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A Round Tuit

Updated on August 29, 2012

Where's The Budget Obama And US Senate?

Isn't it wonderful that the present administration and the Democratically controlled Senate haven't passed a budget in over two (2) years? Doesn't that give you warm fuzzies as you tuck your children in at night? One of the main functions of the US Congress is to pass a federal budget every year but little things like elections seem to be getting in the way. Someone has to be the bad guy, right? It's only our nation's economic security that is at stake here.

Someone sent me an e-mail the other day and it contained a "TUIT." It also happened to be a round one. I was wondering what to do with it because I usually take care of my business as it needs to be taken care of, when it needs to be taken care of. Then I had a brain storm and knew instinctively how to use it and who to share it with. These things are evidently like gold but I'm a big spender. So I'll give you one under the condition that you give one to your two US Senators. They'll love it. Don't forget to enclose a personal note about your disgust about them snoozing on the job.

So having shared one with each of you, I am a bit poorer indeed but I scratched my "charitable itch" for the day. So lets move forward with the discussion of the inaction of the Democratic Party concerning them getting "A Round Tuit." I don't see it happening because of the partisan games we are witnessing on Capitol Hill concerning this vital action. I find that inexcusable no matter who is doing it.

Yesterday Obama met with the House Republican Caucus for a brain storm session about what needs to be done. He was specifically asked where his administration's budget proposal was since the last one went down in flames and I mean FLAMES! The vote on Obama's budget was 97 - 0. Not one single Senator voted for that fiasco. Obstacles seem to always get in the way when an election is approaching. An election shouldn't be an obstacle in our nation but the nature of partisan politics makes it so. Obama knows exactly what needs to be done but he sure isn't going to be the one to do it. He'd rather play a round of golf or take another vacation instead of being a leader. After all, he's only the President of the United States and should be displaying the leadership skills to hold that position. I don't think that is too much to ask myself. Don't hold your breath though. I don't see him getting "A Round Tuit" because it involves too many painful decisions that MUST be made.

Then we have Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). He's never seen "a round tuit" that he likes and probably doesn't carry one around in his $500 suit pocket. Now Harry, rather than take care of the business that the US Constitution has charged his learned body with, would rather criticize the Republican plan that was submitted by Paul Ryan. See folks. Ryan shortly after the mid-terms knew that it was time to get "a round tuit" so he took the bull by the horns and stepped on out there. Harry has no interest in such nonsense it seems.

Not too long ago, May 20th of this year to be exact, there was a statement in the Los Angeles Times attributed to Reid. What he said should be the key to what is really going on with the subject of cutting spending and the national deficit. What he said was this, "There's no need to have a Democratic budget in my opinion. It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage." What stage Harry? The theater of political partisanship and game playing. I think Harry is one of the biggest fools in the political theater we are having to watch.

Must I remind Harry that we elect our officials to run this nation in accordance with the US Constitution, his opinion be damned. Doing your job should always come first, or at least that's the way I see it. We're paying these Senators 174K a year for a part time job to do nothing? The Republicans were labeled the "Party of No" the past years, and now we're saddled with the "Do Nothing Party" in the US Senate because they don't think they need to get "a round tuit."

Fear is preventing the Democrats from putting something on the table. That's plain and simple and factual. Opinions are nice Harry. They're like butt holes and everyone usually has one. But an opinion based upon fear is rarely a good one. What fear you might ask?

The fear of losing "control." These are control freaks that keep getting reelected for decades on end. That's what this is really all about and anyone with a even a grain of common sense can see it. "Doing nothing" seems to be the answer to not losing "control." That might be his opinion but mine is that what we are witnessing is an out of control President and US Senate because they would rather not get "a round tuit" and risk losing those plump cushions that they are so fond of parking their butts in. But inaction on this issue isn't going to solve the problems we face.

So I got "a round tuit," you now have "a round tuit" and we all need to write them and tell them to stop taking a snoozeroo, get off the partisanship, "elections come first" mentality that they seem concerned with and get (you guessed it!) "a round tuit."

An economic catastrophe surely isn't a reason for them to obey the supreme law of this land and then decide to get "a round tuit." It'll be too late and if you want to see the ire of the American people then fail to do your duty and let everyone's world come crumbling down around their ears.

I'm feeling good today so lets do this. My generous side is talking here so let me give you another "A Round Tuit" so you'll have a spare - just in case you need one.

Got Any Spare "Change" Obama?

As Always,

A fellow concerned citizen who knows our nation is headed in the wrong direction.

The Frog Prince


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