Is it okay to tell children there is Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easte

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  1. pstraubie48 profile image82
    pstraubie48posted 11 years ago

    Is it okay to tell children there is Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny?

    Share your thoughts please.

  2. billybuc profile image86
    billybucposted 11 years ago

    It's okay to tell them there is a Santa Claus, but it's not okay to tell them ten years later he doesn't exist.  LOL

    Seriously sure, what the there a harm in it I'm not aware of? I  wish I could still believe in the jolly old fellow.

  3. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    Yes, let the children have their childhood and fairy tales, they will soon be gone.

  4. bluebird profile image60
    bluebirdposted 11 years ago

    Normally we try to teach our children not to lie and as parents, we sure don't like it when they lie to us.
    Life should be more to children than "getting things" from the bunny rabbit and Santa Clause, these are all lies the devil has used to deceive God's children. God doesn't lie to us, in His word He tells us nothing but the truth.
    We must not deceive our children, we must tell our children the truth about these things.
    Some may think it's a big joke and it doesn't hurt kids, but how can they look up to their parents when such lies are told to them. They are very innocent and trusting and believe everything their parents tell them.
    Think about this:
    People see Jesus Christ at Christmas time as a little baby.
    He is returning to this world soon to save it and BE OUR KING!!!

    What is better? For kids to look to Santa at Christmas to "get" presents?
    Or be taught to look to Jesus Christ as the source of all the answers in this life and the next?

    1. MickS profile image61
      MickSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What a load of clap-trap, you have tried to hi-jack this question for your own little pulpit.

    2. SidKemp profile image72
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hmm, Jesus loved to tell stories. They're called parables. And he said that people would understand the parables one way when they were young in his teachings, and another way when they understood more deeply. Why shouldn't Christian parents do same?

    3. MickS profile image61
      MickSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent stuff Sid.

    4. ladydeonne profile image70
      ladydeonneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My fondest childhood memories are those magical years when I believed in Santa Clause.  I also believed in the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny.  I in turn, passed the tradition on to my children.  I still BELIEVE in magic!.

  5. SidKemp profile image72
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    I think it's okay. But be prepared to guide your children in deeper understanding as they get older, and even help them if they get teased at school or by friends. You might try, "No, there really isn't a fat red man who fits down our chimney - who has a chimney anymore, anyway. But I taught you about Santa Claus when you were little because I wanted you to start to learn about the spirit of gift-giving and the wonder of the season.

    On the flip side, one of my favorite Doonesbury cartoons is the disappointed look on Zonker's face, while he's in college, when he learns there is no Santa Claus!

  6. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I don't like it. I never have. I was seriously angry about it when I was a child and found out. I didn't and still don't get the point in telling these lies to our children. Can't good memories be made without making up random old men that sneak in the house while we are sleeping to offer our children toys?
    With that said, my husband wanted to so I go along with it. I say as little about all of it as possible and focus on the meaning of the day for me, family.

  7. livinggood profile image60
    livinggoodposted 11 years ago

    Don't lie to the kids about stupid stuff. In turn they might start lying about stupid stuff. Before you know it you got a house full of liars. If your going to tell your kids about Santa and other make believe beings, be honest about it. Just as if you were reading them a fairy tale about Jack and the bean stock.
    I doubt most people would shove that story down their kids throats and call it truth. The same should be for these other fairies as well.
    Also Jesus never claimed that His parables were true stories like most people do with Santa. So the question was, is it okay, and I think it's a mistake to lie to your children. They hear enough fake stories in movies and cartoons. Why add to the lies? Teach your children to be upright and honest by being that way yourself.

  8. Ayu Bi profile image79
    Ayu Biposted 11 years ago

    I think it's okay. As a child I knew Santa Claus never existed and that never broke my heart. So I guess it wouldn't be too much of a problem smile

    1. Foivos Manoloudis profile image61
      Foivos Manoloudisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      YES,I KNOW THAT THIS SUBJECT NEVER REALLY BOTHERED SOME PEOPLE(like me for example)but think that some people may care.

  9. CharronsChatter profile image80
    CharronsChatterposted 11 years ago

    of course it is! We tell them to believe in their government and punitive system, don't we?

    Why not a good fiction?

  10. justmesuzanne profile image84
    justmesuzanneposted 11 years ago

    No, it is not. The reason is that these concoctions serve  no purpose other than to commercialize holidays. They are just tools to be used to turn children into consumers and slaves to corporate power. Better to teach them the complete history of the holiday or custom and decide as a family how (or whether) to celebrate according to what has been learned.

