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Your Body Is The World

Updated on November 23, 2009
"Omicron Contraction" - original painting by Robert Kernodle, 1999
"Omicron Contraction" - original painting by Robert Kernodle, 1999

Your Body Is The World

Robert Kernodle

Material substance is not a lowly thing—it is the basic stuff of all things.  Muscles and flesh are condensations of universal substance into a rare moment of consciousness that we should respect and maintain.

I find that most people do not understand that your physical body is who you are.  Flesh, muscles, bones, organs and their collective actions are what a person is.  Mind, emotions and spirit are extensions of the physical body.  Mind, emotions and spirit are vibrations of the body’s physical substance.  The body’s physical substance is composed from the substances of the world.  Consequently, the body itself is an extension of the world.

Everything You See Is A Part Of YOU

People living in modern societies have gotten themselves into bad habits.  The worst of these habits is a faulty attitude.  I am talking about THE most basic attitude of all—how a person thinks (or does not think) of his/her visible, tangible self.  A large number of people function unconsciously on the premise that the human body really is not an honorable thing.  Many of us categorize our thoughts and feelings completely apart from tangible material that creates these thoughts and feelings.

We think that our basic life energy is disconnected from anatomical structure.  In essence, we stumble about in the mind-vs.-body trap, and we may very well be allowing this trap to destroy us.  By carrying on our lives as though something beyond our bodies defines us, we dishonor the very thing that guarantees our daily existence.

The reality is that everything outside of our bodies IS our bodies.  Everything we touch in the world is an elongation of our bodies.  Everything we do in the space surrounding our bodies shapes our bodies—their mental, spiritual and emotional health.  A human body is not just arms, legs, torso and face—it is space, time, activity and flow everywhere we go.

Statistics Don’t Lie

Twenty years ago, when I was at the peak of my career as a fitness instructor, I was very optimistic about getting people in tune with their physical well-being.  Now, twenty years later, I see that obesity statistics are worse than ever.  More adults are overweight, more children are overweight, and more severely overweight people are even more severely overweight.  Obesity in civilized countries is a major health threat.  At the same time, people’s increasingly hectic lives allow even less time to focus on and to achieve a state of physical well-being.

These facts both disturb and amaze me.  How can this situation possibly exist, when so much health information flourishes?  How can this situation possibly exist when so many health products and health services exist?—when so many motivational speakers preach about health, exercise, good eating habits, and a balanced life?  We, as a society, obviously think the thoughts, and we talk the talk, but we still are NOT walking the walk of good health.

No Support System

A functional commitment to the physical substance of human well-being does NOT exist across the connected governments and businesses of modern civilizations.  In other words, NOT enough people in positions of high leadership and control have the right attitude about the human body.

Corporations control people through taste buds.  Governments control people through policies that fail to account for real, day-to-day requirements of living a life successfully.  Much of the medical-care network fails to employ methods of preventative care, because they support drug companies whose main aim is profiting from illness.  People, then, fail to control themselves, because the massive system that supports them fails to support the core, daily practices of good health.

Corporations, governments, health care networks, and people (all connected as a mutually supportive network) have NOT changed significantly.

Human anatomy has remained essentially the same for the past 200,000 years; yet our developed minds arrogantly ignore this fact, systematically disrespecting and destroying the mind’s root foundation, which is the body.

Our Only Help Is Ourselves

At no other time in history has it been more important for each human being to take individual control of individual life.  A comprehensive health network and philosophical support system does NOT exist.  What exists is a huge, profit-driven network that caters to people’s weaknesses, addictions and lack of discipline.

It is far easier to make money off needy, weak, sick, gluttonous people than it is to make money off self-sufficient, fit, healthy, conscientious people. 

We have to realize what sort of people we aspire to become, and do what it takes to become this sort of people.  No excuses.

Resist The Network Of Greed

  • Educate yourself with health information, including eating, exercise and environmental information.
  • Eradicate bad influences, including associations with people, places and practices that do not support your priority for health.
  • Participate regularly (even religiously) in regular physical activity, including striding, stretching, and strengthening.  “Striding” here simply means walking—it harmonizes with the other two “s” words, “stretching” and “strengthening”.
  • Do NOT let corporations trick you and rule you through your taste buds—they want you to buy and to eat as much food as you can, because it makes them rich.
  • Do NOT let your refrigerator rule you through your reflexes.  Just because you have food at hand does not mean that you should always eat it, especially if it is the wrong food at the wrong time.  Clean out your refrigerator, stock it with live foods (vegetables and fruits), and learn to prepare your own meals simply for good health.
  • Face your body.  Feel your body.  Focus your body.  Do NOT fail your body.  Your body is you.  Your body is your instrument in the symphony of living. 



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