where he says he hatest the deed of the Nicolaitanes.This name originates from the Greek words, ​nikos ​meaning "conquer" or "destroyer," and ​laos​, meaning "people." The original Nicolas, known as Nimrod (​Genesis 10:8)​, was a destroyer of the people. Nicolas is merely the Greek word for Nimrod. Within two centuries after the Flood, Nimrod conquered the people and found a man-made civilization. While alive, Nimrod commanded his subjects to worship him in place of Yahweh. Even after his death, his followers continued to worship him as a divine heroic leader.(Langer's An encyclopedia of World History). The word "nicolaitane" depicted in Revelation Ch.2 vs 6 derives from "Nicolas", which means followers of Nicolas (nicolaitanes will be discussed more in detail in part 4 series of "The Truth vs False Doctrines").  Nimrod was referred to as "master" or "baal", which is translated into "lord." So when we teach our children that "Santa Clause" gives presents to good children, we are teaching them to practice the deeds of the nicolaitanes, idolize(worship) Satan, and all the pagan deities which Yeshua condemns and hates (Rev 2:6).


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