  11. taburkett profile image59
    taburkettposted 11 years ago

    Sinterklaas was inspired by the generosity of a man who assisted the poor.  If introduced correctly, the child will learn to share their abundance with those who have little.
    The Easter hare was introduced as an animal that Jesus spoke to during a visit to a beautiful garden.  Following his crucifixion, the animal returned to the side of Jesus just before he ascended.
    The tooth fairy was introduced into society to provide a reward for the child who presented themselves as a strong individual when a tooth was lost.  Introduction of the tooth fairy was found to identify that the lost tooth would be replaced if the tooth fairy were to leave a gift for the child.
    If used correctly, these symbols permit the child to learn compassion through development of a strong empathetic nature.
    Commercialization of these symbols has been plagiarized by sly marketing specialists for their own rewards.

  12. Foivos Manoloudis profile image61
    Foivos Manoloudisposted 11 years ago

    Absolutely not.Children believe really easily and have faith in these fake persons.And when you tell them the truth they will refuse to accept it.Then,it will take them a long time to trust anything you tell them,Even after they get over it,they will always reconsider what you are saying and never instantly believing it.

    1. Foivos Manoloudis profile image61
      Foivos Manoloudisposted 11 years agoin reply to this


    2. bluebird profile image60
      bluebirdposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is a good comment, it's nice to know there are a few like me left in the world! Thank you for your comment!

  13. Mazzy Bolero profile image68
    Mazzy Boleroposted 11 years ago

    It was magical to believe in Santa Claus and to lie awake listening for the sleigh bells.  I don't think there's any harm at all in young children living in a world of the imagination, a world that contains elves and leprechauns and every kind of wondrous thing.  The sense of wonder nourished in those early years can sustain us in later times when we are tied down to a grim and pedestrian reality.  If we are lucky, we never lose that sense of wonder and can feel it every day. As long as our imaginations can take flight, we are free.  We can transform our reality.  We can see the magic of life and not just the grey walls.  I see no reason to deprive children of that.

  14. celafoe profile image54
    celafoeposted 11 years ago

    why would you want to lie to your children if you expect them to trust and respect you?

  15. Acmontero profile image60
    Acmonteroposted 11 years ago

    I personally think that it is okay. I feel that children should be able to believe in a little magic. I am 27 years old and I still out cookies out. ( No I am not crazy ) it's the thought of it all, the tradition I like to keep a live. I make my hubby eat them in the middle of the night. Not that he minds eattin some cookies and drinking some milk. I would definitely tell my children about these characters and ofcourse be prepared for when they find out te truth.

  16. Get Thin for Good profile image67
    Get Thin for Goodposted 11 years ago

    No, because then you are lying to them. Is lying to your children good?

    Also, once they find out you have lied to them, how do you think that makes them feel about you, and about God? Because now if the bunny etc. is not real, then perhaps God is also a lie...

    I told my son the truth from small, and he did not suffer for it. Instead, there was high trust between us all the time, even now when he is 17 years old. He knows that when I tell him something, it is the truth.

  17. profile image0
    Alise- Evonposted 11 years ago

    No, because lying is not O.K.  Just think about possible ramifications later on:  disillusionment when they learn the truth about these things, not believing other things you tell them later on, not listening to and obeying you when you tell them not to lie to you or others.  And, then, why are you surprised and/or frustrated when you have to deal with these issues as the child grows up?  Do you have the right to feel these things if you yourself taught them how to, and that it is O.K. to, lie?

  18. stanwshura profile image72
    stanwshuraposted 11 years ago

    I, for one, wish these "traditions" had never been invented.  I agree that childhood is a time for wishes and dreams and all that happy, hopeful stuff, but a lie is a lie.

    You shouldn't need to threaten to call Santa to discipline your kids (ahem!!!!).  I think the motive might have been well-intentioned, but these - are superficial.  Easter and Christmas are not about bunnies and chubby elves with reindeer.  And you can help a child celebrate a milestone such as losing a tooth without putting crazy ideas of a coin-dropping fairy coming under your pillow that night.

  19. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 11 years ago

    If you accept most of the answers here, then it is wrong to read fairy tales to children, or let them read fictional work. I had an encounter with an atheist who celebrates x-mas as he wrote it  and said Santa for Toys and The Easter Bunny for Candy. That was hardly being truthful.

    Kids figure out pretty quickly that their parents were playing a game with them through the use of Santa et al. I think it is called pretending.

  20. Caveman67 profile image57
    Caveman67posted 11 years ago

    I don't think that lying is okay. When they find out the truth kids can get angry with you. Also, it can influence on their attitude to God - they will think, it's just another lie, about the guy, that doesn't exist.

  21. profile image52
    Lana gotayposted 10 years ago

    I think it is okay to tell them when they ask or at the age of seven because If u lie to them saying oh they r real they might find out that u were lying to them and they would hate that so bad


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