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How to grow from seed

Updated on April 30, 2013

So simple to grow from seed

All these flowers were grown from seed for less than three pounds.  The seed has been gathered to use next year
All these flowers were grown from seed for less than three pounds. The seed has been gathered to use next year

How to grow from seeds

When growing plants from seeds, whether it is flowers or vegetables, you have to be patient :but it is very cheap and rewarding. You can buy seeds or collect seeds from the plants in your own garden. Either way growing from seeds can soon fill your garden or allotment with flowers, vegetables and herbs very ecconomicly. You don't need a greenhouse, or a propagator, though these things are good if you have a lot of seeds that you want to germinate. The simplest way to germinate seeds is with a seed tray, compost and a plastic bag. The words in bold are the little things that make growing from seeds more successful. Though the most important thing is use seed that is not too old.

When the seedlings grow

When the seedlings have there first true leaves harden them off outside.
When the seedlings have there first true leaves harden them off outside.

Final results

success will be yours if you follow these simple rules
success will be yours if you follow these simple rules

Step, by step

  1. Fill a seed tray to the top with compost.
  2. Firm down The compost and make it level.
  3. Spray lightly with Tepid water.
  4. Wait let the water penetrate through the compost
  5. Sprinkle the seed Thinly on the moist compost
  6. Cover the seeds lightly with more compost.
  7. Place in a clear plastic bag and tie
  8. Place on a sunny window sill.
  9. As soon as you see green shoots remove the plastic bag.

Then water lightly daily, but never in full sun as you will burn the seedlings.

Broad Beans

Broad beans germinated following the simple rules given above
Broad beans germinated following the simple rules given above

Old English Marigold

I have grown these many times from seed gathered the season before
I have grown these many times from seed gathered the season before


Using the simple rules above I grew a vast amount of flowers and vegetables from seed last year. I must admit even I was surprised at the germination rate I got from just seed trays and plastic bags. To reduce costs even further some of my seed trays were plastic trays that meat is sold in at the supermarket, and my plastic bags were the bags from bread. I had a stunning display of cottage garden flowers, notably poppies, cosmos, sweet peas and cornflowers. I also grew some beautiful orange coloured lupins which were quite unusual.

In the vegetable patch the leeks germination rate was amazing . The runner beans, peas and Mounge toute cropped earlier when started off in doors using the above method. Hopefully this year I will be able to grow two sowings of each, one started earlier indoors and the other later directly into the soil outside.

In the herb wheel i grew lots of Basil from seed which proved very popular among the cooks I know. Also the sage and chives seeds germination rate was greatly improved.

Cosmos, easy to grow from seed

Following the rules above, I grew so many cosmos that I sold some at a car boot sale. All for the price of  a packet of seed.  Bargain at 99p
Following the rules above, I grew so many cosmos that I sold some at a car boot sale. All for the price of a packet of seed. Bargain at 99p

An inexpensive way to grow herbs

A wide selection of herbs can be grown from seed
A wide selection of herbs can be grown from seed

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