Working for a Female Boss
Some men apparently have a problem working for woman supervisors. They may not announce it publicly but they do. I know because I’m a male who has worked for several over the last several decades.
On breaks, at the water cooler and in the men’s room, I’ve heard many heated conversations on the matter. Complaints abound. Women tend to think it’s the male ego and pride as the cause, but I disagree. From what I’ve gathered, it’s not the male ego but rather the fact men and women tend to think differently. Therefore they handle situations in a different manner. Men are problem solvers. They see a problem, fix it and move on. Women on the other hand seem to want to talk a situation out, holding what men would consider wasted time in long, time consuming and unnecessary meetings.
Men frequently compare a woman with the female of another domestic species. Women sometimes refer to their same sex in the same manner but I don’t believe it has the same connotation.
This type of name calling is definitely socially inappropriate, but in a group of men it doesn’t seem to make much difference. I think it could be their way of venting to prevent using their physical advantages over a female. That would be culturally unacceptable. But men know how to cope with other men. In some instances a good old fashioned knockdown, drag out works wonders in solving most male to male disagreements.
So, how do men cope with a “Bossy” female manager? That’s another term I’ve overheard men use. One of my past coworkers said “Women aren’t content with just being the boss. They have to make sure everybody else knows they’re the boss.” Another comment he made was “She’s too emotional, must be that time of the month.” I know…that’s a sexist remark. But I didn’t make it.
I’ve also overheard statements about pregnant women in management, who because of that fact, are allowed to take too much time off of work. The complaint is they usually have to take up the slack.
Now that all female readers are sufficiently steamed up…remember this is only satire.