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101 Reasons Why It Would Have Paid You To Read My Hubs A Couple Of Months Ago!

Updated on August 9, 2009

Imagine if you will, thousands of people suddenly flocking to your hub, blog, or website. Yea, yea, you've read everything out there and still no hits, no comments, little's really pissing you off hugh? 

you're web traffic is like a blowing tumbleweed through a ghost town...
you're web traffic is like a blowing tumbleweed through a ghost town...
Flickr Maps Mashup - Showing Photos from San Francisco
Flickr Maps Mashup - Showing Photos from San Francisco
The Washington Post's Technology Blog on Events
The Washington Post's Technology Blog on Events

Hubs that have a "little something for everyone" also do well...

Here's Some Tips I Am Learning At This Moment

Targeting Unmonetized Searches

  • For $0.10 a click (sometimes less), you can build your branding and your site's visibility. Make sure to serve up great content that targets exactly what the searchers want - a list of resources, an informational how-to article or the like. If you deliver great results in a search where you're the only advertiser, searchers will remember you, re-visit you and, occasionally, write about and link to you.

  • At this rate, you may have a dozen or a thousand hits a day.Give your readers some action iems or things to do so they don't abandon you!

Creating Controversy

  • This is something I personally do well (wink). In other words, have a passionate audience or community with strong (and hopefully misguided) feelings about a subject, person, company, etc.
  • Find something you are passionate about and write lots of things about that topic that no one has read yet. If you don't see something that's written about often but plenty of people get emotional when it's brought up, go for it!
  • Heavy traffic levels come through multiple channels, but your biggest source is often the direct response of the disagreeing party. Be sure you're handling the dispute in a professional and even-handed manner and you can earn a respectable following.

Maps & Mashups

  • What is this you say? I am not very Internet savvy either, so I am going to take a quote from SEOmoz. (hope you don't mind)

"Utilizing geographic data and a maps API system, you can create a very cool tool on your site that combines the two in a graphical, fun-to-use and highly-linkable way. Even sites in the most boring of sectors can employ this strategy by mapping things like their own industry's stats from census data or concentrations of relevant physical locations. If you're an optometrist, why not map all the optometrists in your state/country (using a directory of some kind that you re-write into XML or tabular data) and mash it up with areas of high-tech concentrations (attempting to prove/disprove that techies who stare at their monitors all day need vision care)."

Event Coverage

  • Go to the event, cover as best you can - make friends, take copious, detailed notes, go to the bars afterwards, shoot photos and videos and, most importantly, let everyone there know that you'll have the coverage on your site in the next few days. Time is of the essence here, but once you've got a great writeup (with photos!), send emails to your event contacts to help boost the buzz.
  • My beautiful baby sister does this and it make me sick how popular she is!
  • Think Michael Jackson and celebrities. Don't have a dead celebrity or anyone interesting in your area? Talk about an issue stirring controversy in the area (like our wind farms)

Top Ten Lists

  • The easiest and quickest way to drive traffi your way, but also difficult to find a meaningful topic and keep up on a consistent basis. (poor Letterman!)
  • While tens or hundreds of thousands of visitors certainly isn't the norm, it can definitely be your goal. (hit the Digg community fellow reader!)

Online Tools

  • A service that you can code into a tool to save someone time, effort, money or, alternatively, provide entertainment.
  • I like PollDaddy and Pimp-My-Profile. Widgets are great too!
  • Tools can generate traffic slowly over time, or they can have huge bursts. Often, they spread virally through email and social networks if they're built right.

Graphic & Web Design

  • Re-design your existing site to the best of your ability. Use pure CSS, graphics, color and layout that mesh well and make it not only easy to use your site, but aesthetically remarkable, too.
  • Veracon is an excellent source of web design!

Leveraging Social Networks

  • We all know this one!! (roll eyes) Here's a list of the best of the best social networking sites, many we all love...
  • So this is what you do...make a kick ass blog, hub, or website and then inseminate it through the entire Internet via these sites! How easy is that people?

Blogging & Blog Comments

  • Regularly blogging about your industry, passion or profession can have enormous payoff if done properly. There's a host of considerations, but for the purposes of this short list, it's enough to simply blog well and take advantage of the inherent traffic provided by blog & RSS feed directories, tagging your posts at Technorati and commenting thoughtfully and intelligently around the blogosphere. Even though those links don't get link credit (due to no follow), you'll get clicks and attention if your comments are intelligent and provocative.
  • I actually tell people anywhere I am at, whoever will listen to me (or don't have a choice!) to go to my site .
  • NEW HUBBERS: be prepared to giving it love and attention, as the value may be best felt after months or years of writing.

Reporting Remarkable News

  • Again, Michael Jackson, Adoptive parents in Florida, Farrah Fawcett, etc.
  • Google Trends!
  • Some of the highest traffic boosts possible come from news reports as thousands of popular sites write about their own experience or opinion with the story and credit you, sending what can often be tens or even hundreds of thousands of visitors over a few days.
  • Like a fad, this can backfire. However, like the Cabbage Patch and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we can all learn a thing or two about icons launching careers forward. The best approach is always follow your passion (mine being civil rights, humanities, and philaprophy)

Offering Something Incredible(as long as it's legal!)

  • If you launch a site with goods, services or a gimmick that is simply irresistible, massively useful, universally appealing and hard to live without once you've tried it, rest assured that the Internet will respond by sending you appropriately stratospheric levels of traffic.
  • Frogdropping is good at this...and that's why he/she has a lot of fans....

This is a perfect example of everything mentioned in this hub, it has my interests, popularity, is engaging, and is timeless!

A Quicky List

  1.  Write short, pithy posts. ( this is not a good example!)
  2. Include polls, meters and other eye candy.
  3. Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog.
  4. Be timeless... write posts that will be readable in a year.
  5. Coin a term or two. Today I told my friend that God was strange. When he asked why, I said, because He made me in the image of Him. (think about that one....grin) I want credit if you use that!
  6. Use photos. Salacious ones are best.
  7. Keep tweaking your template to make it include every conceivable bell or whistle.
  8. Write about a never-ending parade of different topics so you don't bore your readers.
  9. Don't promote yourself and your business or your books or your projects at the expense of the reader's attention.

Quite Possibly the Sexiest Piece of Ass on Earth ( Don't read into that...)


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