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Being is You... Rolly A. Chabot

Updated on August 20, 2016




Can you smell the wisp of smoke in the air, ever so faint. It is a smell which lingers for the weary traveller. The one who is seeking a warm comforting fire, a place where he knows love lives. A place where he/she is welcomed. Such is the case here at the "Fireside."

The Fireside was created several years ago, it was a place for me to lay down roots in this huge web which has been created. The web has brought us all into a brand new era of enlightenment, even better a place where everyone has been given a voice.

So with that said I welcome the many old followers. You all know the routine, grab you favourite beverage, help yourself to cookies and what ever treats you can find. Help the new people in with open arms. Make them feel invited, you are the greatest asset in any writers dreams Please feel free to leave a comment, they are all welcomed.



Why Write

I have been asked this many times, specifically why write here on Hub Pages, The story is long in my case, you see I have been here twice. The first time under a pen name, this under my own name. The first time I tossed the 400 plus hubs because of the renumeration. This time I came back on my own validity.

I write not for money but for the pleasure if writing. It is a platform which allows it to happen to a certain degree. Step out of line and you are quickly corrected. I have come to the conclusion if someone other than yourself gains the profit, well so be it. In the end you have had your say. Thus I am here... here for as long as I am allowed anyway.

Why do I write? For the same reason you are here reading. Simply put it is for the voice I have been afforded. Plus the fact I am able to have a voice, I hope mine is heard, it is a simple voice. There will be times when the grammar, spelling and the likes will be wrong. What do I say, not a thing. Should you find it offensive, well I am not the highly trained writer some of you are. Care to read on, great if not well I will say my goodbyes now.

Uniform Not


Different Yes

This past summer I was on one of my many walkabouts. I was near the summit of Sunshine Mountain a very popular ski resort. Come mid August the climb to the top is well worth the effort as you are treated to some of the most beautiful wildflowers.

I recently learned this unique flower known as the Western Anemone grow prolifically starting out as a soft fragile flower of Pasque family. Its Latin name is Anemone Occidentalis. They thrive on rocky ridges. Please enjoy the video at the end as it takes you through the complete lifecycle of this tiny flower. I have since learned the North American Natives view this plant as somewhat sacred. Should you pick one you are showing disregard for life.

I think the reason I was drawn to it was it is different. Nature speaks to me in what some may refer as silly and yet when you look at the diversity of such a place as this and what it has to offer. All you can do is stand in awe and say "Yes." You see it is the diversity of people in our lives who enrich us. Taking the time to listen, to follow what is important that brings about a more complete life while we are here.

Known As The Badlands


Are They Really Bad

This area is only 35 minutes to the southeast of where I call home. It is the land where many dinosaur remains have been unearthed. As you drive along the miles of fertile farm land you come to this sudden chasm which has been carved into this amazing landscape.

They are known locally as the badlands and I suppose rightly so as they are not great for anything. No cattle graze here, no crops are grown here and they are truly formidable for man on foot. What they do offer though is a beauty all of their own.They stand out, they are different and once you walk them for a few miles the beauty begins to show. They have survived all on their own, they have created an ecosystem which supports all sorts of unique vegetation and special little creatures found nowhere else. Again it is different and can teach.



Can humanity co-exist as nature does, can our diversity be something which draws us together or drives us apart. Where are we when we have been commanded to love our neighbour. That can be a hard one at times, especially when our neighbours are so different from us. A recent post received some very angry outcries pointing the finger at what I believe in. You who dare I stand firm. I will not step down to your level. It is where you decide to be and it is not a place I belong in, it is all yours.

As writers I feel we have a duty to bring people together and share our lives. You can write on what ever you like. It is one of the reasons we stand apart from each other. In case anyone has not noticed we are as diverse as nature is. Nature has learned to simply belong, to make that foothold which gives you the right to stand your ground.

Writers are cut of the same cloth. Exercise your right to speak your truth and at the same time allow others the same privilege. If you the reader care to argue then there is a place called the forums where anything and everything is allowed. Write from the heart, dare to stand out my friends.....

© Rolly A. Chabot

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