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The Oath Keepers: Against All Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Updated on April 13, 2022

Land of the Brave?

What happens when those entrusted with authority abuse that authority? When it is an isolated case the law might actually work but what could happen when an entire group of people are given orders to commit acts that are unlawful? It happened in Nazi Germany, it happened in Vietnam and it happened at Abu Ghraib. Will it happen here?

From the day we are born we are taught to obey, we are taught to conform at home, in school and in church. Seldom are we taught to question authority, stand up to injustice or go against the grain. I think all of us can look back to our high school days to know how easy it is to conform, we all want to be liked, we all want to do well. The Japanese even have a saying "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down". But when that all too human need to fit in is put under the authority of an evil group, a tyrannical government or a despot it can lead to abuse, illegal acts and genocide. I think it's time to start raising our children with the added admonishment that it is more than ok not to conform but in many instances it is preferred. I think if we had more children raised with this mentality maybe it would cut down on the amount of bullying in our schools because they would be armed with the ability to stand up in the face of oppression. We need to teach our children what it means to be courageous, it's a lost art, an old fashioned virtue that is much needed today.

There is a movement under way called "The Oath Keepers". The have 10 points; they are as follows:

  1. They will not obey any order to disarm the American People.
  2. They will not obey orders to perform warrant-less searches of the American people.
  3. They will not obey orders to detain American people as unlawful enemy combatants or subject them to a military tribunal.
  4. They will not obey orders to impose martial law.
  5. They will not obey orders to subvert sovereignty by the states.
  6. They will not obey orders to blockade American cities.
  7. They will not obey any order to put the American people into concentration camps.
  8. They will not obey orders to assist or support foreign military against the American people on the pretext of keeping control.
  9. They will not obey orders to confiscate property of the American people.
  10. They will not obey orders that will infringe on the right of the American people to free speech.

Oath Keepers requires men who are in positions of authority like policemen or military to swear to uphold their values, and the Constitution should they be asked to do things that are unlawful, immoral or unconstitutional. I think this is a wonderful movement (there is a short film below describing this movement). This movement is a good start but what is needed is much more. We need to spread the concept of standing up for what is right, facing oppressors even if they are cloaked in the garb of authority and/or leaders and teach our children and ourselves the real meaning of bravery. Bravery is not just for super heroes manufactured out of Hollywood, bravery is something we all must nurture and encourage. The times we live in may require that we all become heroes in order to ensure that we all don't become victims.

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