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Tidbits for Choosing Great Holiday Gifts

Updated on May 12, 2011
Honey, I bought you a Flat Screen
Honey, I bought you a Flat Screen

Everyone has Received One

Here are some tidbits for choosing great holiday gifts that will help to make shopping a little easier. I believe it would be hard to find anyone who could truly say that they’ve never received a bad gift for Christmas, birthday, or some celebrated occasion. Some of us have received more bad gifts that we choose to remember. However, if you truly have a desire to choose the appropriate gift that will make that special individual’s face light up then this is the hub for you.

Observers of people’s reactions, like I am, can usually tell if a person does not like the gift given to them. My batting average for choosing the right gift is about 98.5% so I decided to share some of the tidbits that I’ve learned that will help anyone increase their accuracy in choosing the right gift for someone. Hopefully this hub will help others avoid some of the heartaches that I’ve experienced from some insensitive individuals that have given me bad gifts in the past. The first thing you must know is that a gift that a person does not like will never have value.

Now it is understandable if funds are tight and you are experiencing a negative money glitch because of the economy. However, this is not excusable, because an inexpensive gift that a person put some thought into is always more valuable than a gift costing more money that was just purchased with no thought or consideration for the individual receiving the gift. I think the easiest way to reveal some of the tidbits will be to simply discuss the dos and don’ts of choosing that right gift. Before I began you must know that choosing great gifts that others will love is not an easy task in the beginning. It will require work, however the more you get it right, the better you will become and the easier it gets.

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Become a great gift-giverGiving great gifts...Gets the girl...
Become a great gift-giver
Become a great gift-giver
Giving great gifts...
Giving great gifts...
Gets the girl...
Gets the girl...

Let’s Start with “Tha Rules”

  1. It is not about you - This is the mistake that people make most often. I don’t want to sound harsh however, if you are buying a gift for someone else, it is really not about what you like. A great gift-giver is in tune with what the other person likes even if it is the opposite of what you like.
  2. Listen, listen, and listen again - Tune in your “listening ear” for what an individual likes and dislikes. Given the opportunity you can even discuss gifts they have previously received from others that they’ve enjoyed. I once gave a director of mine a CD as a gift that she talked about 5 years later, simply because I heard her during a conversation when she said she liked Kenny G.
  3. Put on your empathy suit – If you have someone that always gives you nice gifts and you have just given them whatever you liked in the past.Make a decision to be considerate of others.
  4. Do your homework – If possible have a budget in place and have a general idea of all the people you plan to purchase gifts for. Began by reading articles like this and others on How to Choose Perfect Gifts, then research prices, and become familiar with items for the different genders that are on your list.
  5. No apology necessary - A gift-giving expert never has to apologize for their gift by saying, “I hope you like it, I thought it looked like you. Itl ooked good on me. Or sorry, I couldn’t find you what I wanted to give you.This was all that was left.”

Oooh, If Ann doesn't like this, I'll wear it...
Oooh, If Ann doesn't like this, I'll wear it...

The NOT to Do List

  1. Do not wait until the last minute to make your purchases – Waiting for the Christmas Eve specials may not allow you time or good choices in choosing the right gift. It is better to make purchases from reputable stores and watch for the item to go on sale. If it does go on sale most stores have a 10 to 30 day return policy that allows you to return the gift and get any difference in price reimbursed to you.
  2. Do not attempt to shop for others - When you are in the mood to purchase yourself something that you want. You will only wind up buying things you like and forgetting about others.You cannot choose a great holiday gift for someone else when you are thinking only of yourself and what you would like to receive as a present.
  3. Stay focused - IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. I know I’ve said this once already, but this is one key point that you must remember. If you are prone to say to a loved one, “I bought this because I liked it.” Ding, ding, wrong answer!
  4. Stay away from purchasing clothing - If you do not know the exact size of an individual. Or if you don’t have the same taste in clothing then it’s really important not to purchase something for that individual to wear. One way you can tell if you have made this mistake before is that if you’ve never seen that person wear the clothes you’ve purchased; then most likely they did not like the item or the size was incorrect.
  5. Do not recycle old gifts to the same group of people – If you think Aunt Susan will not recognize that cake platter she gave you two years ago. I’m sorry to tell you, “She will.” And trust me I learned the hard way you will not be able to lie your way out of the truth of the matter that it is the same one and you don’t want it.

The TO DO List

  1. Do plan ahead – If you have not been listening or done any planning for buying Christmas gifts this year. Start now! Make your list and start making purchases now while supplies are readily available.Look at websites like Gift Giving Made Easy that offers suggestions for choosing gifts of all occasions.
  2. It’s o.k. to ask for ideas – It is always perfectly o.k. to ask a loved one to offer suggestions of what they would like as a gift. Most children and some adults will tell you without you having to ask.
  3. When in doubt take the individual store browsing – Watch the kind of items a person picks up and listen to his or her comments about the item. I know that a lot of couples do not enjoy shopping together, but occasionally this could ensure that your love one truly enjoys the gift you give them this season. If you don’t want to shop within a store; you can always hug up to a computer and window shop online.Be sure to check out the virtual that offers an array of gifts, will provide you with ideas, and access to 432 specialty stores.
  4. Establish a budget for your gift purchases – Planning a budget of gift purchases will keep you from over spending and being depressed and or stressed by it later. Remember, while itis about the gift, it is more about the thought put into the gift than it is the cost.
  5. Always be gender conscious and purchase age appropriate gifts –Especially with younger kids that may hurt themselves with toys that are not age appropriate. However, this does not mean to go extreme with it. You don’t have to buy grandma and old fashion perfume if she tells you she wants J Lo’s "My Glow" or Mariah Carey's "M" as a gift.


Complete Your "To Do List" & Enjoy Christmas!

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